
About Snap!

Snap! is a programming language — a way you can tell a computer what you want it to do. Snap! is a visual language; instead of writing a program using the keyboard, the Snap! programmer uses a drag-and-drop interface familiar to computer users.
Snap! is modeled after Scratch, which was created at MIT Media Labs and is used in many grade schools around the world. Snap! has a target audience that is 14 to 20 years of age compared to Scratch's target audience of 6 to 16 years of age. Nowadays there will be students in your class that have used Scratch, already. And if they are familiar with Scratch, they will find Snap! to be almost identical
For more information about Snap, click here.

About Me

I have a total of 20 years teaching experience. This is my 16th year at a public high school about 60 miles northeast of Philadelphia. I teach mostly ninth grade physics. I also teach a weather and climate course. Before committing to Snap!, I tried to bring programming into my classroom using Lego Mindstorms and for one year using a text-based language similar to Python. I have a B.S./M.S. in imaging science from Rochester Institute of Technology. My first five years out of college I was involved with image processing and computer animation where I became familiar with programming and its rewards. During these years I recall somebody saying: animators are either programmers who know physics, or physicists who know how to program. I don't know if that was necessarily true then or now, but I like the sound of it.

Contact me

email: www.physicswithsnap@gmail.com