The Mind's Eye Ch. 01

This series contains multiple chapters. Some may contain subjects such as revenge, incest, or anal. All will contain non-consensual mind control. If any of these themes offend you, please leave now.

All characters are at least eighteen years old. This is a series of one-shots that may not be in chronological order. You can learn everything you need to know by reading the first chapter.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable for every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Lastly, I would like to thank every editor who helped me with this story.


I'd been away at college for over a month when I received my first phone call from my mother. That was surprising; we weren't exactly on the best of terms. When I picked up, she was borderline hysterical. It took her a minute to calm down and deliver the news: she was pregnant!

Mom was shocked because she had no idea how that was possible. She swore that she and my father hadn't had sex in years. They were both baffled.

They weren't alone. Mom said that plenty of other middle-aged women in town were saying they were pregnant but had no way of explaining how. Most of them said their husbands were losing interest in sex. One woman was a widow. Another was a divorcee. All claimed to have no idea how they had become pregnant.

Mom said that doctors were just as baffled as they were. A wide battery of tests turned up nothing. There was no known natural explanation for how so many women could become pregnant without knowing how.

When she was finally finished, I was silent for a moment, trying to think of something to say.

"Well, mom... have you ever thought that maybe this is just God's will?" I questioned.

"Oh!" She sounded surprised. "No... No, I hadn't thought of that. That--That must be it. Of course! This must be the work of God! Goodbye, Adam."

She hung up without another word. Which was good because I couldn't keep a straight face any longer. Only mom could've missed the sarcasm in my voice. The work of God? No, this was the work of me.

I wonder what my mother would've said if she found out she was pregnant with her own son's child? She'd probably die of a heart attack. So would some of the other women.

I'm recording this as the first in a series of entries. If you are lucky enough to be reading this, it means you were able to break through three layers of AES encryption. Allow me to give you a reward: the secret of mind control!


The most extraordinary day of my life began the summer after I'd graduated high school. I'd finished near the top of my class, and my performance had earned me a scholarship for the fall. I planned on majoring in economics, then applying for law school. I figured that if money ran out, a degree in economics would offer plenty of fallback options.

My move-in date was in a month, and as far as I was concerned, it couldn't come soon enough. Words cannot express how much I was looking forward to leaving. There were plenty of things I wouldn't miss, but the biggest one was probably my parents.

My folks and I have more problems than most households. Simply put, they are deeply religious, and I am not. Here in the Bible Belt, being a fervently conservative evangelical Christian was seen as something to be admired. My parents were disappointed that, far from being blessed with a pious young man, their only son wanted to get out and experience what they considered to be the secular, corrupt modern world.

There was certainly no love lost between us at this point. I took out my frustration in the only way I could: packing. I couldn't say with certainty that I'd never be back, but I could hope. I was already looking for jobs that would allow me to live on campus between semesters. Might as well be prepared.

Dad was working late, as usual. We didn't exactly share the strongest of bonds, but things with my dad were much better than with my mom. Thankfully she was downstairs; hopefully, it would stay that way.

Things were scattered all across the room. I'm usually very organized, but today I needed to start going through everything I owned. I searched every nook and cranny, trying to find anything I'd hidden.

I had no problem picking up or moving anything. If my academic performance led you to believe I was a scrawny nerd, then your imagination failed you. There seemed to be a gene for natural muscle generation, and I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to be born with it. I wasn't a professional bodybuilder or anything, but I did have muscle mass without needing to work for it.

Despite that, most people still considered me a bit of a nerd. Mostly on account of my difficulty socializing. I blame my parents for that. My mom always tried to keep me isolated, so my interaction with other people my age was limited. Especially girls.

You might've already guessed that meant I was still a virgin, and indeed, you would be right. Partially because I only turned eighteen a few weeks before graduation, so I didn't have enough time. But mostly, it was on account of my mother. She'd break out the pitchfork if I ever came home with a girl. If I sound bitter, it's because I am. My mother has always been very controlling.

