A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 American biographical film about the mathematician John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics, played by Russell Crowe. The film is directed by Ron Howard based on a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman, who adapted the 1998 biography by Sylvia Nasar. In addition to Crowe, the film's cast features Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly, Paul Bettany, Adam Goldberg, Judd Hirsch, Josh Lucas, Anthony Rapp, and Christopher Plummer in supporting roles. The story begins in Nash's days as a brilliant but asocial mathematics graduate student at Princeton University. After Nash accepts secretive work in cryptography, he becomes liable to a larger conspiracy, through which he begins to question his reality.

A Beautiful Mind was the second schizophrenia-themed film that Ron Howard had planned to direct. The first, Laws of Madness, would have been based on the true story of schizophrenic Michael Laudor, who overcame difficult odds to successfully graduate from Yale Law School. Howard purchased the rights to Laudor's life story for $1.5 million in 1995 and had Brad Pitt slated to play the lead role. However, after Laudor killed his fiance in 1998 in the midst of a psychotic episode, plans for the movie were cancelled.[3][4]

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After producer Brian Grazer first read an excerpt of Sylvia Nasar's 1998 book A Beautiful Mind in Vanity Fair magazine, he immediately purchased the rights to the film. Grazer later said that many A-list directors were calling with their point of view on the project. He eventually brought the project to Ron Howard, his long-time professional partner.[5]

Grazer met with a number of screenwriters, mostly consisting of "serious dramatists", but he chose Akiva Goldsman because of his strong passion and desire for the project. Goldsman's creative take on the project was to avoid having viewers understand they are viewing an alternative reality until a specific point in the film. This was done to rob the viewers of their understanding, to mimic how Nash comprehended his experiences. Howard agreed to direct the film based on the first draft. He asked Goldsman to emphasize the love story of Nash and his wife; she was critical to his being able to continue living at home.[6]

Dave Bayer, a professor of mathematics at Barnard College, Columbia University,[7] was consulted on the mathematical equations that appear in the film. For the scene where Nash has to teach a calculus class and gives them a complicated problem to keep them busy, Bayer chose a problem physically unrealistic but mathematically very rich, in keeping with Nash as "someone who really doesn't want to teach the mundane details, who will home in on what's really interesting". Bayer received a cameo role in the film as a professor who lays his pen down for Nash in the pen ceremony near the end of the film.[8]

Greg Cannom was chosen to create the makeup effects for A Beautiful Mind, specifically the age progression of the characters. Crowe had previously worked with Cannom on The Insider. Howard had also worked with Cannom on Cocoon. Each character's stages of makeup were broken down by the number of years that would pass between levels. Cannom stressed subtlety between the stages, but worked toward the ultimate stage of "Older Nash". The production team originally decided that the makeup department would age Russell Crowe throughout the film; however, at Crowe's request, the makeup was used to push his look to resemble the facial features of John Nash. Cannom developed a new silicone-type makeup that could simulate skin and be used for overlapping applications; this shortened make-up application time from eight to four hours. Crowe was also fitted with a number of dentures to give him a slight overbite in the film.[9]

Howard and Grazer chose frequent collaborator James Horner to score the film because they knew of his ability to communicate. Howard said, regarding Horner, "it's like having a conversation with a writer or an actor or another director". A running discussion between the director and the composer was the concept of high-level mathematics being less about numbers and solutions, and more akin to a kaleidoscope, in that the ideas evolve and change. After the first screening of the film, Horner told Howard: "I see changes occurring like fast-moving weather systems". He chose it as another theme to connect to Nash's ever-changing character. Horner chose Welsh singer Charlotte Church to sing the soprano vocals after deciding that he needed a balance between a child and adult singing voice. He wanted a "purity, clarity and brightness of an instrument" but also a vibrato to maintain the humanity of the voice.[10]

