
UNDERGraduate Students

Progressive Christians @ OSU is a campus ministry that places faith and action in the hands of students for students. If you are looking for a place to begin, expand or share your spiritual journey, this is the student club for you!

Weekly Fellowship

Progressive Christians @ OSU is currently not meeting as an official Student Organization. Instead, you're invited to a casual off-campus "weekly meetup" to talk about life, faith, and anything else that comes to mind! Summit on 16th United Methodist Church will be our host, located at 82 East 16th Ave. Weather permitting, we'll meet on the front lawn, so bring a lawn chair or a blanket, and get a breath of fresh air with us! All are welcome.



Amy Oblinger serves at the campus minister for Summit on 16th UMC and the facilitator for Progressive Christians @ OSU.

You can reach her at amy@summitumc.org