I shook those thoughts and tried to move on. There were more important things to dwell on. I smiled as I pulled out my most prized possession. I carefully placed it on the table, trying not to damage the aging cover.

My parents would've burned this over a bonfire if they discovered it. It was an ancient book called Treaties on the Nature Of Forces Beyond This World. Written by Elias Ashmole, the man who would later go on to found the Freemasons, it was a detailed account of a wide variety of occult topics. Acquiring it was not easy, but boy, was it worth it.

I was very different from most people in two ways. The first was how big I am. The second was an interest in the metaphysical. For some reason, I believed that supernatural forces were possible, despite my aptitude for science. But, hey, none of us is completely normal.

My mind flashed back to a chapter I recently completed. It was about something called 'The Mind's Eye.' Ashmole claimed it was possible to enter another human being's mind and control it. "That would certainly go a long way in explaining the Freemasons," I thought to myself.

The concept goes back over five thousand years. It appears in almost every culture worldwide, where it is commonly known as the Evil Eye. Ashmole traced a detailed history of the practice in witchcraft, where it was known as 'overlooking.'

I tried practicing it for a few weeks, mostly on some friends and neighbors. No luck so far. Maybe it really was rubbish. Or perhaps I simply didn't understand it correctly. Ashmole didn't exactly leave a detailed step-by-step instruction manual.

All it said was that a person had to be very focused to use the Mind's Eye. It stressed that mental discipline and strength of will were key to unlocking its power. You must force yourself into your victim's mind with unwavering resolve. Few people possessed that ability, but those who did could mold anyone's mind into whatever form they desired.


I was ripped back to reality. Oh shit! Mom was standing in the doorway, looking straight at the book. Her face was contorted with fury. One look at her, and I could tell this was going to be bad.

She marched in and grabbed Ashmole's book from the desk. If looks could kill, she'd cruelly strangle her own son to death.

"What is this?" she hissed, her voice full of venom.

"Um, a book I got from the library," I lied.


I couldn't help rolling my eyes. "Come on, mom. It's just a book."

"Just a book!?" she demanded. "You think this is a game? You think blaspheming against the Lord is a joke?!"

She glared at me for a moment, her eyes burning with self-righteous anger.

"I told your father we were making a mistake letting you go to college," she told me, her voice rising. "I told him it would lead you away from the Lord. I was right!

"Well, no more," she slammed the book down and walked to the door before spinning around to face me again. "You aren't going anywhere, Adam. I am calling to have you withdrawn. You are staying here, with us." She turned her back to me.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I exploded, unable to contain my anger any longer. I crossed the room, my own face contorted with fury. I grabbed her arm and angrily pulled her back to face me. "You can't do that!"

She showed no mercy. "I am your mother," she said, looking angrier than I had ever seen her before. "I can do whatever I want."

She threw my arm off her shoulder and slapped me. I winced in pain as I felt her nails scratching my skin.

That was the final straw. My rage grew until it knew no bounds. I'd had plenty of fights with my mother over the years, but this one took the cake. This old-fashioned bitch still thought everyone should live according to her personal values from another century. She was incapable of comprehending that the real world was nothing like her precious Old Testament worldview.

I was no longer angry. I wasn't even furious. At that moment, I hated my mother more than I had ever hated anyone or anything else. I swore I would get back at this repugnant bitch if it was the last thing I did!

Somehow, in my anger, I had an epiphany. I knew how to make the Mind's Eye work. I have no way of explaining it. All I knew was that I did. That was all that mattered.

I grabbed her and pulled her face to me. I looked deep into her eyes and formed the image of what I wanted.

I wanted her completely powerless--an empty shell, incapable of thought. Without breaking eye contact, I focused that image and began drilling it into her.

I could feel myself enter her mind. She sensed my presence and instinctively fought to expel the invader. I forced myself deeper, trying to exert my will over hers and dominate her completely. It became a contest of wills as we battled for control.

