Coach and Nell made the best of the way things had turnedout. A local businessman lent them $200, and rather than delay ormake excuses, they went to Indianapolis the next day and were married.

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To talk about homebuyer turnoffs, we assembled a coast-to-coast team of experts: Chad Goldwasser of Goldwasser Real Estate in Austin, Texas; Terry Cannon, a buyer's agent and broker with EBA Realty, in Salem, Ore. (formerly with Oregon Exclusive Buyers Realty in Salem); and Julie Dana, a \"home stylist\" in East Aurora, N.Y., and co-author of \"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Staging Your Home to Sell.\"

quicklist: title: Dirt, grime and filthtext: \tWant to turn off a homebuyer? Nothing will do the job faster than showing a house with filthy floors and kitchen counters where new life forms are evolving.\"The No. 1 biggest mistake is not getting the home in the best possible condition. That's huge,\" Goldwasser says. \"I won't even represent sellers at this point unless they are fully aware of how important it is to get their home in the absolute best condition that they've ever had it in.\"

Dana advises her clients to eliminate all traces of pets, not just pet odors. It's important to get rid of pet paraphernalia and have a \"pet plan\" to make sure the animals are not around when the house is shown.

\"A lot of times, people will leave pet items out -- dog dishes, cat litter boxes, etc.,\" Dana says. \"That immediately turns off a buyer because they wonder, 'What has that animal done in the house?' Also, some people really don't like dogs. The minute they walk in and see this big, old dog bowl, they immediately won't like the house.\"

\"Homes that have old fans, lights, ovens, microwaves, ranges and dishwashers can really turn a buyer off,\" says Goldwasser. \"Sellers will say, 'Oh, the buyers can take care of that.' Well, yes, they can, but it's going to impede you from getting the highest price possible for your home.\"

\"They like to think they know what they're doing, and that's fine,\" he says. \"But when you've sold thousands of homes and you have a system, you know how to get people the maximum value for their home. That's why they hire you, right?\"

We know we can't draw you a road map to turning on a woman; after all, not all women are the same. However, we've set out to give you a least a sketch. Some of these pointers you might already know and practise, if so, more power to you. For others who don't, maybe you'll be surprised what a small gesture can do. So hear from women 50 physical and emotional things that turn them on. In no particular order here goes:

This is the same kind of hope that Pablo Picasso is asking us to find in Guernica, which he painted in reaction to the Nazi bombing of the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. At first glance, all that the eye can see in this mural is the destruction and tragedy of war and the suffering of innocent civilians and other forms of life. But despite all that is wrong with the world, Picasso left several symbols of hope for the viewer to decipher. With courage and imagination, Picasso asks us to immerse ourselves in the painting so that together with the wounded and afflicted we can turn violence upside down and discover the hidden signs of hope for a better tomorrow.

Viewing the mural from left to right we see the screaming woman and the dead child in her arms, the fallen soldier holding a flower, the wounded woman, the woman carrying the light, and the last person with raised arms screaming at the burning building. By inverting these figures it becomes clear that all of them are wearing a harlequin hat. Through the active participation of the spectactor, the human figures in Guernica turn themselves from victims in despair into a collective group of magical beings, carriers of hope in the midst of deadly destruction.

We find that the choice of offenders to target a particular victim is strongly affected by their mutual history. A violent act is often preceded by a previous act of violence, both in the form of repeated violence and reciprocated violence. We show that violence is strongly associated with prior co-offending turning sour. We uncover a strong effect for previous harassment as a retaliation cum escalation mechanism. Finally, we find evidence of conflicts within organized crime groups and of violence being directed to offenders with the same ethnic background.

As discussed in the previous section, relational data among offenders derived from sources such as police records or wiretapped phone calls are often aggregated over time when analyzed in the form of co-offending networks. By treating longitudinal data in a cross-sectional way, one creates a single network summarizing all known connections between the individuals under study. Much can be learned from such a representation, for instance how cohesive the criminal network is and whether some individuals are more central than others - characteristics that can shed light on how the criminal underworld operates. However, there are also important limitations to this approach. Firstly, it disregards a considerable amount of valuable information related to time. Secondly, if the time periods under consideration are relatively long, collapsing the data into a single cross-sectional data set might create an artificial network that hardly matches reality (Divik 2019; Campana and Varese 2020). Therefore, treating such data longitudinally places us in a much better position. In many secondary data sources, exact times are associated with individual data entries, whether these are phone calls or police-recorded criminal events. These timestamps allow us to study criminal networks at a much granular level, i.e. at the relational event level.

Violence appears to be mostly a group endeavor with 82.2% of offenders having acted in group in our data. We reconstructed the structure of the network of co-offending in violence (aggregated over time), and we found it rather fragmented with only 2.8% of all nodes in the OC milieu being in the largest component. Of the offenders who have been violent, 13.1% was part of this largest component. This could be a reflection of the lack of coordination across OCGs, i.e., they act independently when dealing with violence.

We now turn to present the results of our models (Table 4). The models in this table estimate the determinants of organized crime-instigated violence strictly conceived, i.e., they are estimated on the 156 events in which at least one of the offenders was an OCG member.

Finally, when including an effect for previous co-offending, we see that the effect of co-membership in the same OCG significantly reduces in strength: this indicates that prior co-offending accounts for a large part of within-group victimization.

Previous co-offending has an impact on future victimization, increasing the odds of future victimization at the hands of the co-offender(s) by slightly more than 56 times. Things do turn sour among co-offenders.

In this work, we defined violence in broader terms than homicides and gun shootings, including various types of assaults causing injuries. Roughly half of the OCG members have been involved in an act of violence in the period under consideration and one fourth have been recipient of violence. In the context of organized crime, violence is mostly a group endeavor with more than 80% of offenders acting in group. The network of co-offending in violence is rather fragmented, suggesting a lack of coordination across OCGs when dealing with violence (i.e. they act independently).

Our data do not give information about how long an arrest lasted and whether the individuals were subsequently convicted. If available, this information could be leveraged in the definition of when an individual is active.

When repeating the analysis for a different definition of when an offender is active in the OC milieu (\(\Delta t=1\) year in equation (1)), we obtain the same results as in Model 3. When we run the analysis on the 112 events that only involve men, the effect of a history in theft on being victimized reduces and is no longer significant. The other effects remain roughly the same. Further research on a larger sample of violent events is needed to shed light on the differential factors contributing to the victimization of women in the OC milieu.

Everyone is obviously free to express their feelings with their own home, of course! However, as a Realtor for over a decade, I've been in literally thousands of homes and worked with hundreds of buyers. I've literally been on the front line with the masses, giving me a perspective of what turns buyers on and off. As a seller and homeowner, you have every right to decorate how you want, determine how many pets that you have, smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, etc. . . BUT, when it's time to sell, you must appeal to the masses.

1. Animals and Animal Stuff - Hey, I'm human, too, and love my two chihuahuas but, when selling your home, it's imperative to remove them during showings. The last thing that a buyer wants to see is a dog greet them at the door or even in the driveway as you pull in with your Realtor. I imagine most animals are "probably" friendly, but the buyers don't know that. Being a Realtor for about 12 years, I've had a number of encounters that weren't very pleasant that definitely put off my buyer clients. Also, before showings, spend a little time to clear the area of doggie toys and make sure to clean the litter box if needed. Odor can be your friend or enemy when showing your home to prospective buyers, and animals can put the odds against you. Do what you have to do to make your home smell animal free. Again, I'm not being a self-righteous Realtor here; I'm also talking to myself, as well. e24fc04721

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