FMS 85B: Broadcast Media Research Resources

Welcome! You're doing amazing already.
This little website was created by your very own research librarian to help you learn about and navigate resources for your course assignment. The world of research is wonderful, but it can also feel messy and stressful, especially on a remote basis. These pages will help you better understand the different types of voices and resources that you will cite and fold into your own original writing. Click here for a video tutorial, or on the image to the right to watch in a new window.

Your Librarian: Jenna Dufour |

I am a first-generation graduate, and I moved to California from Canada in 2019. Before university, I went to college and had a very difficult time transitioning to academia, often feeling overwhelmed and left behind. The best part of my job is helping students as best as I can to feel included and a part of the academic and UCI community, and of course to find good quality resources! I work with students and faculty in FMS, Art History, Visual Studies, and Art so I do get quite busy. No question is silly, and I'm here to help make the research process a little less stressful - maybe even fun! You can email me or click the button to the left.

VPN: To connect to library resources off-campus, you need a VPN connection. Please visit this page for help:
24/7 Research Help: There is a virtual chat service 24/7 to ask for library help if I'm not available right away! Try it out!