In the end, I was the stronger one. I could visualize her mental defenses being pushed into a corner. With one final effort, I forced myself in, destroying her final resistance in the process. Every nook and cranny of her mind now belonged to me.

The entire process lasted less than a second. When I pulled out, a vacant expression came over her face. When I looked into her eyes, there was absolutely no soul behind them. The Mind's Eye had worked! Faith Miller, my mother, was now completely under my control.

I backed away. When she didn't move, I knew I had some time to figure out my next move. I knew I would need to erase her memory. That went without saying. But who said I had to do it right this moment? Maybe there were other things I could do first.

My first thought was money: credit card numbers, safe combinations, or spare cash. I quickly dismissed that idea; mind control or not, mom and dad would notice unexplained purchases or missing valuables.

I tried thinking if there was anything she could do for me. Anything she could say or do or write that would benefit me. I came up blank. In her current state, she wasn't capable of much.

I racked my brains to try and figure out some other way I could exploit this for my own benefit. No matter how hard I tried, I came up empty. Typical. Mom was useless even when she was hypnotized.

I was about to just wipe her memory clean and be done with it, but as I looked her over, I stopped. I had to admit, she did look stunning. Her top was stretched over her big tits, and her short shirk showed off her smooth, shapely legs quite nicely. I realized I was wrong. There was one thing mom could be useful for: her body.

My lips slowly widened into the biggest smile of my life. Why hadn't I thought about using the Mind's Eye that way before!? My mother was a beautiful woman. Now here she was: bound, immobilized, and helpless. No way was I gonna pass up this opportunity. If I wanted to lose my virginity, I couldn't have found a better way to do it.

I spent a minute or two planning what to do, then looked back into my mom's empty gaze. I entered her mind with my next order: she couldn't move or speak unless I gave her permission. But she would remain conscious, fully aware of everything that was happening.

When I was finished, I saw life return to her eyes. I could still see that same self-righteous anger. She had no regrets about trying to ruin my life. Any guilt about what I was about to do evaporated.

I stepped back and left her there for a moment. She continued to glare daggers. Her anger was slowly replaced with confusion as she realized that she couldn't move. Her eyes darted around the room as she tried to figure out why her arms and legs wouldn't respond.

I smiled and walked past her, out into the hallway. "Turn around," I told her.

She instantly spun to face me. Her eyes widened in bewilderment as her body obeyed my demands even though it would not obey hers. My grin grew. "Follow me."

I stepped into my parent's bedroom. My mother followed close behind. She was walking stiffly, her legs shooting out at ninety-degree angles, like a robot. When I told her to stop, her legs dropped, and her arms remained planted at her sides. She was standing in the middle of the room, looking very perplexed.

So, mother," I cheerfully remarked. "You may have noticed something unusual. You can't move. You can't even speak. I actually have you to thank for that. Thanks to your outburst back there, I now have the power to control other people's minds, including yours.

"I honestly am grateful for that. But, even still, that was a really shitty thing you were going to do, and I intend to pay you back for it," I warned darkly.

I grinned like a predator zeroing in on its prey. "Strip!" I ordered.

Her look changed from bewilderment to alarm as her hands went about removing her clothes. She grabbed her stretch top from around her waist, lifting it up over her large breasts. Her tits shook as she struggled to peel it over her head. Once it was removed, she flung it aside and bent over.

She started loosening her skirt. It was dark blue and seemed designed to cover as little of her shapely legs as possible. I couldn't believe this was happening. My own mother was stripping right in front of me. Man, was I ever thankful for Ashmole and the Mind's Eye. She finished peeling away her skirt and flung it off. My mother was now dressed in nothing but matching navy blue panties and a bra. I had her pause so that I could truly admire her for the first time.

There was no doubt that my mother was a beautiful woman. As my eyes freely roamed her body, I let out a low whistle. I won't say that I'd never noticed that my mom was attractive before, but I'd never thought about her like this before.

