I work with 8pt grid system in my designs, and Internet resources have tons of posts on how good it is and why. What are the advantages of a 10pt grid? In which cases can we use it? Why is it not popular as popular as the 8pt grid?

Auto-layout for flexbox grid columns also means you can set the width ofone column and have the sibling columns automatically resize around it.You may use predefined grid classes (as shown below), grid mixins, orinline widths. Note that the other columns will resize no matter thewidth of the center column.

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Most Victron inverters and inverter/chargers include two important relays: an AC input relay that disconnects the grid from the inverter/charger core and the AC output; a ground relay that makes a neutral/safety ground connection. The ground relay is open when the AC input relay is closed because the incoming AC already has a neutral/safety ground connection up stream (at the service entrance). But when the inverter disconnects from the AC input there is no neutral/safety ground connection, so the ground relay closes. The ground relay then allows fault current to return to the neutral side of the inverter.

I understand your thoughts. Given that you understand the subject and Victron equipment quite well, what should I do in the case of many Quattros in parallel in an off-grid context to avoid creating multiple ground/neutral bonds in the system? Disable the ground setting on all but one Quattro? Or this is automatic when operating multiple Quattros in parallel?

And because what I have is an off-grid system, with absolutely no AC inputs for the inverter (no grid, no generator, no nothing), the neutral/ground connection is automatically established by the inverter, inside the inverter.

Lesson number 4: if an inverter/charger is powered by both a battery bank AND the grid (or a generator), this whole ground safety connection scenario is a lot more complicated, and is highly dependent of the specs of the components.

In the case of an off-grid system with no AC source, the safety/neutral bond is made inside the inverter WHEN it is operating without an AC source. In the case of a generator, the inverter will open it's ground relay and expect the safety/neutral connection to be made upstream. So the generator should create this safety/neutral connection either internally or in the wiring between the generator and the inverter input.

The above bootstrap grid example creates three equal-width columns across all devices and viewports using our predefined grid classes. Those columns are centered in the page with the parent .container.

Our grid supports six responsive breakpoints. Breakpoints are based on min-width media queries, meaning they affect that breakpoint and all those above it (e.g., .col-sm-4 applies to sm, md, lg, xl, and xxl). This means you can control container and column sizing and behavior by each breakpoint.

There are five tiers to the Bootstrap grid system, one for each range of devices we support. Each tier starts at a minimum viewport size and automatically applies to the larger devices unless overridden.

Get three columns starting at desktops and scaling to large desktops of various widths. Remember, grid columns should add up to twelve for a single horizontal block. More than that, and columns start stacking no matter the viewport.

The Bootstrap v5 grid system has five tiers of classes: xs (extra small, this class infix is not used), sm (small), md (medium), lg (large), and xl (extra large). You can use nearly any combination of these classes to create more dynamic and flexible layouts.

Variables and maps determine the number of columns, the gutter width, and the media query point at which to begin floating columns. We use these to generate the predefined grid classes documented above, as well as for the custom mixins listed below.

Travel writer and Chicagoan Luis Gusto's video post about the Chicago grid helped inform a lot of the content you'll find here. You can find more of his "Living in Chicago" vlog (and subscribe to future episodes) on YouTube.

We begin our exploration of the grid with a short historical video about the origins of the grid system by "Chicago Aussie" Jack Brandtman. You can find more of his Chicago-focused content on YouTube as well.

In 1901, Rogers Park resident (and private citizen) Edward P. Brennan approached the city council with a solution: re-name and re-number nearly all city streets according to a new convention, wherein street numbers would locate properties relative to central X (east-west) and Y (north-south) axes, with an imaginary center point at the intersection of Madison (east-west) and State (north-south) streets, in the heart of the downtown business district. Eight years (and dozens of City Council meetings) later, Brennan's proposal was adopted by the city council, and the Chicago grid system was implemented.

