

9Now is one of the most demanded platforms which provides you with the best quality content with an easy-to-understand stand interface. Users can easily use it on many devices, you just have to log in to your account at 9now.com.au/activate and you’ll get access to all services of the 9now platform. 

How do you Signup on 9now.com.au/activate?

All you need is a valid email address and password. The signup process is straightforward and takes less time to complete.

What are the Devices are Support with 9Now?

There are various devices that you can use to watch 9Now via 9now.com.au/activate. These include Android devices:

Streaming Devices

Smart TVs

Mobile Devices


Gaming Consoles

Where to Enter 9 now activate code?

Open a web browser and type 9now.com.au/activate into the address bar. Get your activation key after entering your login information. To access the 9now app, input the activation code on the Android TV.

How Can you Watch 9Now Available on your TV?