Finish out your year strong!

We want to help you stay on track throughout the holidays so that you don't feel overwhelmed with a million new year's resolutions!

Start 2020 feeling refreshed and in CONTROL of your health.

This program is one of a kind. Work with a registered dietitian AND certified personal trainer to ensure you reach your goals!

You're frustrated because you've tried multiple nutrition and fitness plans. You haven't seen the results you desire. You've started on a diet or fitness plan for a month or two only to find yourself back where you started overtime, and you struggle to stay consistent.

Does this sound like you? We've been there too!

That's why we've created this program.

Nutrition and fitness go HAND IN HAND. A solid fitness program can build muscle and change your body composition but nutrition is the KEY to weight management and fat loss. They’re both incredibly necessary if you want to see real results!

The 90 Day Mind & Body Boost will give you all the tools you need to step up your fitness training and learn how to eat right for your body! Rachel Sneeden, certified personal trainer and functional fitness specialist, will work with you to make sure your fitness plan meets your needs, goals and limitations. Brittany Linn, registered dietician, will work with you on creating the perfect nutrition plan, not just for 90 days, but a SUSTAINABLE plan that you can follow well over 12 weeks! Together, Rachel and Brittany will make sure you're on the right track and set up for success!



What’s included in the program?

● 12 week functional fitness plan focused on building muscle, preventing injury, and decreasing fat. Customized for your level of fitness - gym or home options!

● Customized nutrition goals and meal plans

● 45-60 minute initial consultation with Brittany for all nutrition goals and needs

● 30-45 minute initial consultation with Rachel for all fitness goals and needs

● Weekly group video calls for Q&A, accountability, and check-ins. PLUS access to our weekly newsletter

● 30 minute Personal check-ins once per month with both Rachel and Brittany for progress check-ins and any adjustments necessary to your program

● Access to Rachel and Brittany at all times

● TWO coaches for double the amount of accountability, progress, and success!

● Rachel and Brittany will be your personal full service personal training and dietitian team! What more could you need?!

"Brittany has been an excellent Dietitian and health/ wellness coach. She works around my schedule to deliver the best quality nutrition counseling. Brittany's method is kind and patient. Over the weeks I've worked with her we've set goals that are attainable and sustainable for a lifetime. Highly recommend!" - Meg O.

"I don't even consider Rachel just a personal trainer, because she is SO much more than that: a strength guru, a body positive coach, and a genuine FRIEND. I worked with Rachel for over a year through her online training program, and it was everything I needed and more. She customized my workouts to my body, my preferences and to my home gym. She even adjusted each new program for different phases of my life (hello, wedding!). I chatted with Rachel daily about reaching my fitness goals, and she was always responsive and helpful. I cannot recommend working with Rachel enough!" - Lisa P.

Who is this program for?

#90dayMBB is for those who are serious about making a change!

Rachel & Brittany will guide you through these 90 days so you constantly feel supported! This is NOT a program where you will download a PDF and be left to hold yourself accountable. You will have FULL access to Rachel and Brittany whenever you need extra support and there will be weekly group chats to answer any questions.

#90dayMBB is for those who want accountability to help them stay on track throughout the holidays!

The holidays can be a stressful time for a lot of people. Lots of travel can throw you off of your routine. Holidays galore can equal lots of sweets, cocktails and things we tend to look at as "not healthy". Rachel and Brittany are here to break that way of thinking! They both agree that life should be LIVED and ENJOYED. This doesn't mean stop exercising and binge on holiday cookies, though. Rachel and Brittany will give you the tools you need to navigate the holidays like a boss and still feel in control of your health.

#90dayMBB is for those who need some extra motivation to finish out 2019 strong and go into 2020 feeling stronger than ever!

This program is a lifestyle. Brittany and Rachel will teach you how to make a change in a sustainable way. The goal is to be able to take the things you learn in these 90 days and carry them on into your life for following weeks, months, even years to come!

"I honestly thought improving my food was going to be difficult and full of sacrifice. Brittany legitimately made it easy to eat healthy. I feel better, my mood is up, and I don’t crave sugar like I used to!" - Eli B

“Rachel helped my body and confidence get their groove back! In less than 9 months, I lost 8% body fat and one clothing size. Her friendly and motivating manner make you want to continue to work out and see results!”- Diana C.

Why is the 90 day mind and body boost different?

#90dayMBB is customized to YOU and NOT a one size fits all!

We all know that achieving a healthy mind and body takes more than just a on-size-fits-all approach, and that is why we created this program! This is NOT a "download this PDF and get to work" program. We will work with you one-on-one to make sure you have the tools you need to work these 90 days like a #boss.

#90dayMBB is created by two experts in their respective fields.

Brittany and Rachel have worked with MANY different clients from all different backgrounds. They both know exactly how to help you succeed in making a lifestyle change and are SO excited to get started!

#90dayMBB is different because two coaches is always better than one!

What's better than one person holding you accountable? TWO. We are BOTH here for you every step of the way. We can't wait to see you succeed and reach your goals!

About Rachel:

  • Rachel's passion is to help you feel amazing in your own skin. Fitness should be fun, but more importantly, fitness should be functional. If something doesn't feel good, why do it? If something doesn't make you feel better on a daily basis, why do it?
  • Exercise is all about making sure you have a stable foundation to carry out every day activities in an extraordinary way. Once we have a solid foundation and nail our movement patterns, then we get to focus on the fun stuff - athletic performance and reaching your goals!
  • Rachel's credentials:
    • ACE Personal Trainer
    • Certified Functional Strength Coach
    • RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certification) Level 1
    • ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist
    • TRX Suspension Training

About Brittany:

  • Brittany believes that nutrition, overall wellness, and quality of life should be easily understood, even at the most basic level. Nutrition should not be confusing, and it should be tailored towards your lifestyle and your goals.
  • Brittany's wide scope of nutritional knowledge allows her to provide the perfect mixture of science and realistic, sustainable lifestyle changes to all of her clients. She believes in life long changes for her clients, less focus on numbers, and more focus understanding the science of basic nutrition, your personal health needs and feeling your very best!
  • Brittany's credentials:
    • Registered Dietitian
    • Licensed Dietitian
    • Bachelors of Science in Nutrition (University of Delaware)

Email us at or Schedule your FREE introduction call with Rachel or Brittany to see if you're the right fit for this program!