Learning the grid system requires some effort, but once you understand it, it will enable you to navigate Chicago with much more confidence. A grid-savvy Chicagoan immediately knows, for example, that Harper Library (1116 E. 59th St.) can be found on the north side of 59th Street, which should be an east-west road approximately 7 miles south of the city center (and therefore on the South Side). That same Chicagoan, when asked to meet a friend at Kimbark plaza (53rd and Woodlawn) on a cold winter evening after a long day of studying in Harper, immediately recognizes that this would involve a seven block walk, that that's almost a mile, and that they don't want to do it in January. See how useful?

This is a simple, but important rule to remember: the center of the grid (that is, the place where the X and Y axes cross) is at State and Madison, in the heart of Chicago's historic downtown/the Loop. Remember: State is a north-south street, and Madison is an east-west street.

As we mentioned above, the intersection of State and Madison streets is the center of the grid. It's also the ZERO-POINT for all addresses in Chicago. To put it another way, lower address numbers in Chicago are going to be closer to Madison or State streets; higher numbers will be further away. (Preview of coming rules: the grid will actually tell you how far away an address is from Madison or State -- see the next few rules to learn how.)

Both this rule and the previous rule suggest an important observation: prefixes are essential in knowing where you are supposed to be in the city. By virtue of its grid system, Chicago frequently has two versions of each address, one on each side of either Madison (for north-south streets) or State (for east-west streets). To return to a previous example, Harper Library is located at 1116 E 59th St. There is also a building at 1116 W 59th -- it's actually an empty lot on a quiet block in Englewood.

Perhaps the BEST feature of the Chicago grid is its street numbering convention. Per Brennan's 1901 plan, each city block can have no more than 100 addresses...and each new block starts the next hundred numbers.

The following map indicates where many of Chicago's neighborhoods (not Community Areas, see previous article!) are located in relation to the grid -- see the numbers along the edges of the map, which give grid/address block numbers for many major Chicago streets.

Another almost magical feature of the Chicago grid is the uniform length of ALL sides of an average city block: 1/8 of a mile. This makes it easy to calculate, not only relative distances (e.g., "Belmont is just 8 blocks north of Fullerton"), but also actual distances between streets, addresses, and so on.

If all of this seems almost impossible to translate into the "real world" when you're out and about in the city, Chicago's official signage can help! Almost all street signs include that street's grid reference as well (look to the signs that are over the streets, e.g. on light poles, not the ones that you find on short poles on street corners).

This is especially true on the South Side of the city, where -- as you may have already guessed -- street names directly reference the grid. Starting with 8th St. (in the loop), almost all E/W streets on the South Side match their grid/address coordinates. This means that 55th St. marks the beginning of the 5500 South block, 79th St. marks the beginning of the 7900 block, etc. Note that a few South Side streets are named, mostly historic roads or boulevards -- for example, 55th Street is also known as Garfield Boulevard as it approaches Garfield Park, and 1200 S is still named "Roosevelt Rd." Still, this can make navigation a lot easier on the South Side!

Perhaps more usefully, the grid includes major streets at each mile out from the "axial" streets of Madison and State. (For a good map of the city highlighting these streets, see the rule about street numbers, above.)

Congratulations! You now know everything you need to know about the "rules" that govern Chicago's grid system. Of course, like any system, this one has its exceptions, AKA places where the system breaks down. Particular exceptions usually have some history associated with them -- e.g., alleys that became streets due to infilling, blocks that pre-date (and survived) the Chicago fire, etc.

The largest set of exceptions to the grid are Chicago's prominent diagonal streets. Here too, there's historic significance involved: most of the diagonals faithfully trace the trading routes of the region's original inhabitants, principally the Potawatomie, Ojibwa and Odawa tribes. As a general rule, the diagonal streets radiate out from the loop, and intersect the regular "grid" streets at major intersections. (Long-time Chicagoans refer to such intersections as "Six-Ways.") In the last decades of the 19th Century and early decades of the 20th, these traditional roads also boasted street car lines, as the following map demonstrates. When reading it, note how the routes emphasized the very same diagonals we have today -- from North to South, Broadway, Clark St., Lincoln Ave., Clybourn Ave., Elston Ave., Milwaukee Ave., Grand Ave., Ogden Ave., VIncennes Ave., Blue Island Ave., Archer Ave., and South Chicago Ave.: 006ab0faaa

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