Faith Miller, my mother, was forty years old yet looked closer to thirty. She was about five-foot-four, and her body was slim, lean, and firm. Her skin was still fair and smooth, as was her silky, golden hair that reached her shoulders. Her blue eyes and rosy lips completed the picture of classic beauty.

The only real sign of her true age was her face. It wasn't wrinkled or worn, but her constant anger and stress had taken their toll.

More than making up for it was her fantastic set of tits. They were stiff and forward-pointing but surprisingly sag-free. They shook and wobbled a lot because they were so heavy, but they were remarkably firm for a woman of her age.

Mom looked frightened as she realized what was going on. When she saw the look in my eyes, any doubt vanished. Her face paled as it dawned on her what I was planning on doing to her.

She was horrified, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't move or cry for help. She couldn't even budge one inch! All she could do was emit a high-pitched whimper.

I pulled her towards me and started unwrapping her bra and panties myself. My mouth was dry as I unhooked the catch, and when her tits bounced free, I nearly had a heart attack. They shook several times before settling into place. They were amazing!

I checked the bra and saw that my mother was a size 34C. I was mildly surprised; I thought they would've been larger. But they were still fantastic nonetheless. My experience with my mother convinced me that a woman didn't need to have an outrageously large number and letter size to have an excellent set of tits.

I clamped my hands around her firm tits and started playing with them. She whimpered in protest as I bent down and started to kiss and lick them from all sides. Her yelps became even more high-pitched when I started playing with her surprisingly erect nipples using my tongue.

I began sucking on my mother's tits for the first time since I was a baby. Back then, it had been a choice for her and pure instinct for me. This time, our roles were reversed. I was the one making a decision; she could only stand there and accept it.

She groaned in protest as my teeth raked her nipples. Then she cried out when I closed my teeth around them and started to pull her sensitive flesh. By the time I was done, her nipples were visibly hard. She would never admit it, but she was beginning to get turned on.

I would've loved to spend more time playing with my mother's tits, but we needed to move on. Dad wouldn't be back for a while, but our time was not unlimited. I dropped her panties and had her step out of them. She was now completely naked.

I wasted no time in getting nude myself. My clothes went flying off so fast that I don't even remember what I had on. When I pulled my boxers down, she tried to scream, but it only came out as a muffled shriek. Her eyes nearly popped as she caught her first glimpse of my exposed manhood.

Remember when I said I was big? That extends to all parts of me, including my cock. Close to ten inches long and over two-and-a-half inches thick, I could rank among the top five percent of most endowed men on the planet.

Until today, I'd never had the chance to use it. No longer. My mother was going to take it, whether she wanted to or not. The thought of splitting her open with my cock was oh so satisfying. But first things first. "Get down on your hands and knees. Good, now crawl toward me."

Mom stared in horror as she approached. She'd clearly never suspected just how big her son was. I held my cock and started rubbing her face with it. The feel of my cock touching human flesh for the first time helped me reach full hardness in no time. Mom whimpered in revulsion when I laid my entire engorged cock on top of her face. She looked like she was growing cross-eyed just from staring at it.

"Okay, mother," I told her as I held my cock out. "Suck it." Nothing happened for several seconds. She groaned in disgust as she tried to resist the inevitable. I prodded her face with my enormous mushroom-shaped head a few times. "Come on, mother. Suck it! Open your pretty little mouth as wide as you can, and suck my cock!"

Her lips slowly parted. They quivered as she tried to resist such a revulting act. But try as she might, her mouth began to open as her body was compelled to obey by an unseen force.

I enjoyed watching her struggle, but this was taking too long. I entered her mind, forcing my will upon her once more. I commanded her to suck my cock with enthusiasm. First, she would lick the head, tracing the crown with her tongue. After she was done, she would open her mouth wide and swallow as much of my cock as she could.

Once again, the Mind's Eye performed flawlessly. Her mouth opened, and she began sucking my cock with a skill she would never have been capable of in her normal state. She started licking the whole thing, slowly running around the crown with her tongue, just as I had ordered her to.r"