Join us in the ethics workshop ViVaRE! and discuss topics such as ChatGPT, proctoring and finances and their ethical dilemmas using the Square of Values (SoV).
SoV is a visual modeling approach for identifying ethical scenarios in system development. It will be introduced and applied to case studies during the workshop. No paper submission is required to participate. Case study materials will be supplied. After the workshop all participants are invited to co-author an experience report on the use of the Square of Values.
About the workshop
The Square of Values (SoV) approach (based on the works on values of Helwig 1967; Schulz von Thun 2011; Schulz von Thun n.d., and virtues of Aristotle and Brown 2009) allows to model ethical dilemmas, among others, in software development, and possible system designs can be derived that provide solutions to resolve these dilemmas with an ethically reflected system design. The approach has been initially introduced as means for ethical reflection in software and system design by Rachmann 2012 and Rachmann 2019.
The SoV approach extends a set of existing approaches for ethically reflected system design, such as Value Sensitive Design (VSD) by Friedman et al. 2013 and Technikbewertung by Ropohl 1996. It is intended to be used in addition to traditional RE methodologies as a complementary tool for ethical reasoning. Other related work on the application of SoV in information system developed can be found in Koopstra 2020; Maaten 2022.
Goal of the Workshop
The workshop will provide a theoretical and practical introduction to the Square of Values (SoV) approach. After presenting the concepts behind the SoV, participants will practically apply the approach along ethical case studies. Subsequently, there will be a guided discussion about how appropriate the approach is for ethical system design.
The results of the discussion will documented in a research paper for which the participants of the workshop will be invited to be co-authors.
Workshop Format
The workshop does not expect participants to submit a contribution beforehand. Participants are asked to activley take part in the interactive modelling sessions. The modelling sessions are designed to be easy to contribute. Depending on the number of participants, the modelling sessions will take place in groups of multiple persons. The results of the modelling sessions will be presented in the auditorium.
April 17, 2023, Alimara Hotel Barcelona, room “Besalú”
9:00h Welcome & Introduction
9:10h Impulse by Birgit Penzenstadler
9:20h SoV as a Modelling Approach in RE: Case Study “Finance App”
9:50h Group Modelling Session 1: Case Study “Proctoring”
10:20h Group Presentation of Case Study 1
10:30h Coffee Break
11:00h Group Modelling Session 2: Case Study “ChatGPT”
11:30h Group Presentation of Case Study 2
11:45h Lessons learned session / planning to write a joint paper
12:30h End of workshop
Target Audience
The target group of the workshop are scientists and practitioners from computer science, information systems and related disciplines who are interested in ethical issues and values in the context of requirements engineering and system development. A background in the field of philosophy is not a prerequisite for participating in the workshop. The workshop aims at attracting interested participants of the entire REFSQ’23 conference.
Sign up
To participate in the workshop, sign up here. No paper submission is required for participation.