

ParaMoC is a parallel model checker for pushdown systems. In this page it is possible to download the command-line version of ParaMoC. We provide it as an executable file, so that it can be directly used without having to compile it. ParaMoC requires at least CUDA9.0 and JDK1.8 to run. You can download CUDA9.0 form You also need a NVIDIA GPU, whose capability is above 6.0.


The usage of the checker is as follows:

ParaMoC <modelfile> <formula> [options]

[-f] read <formula> as name of file containing Buchi automaton

[-o] print automaton

[-pB] compute reachability

[-i NUM] run NUM iterations per thread run (default 1)

[-t NUM] use NUM threads (default 1*32, num of threads will be 32*NUM )

ParaMoC Download