The film was shot 90% chronologically. Three separate trips were made to the Princeton University campus. During filming, Howard decided that Nash's hallucinations should always be introduced first audibly and then visually. This provides a clue for the audience and establishes the hallucinations from Nash's point of view. The historic John Nash had only auditory hallucinations. The filmmakers developed a technique to represent Nash's mental epiphanies. Mathematicians described to them such moments as a sense of "the smoke clearing", "flashes of light" and "everything coming together", so the filmmakers used a flash of light appearing over an object or person to signify Nash's creativity at work.[11] Two night shots were done at Fairleigh Dickinson University's campus in Florham Park, New Jersey, in the Vanderbilt Mansion ballroom.[12] Portions of the film set at Harvard were filmed at Manhattan College.[13] (Harvard has turned down most requests for on-location filming ever since the filming of Love Story (1970), which caused significant physical damage to trees on campus.)[14]

The narrative of the film differs considerably from the events of Nash's life in many respects, as filmmakers used artistic license to create a compelling film. Most prominently, few of the characters in the film, besides John and Alicia Nash, correspond directly to actual people.[17] A Beautiful Mind has been criticized for neglecting factual events, but the filmmakers said they never intended a literal representation of his life.[18] The PBS documentary A Brilliant Madness tried to portray his life more accurately.[19]

One difficulty was finding a method to visually depict Nash's mental illness.[20] In reality, Nash never had visual hallucinations: Charles Herman (the "roommate"), Marcee Herman and William Parcher (the Defense agent) are a scriptwriter's invention. Sylvia Nasar said that the filmmakers "invented a narrative that, while far from a literal telling, is true to the spirit of Nash's story".[21] Nash spent his years between Princeton and MIT as a consultant for the RAND Corporation in California, but in the film he is portrayed as having worked for the Department of Defense at the Pentagon instead. His handlers, both from faculty and administration, had to introduce him to assistants and strangers.[11]

Nash is shown to join Wheeler Laboratory at MIT, but there is no such lab. Instead, he was appointed as C. L. E. Moore instructor at MIT, and later as a professor.[26] The film furthermore does not touch on the revolutionary work of John Nash in differential geometry and partial differential equations, such as the Nash embedding theorem or his proof of Hilbert's nineteenth problem, work which he did in his time at MIT and for which he was given the Abel Prize in 2015. The so-called pen ceremony tradition at Princeton shown in the film is completely fictitious.[11][27] The film has Nash saying in 1994: "I take the newer medications". In fact, he did not take any medication from 1970 onward, something highlighted in Nasar's biography. Howard later stated that they added the line of dialogue because they worried that the film would be criticized for suggesting that all people with schizophrenia can overcome their illness without medication.[11] In addition, Nash never gave an acceptance speech for his Nobel prize.

A Beautiful Mind was released on VHS and DVD, in wide- and full-screen editions, in North America on June 25, 2002.[28] The DVD set includes audio commentaries, deleted scenes, and documentaries.[29] The film was also released on Blu-ray in North America on January 25, 2011.[30]

During the five-day weekend of the limited release, A Beautiful Mind opened at the #12 spot at the box office,[31] peaking at the #2 spot following the wide release.[32] The film went on to gross $170,742,341 in the United States and Canada and $313,542,341 worldwide.[2]

Writing in the Los Angeles Times, Lisa Navarrette criticized the casting of Jennifer Connelly as Alicia Nash as an example of whitewashing. Alicia Nash was born in El Salvador and had an accent not portrayed in the film.[41]

It finally dawned on me in the scene when Ed Harris' character threatens Nash in his office and then storms off, and Nash's friend looks down the hallway in confusion. It took me over an HOUR, even with the knowledge that Nash had paranoid schizophrenia to understand what was happening in the film.

Anyways, I thought it was a very well executed film and I was surprised I'd literally never heard of it before. It's been a while since a plot twist has fooled me so hard. Russel Crowe absolutely disappears into his performance, Paul Bettany and that dude from Ford v Ferrari are great as well, Ed Harris just plays himself, and Jennifer Connelly is absolutely beautiful and fantastic as always.

"A Beautiful Mind" stars Russell Crowe as Nash, and Jennifer Connelly as his wife, Alicia, who is pregnant with their child when the first symptoms of his disease become apparent. It tells the story of a man whose mind was of enormous service to humanity while at the same time betrayed him with frightening delusions. Crowe brings the character to life by sidestepping sensationalism and building with small behavioral details. He shows a man who descends into madness and then, unexpectedly, regains the ability to function in the academic world. Nash has been compared to Newton, Mendel and Darwin, but was also for many years just a man muttering to himself in the corner. 0852c4b9a8

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