Hi !

First thank you for you blog, it's one of the best ever stumbled upon.

I just finished watching the whole serie of Helwe wa kezzabi I discovered thanks to your blog, and I was amazed at the fact that I understood 80% of it if not more (after a year of watching lebanese shows and not understanding a thing, I didn't expect this "burst" of understanding !).

Anyway, it seems you're also interested in the gulf dialects (and personnally they're my favorite), and I saw on MBC this year a TV series I really liked, "  and I just finished watching it again on the MBC website (shahid.net or something like that) ... Do you already know this show ? If not, you might like it, it's a comedy too and of a very good quality (compared to others)..

 And I'm hoping to see more lessons in the gulf dialect !

thank you again,

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