I listen as background music while I'm working so I kind of didn't notice this until recently. I thought I was going crazy when I noticed that when listening to my Playlists on shuffle it seemed like I was hearing the same songs over and over. In one of them I have 467 songs, over 5+ hours, so no way I should be hearing the same songs. I actually scrolled through the page you go to when you click Shuffle and realized that there are only like 50 songs on that page.

This is happening to me too. It's extremely frustrating, especially since you can't delete songs from your library without removing them from playlists too. I updated to the newest version of IOS in hopes it would help-- no luck. As others have said, if you are really really quick on adding a song after turning the setting off yet again it seems to work sometimes, but that's annoying, unreliable, and only lets you add one song at a time.

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Me too!! I thought it was only me, but I tried restarting my phone and deleting Apple Music and reinstalling, but that doesn't work either so don't stress yourself to do so. I might contact Apple to see if they can do anything about it, but for the meantime, keep deleting songs out of your library.

If you're wanting to add songs to a playlist , go to the playlist and select "edit". Then add the songs by search. I haven't had them added to my library and I added at least 6 new songs to a playlist.

This seems to a bug that crawled in after the last update. They need to fix this asap, it's annoying and it would definitely be a driving factor on me switching music streaming service. My music library is sacred. I add songs to a playlist and depending on a few factors they either ascend to my music library or stay in the playlist till whenever.

I am also having this problem, i thought i was the only one! It's so annoying because if i delete it from my library the whole album is deleted from my playlists. i thought updating it would help but it didn't. does anyone know how to fix this??

I have removed the "liked" status of many longs that are in my liked songs playlist. I do this by unchecking the heart status that is highlighted as "liked". I've been removing many for awhile while listening to my "Liked songs" playlist from my library. On the screen it will pop up and say "Removed from Liked Songs but I still get a lot of previous songs that were "unhearted" still playing in the Liked playlist. The songs heart is not highlighted so it's not liked anymore but still plays when I use the liked songs playlist. I've got so many I unchecked the "like" status mostly because I was tired of hearing them but they continue to be in my liked playlist. Frustrating and why doesn't remove them like the pop-up says it does?

On another note, if this doesn't do the trick, can you share with us the link to the song(s) you removed from your Liked Songs playlists and that you still notice in it? You can follow the steps in this article to do it.

I've done a quick search across these Garmin forums and the Spotify community and can't find anyone else who finds it annoying that the "Liked Songs" playlist is not an option in the Spotify ConnectIQ app. This is really strange as the "Liked Songs" list is given the prominent top position in the music playlists in "My Library" in the Spotify iOS app; clearly indicating it's something people want/like/use.

I believe the Spotify ConnectIQ app is under Spotify's control, rather than Garmin, so any change will need to be initiated by Spotify. So I've started an Idea Thread over on the Spotify ideas area (Spotify do actually review this area and act on it). If anyone else would like to see "Liked Songs" in the playlists on the Spotify ConnectIQ app implemented, please head over to the spotify community ideas area here -Submissions/Garmin-Your-Library-Include-quot-Liked-Songs-quot-in-Spotify/idi-p/4880361 and hit the suggestion with a +vote (and supporting comment if you can manage it). Thanks!

If they could add a like function too that would be even better, but I imagine that might be a bit tricky given the ConnectIQ version of Spotify is infrequently connected to their servers (only when you do a WiFi sync with Spotify to update or add playlists), which could cause sync priority headaches.

I generally find the Spotify smartphone app is a great way of just browsing around music on Spotify, then I just hit the like symbol when I find something I want to listen to again. Equally, it's fairly quick to unlike something when you've had enough of a like song. So for me, the "Liked Songs" playlist is dynamic and ever changing, which is one of the primary reasons I'd like to have it on my Fenix too.

Do you take your phone with you for activities? I'm a bit torn between using the phone vs the watch for music. For audiobook I have a good app on the phone, I don't think the watch can replace that. When I tried just the watch I had this "tech from the future feel" and it's already amazing that you can download a playlist to it. Liked Songs option wouldn't hurt but then the watch would be downloading your new additions all the time, and possibly, a lot. For now I see this as a bit of a first world problem :D I can always just cultivate a few playlists, and pick songs from liked to an activity playlist. Hell, I could grab all liked and make a manual copy of the entrie list, but as a named, garmin-compatible playlist.

I think they don't offer this becase most peple may not cultivate playlists much but almost exclusively use the liking feature. That means hundreds or thousands of songs easily, one could easily exhaust the storage on the garmin device in one go. I "only" have 600 songs, that's fine (still takes forever to sync up, on wifi). I heavily use playlists too, not everything in them is liked, far from it. But I guess it's more common to have thousands of songs in liked than in any given playlist.

2. You make it sound like leaving the watch to sync is an impossible task to complete when in fact you set it to sync and let it do its thing, regardless of how long it takes. This would always be a preferred option over having to and as you suggested, manually update and copy songs that are already in my "Liked songs" playlist to another playlist when then needs to be synced with my watch in any case. So not only do I/others that want a solution for this problem to have more work but also, unnecessary work which the devs can EASILY resolve by adding this functionality. Heck, the damn API call to pull the "Liked songs" list exists.

I'm NOT attacking you or bashing your idea, I am simply trying to explain this "first world problem" in a constructive and critical manner ;-)

@malgor I moved your post to the My Collection space as there is already a playlist for this included with your Pandora Premium subscription - it's called My Thumbs Up Playlist.

My Thumbs Up is a playlist that collects your Thumbed Up tracks from each of your stations. Every time you thumb up a song on your stations, it will be automatically added to this playlist. My Thumbs Up playlists will only play the songs you have Thumbed Up.

@malgor While there isn't a link I can provide with instructions, I can say that the stations you continue to thumb up tracks on should generate those Thumbs Up playlists as they gain enough thumb feedback.

Ok, I must be missing something. I have stations with 100s of "thumbs up" songs on them, yet I only see one playlist that combines every thumbs up from every station into a massive playlist. I do not see any options under "playlists" in my collection to select a playlist with only "thumbs up" tracks from a particular station.

@bbsatx While we aren't able to give out a specific number as this is something that is constantly getting tested, after you have thumbed up enough songs on any given station you've created, we'll automatically generate a "Thumbs Up" playlist for that station. In other words, we'll collect your thumbs up from that station into a unique playlist, so you can access all of your favorite tracks whenever you want.

I search songs to add to my thumbs up list. Only thing is you can't like a song you search. Why? I have Pandora premium for Droid is it just a Droid problem or can no one customize their thumbs up lists by searching songs?

While it is true that My Thumbs Up is a playlist that collects your Thumbed-Up tracks from each of your stations, you do have the ability to manually add new tracks that you search for to that playlist.

Okay well this solution doesn't work any more because there's no ellipses under the album art. Seriously...I'm trying to feed my station with more songs since it's stuck on music I was listening to like 20 years ago. 006ab0faaa

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