My Anal Hell Ch. 02

More anal play with Sara, and a shocking revelation from one of my long-time Mates.

Madeline (Mother) 42 yrs old business owner (38E-30-40)

Sara Conners 19 years old University Student (32-24-35)

Judyith Nortonton 44 years old business owner 40E-32-40


I shuffle to the kitchen the next morning, a short kimono (the hem of which reaches only to the middle of my thighs) hugging my curves. As instructed I wear a dark purple suspender belt attached to black stockings and dark blue high-heeled pumps (no bra or pants). Sara wants griddle cakes and so I whip the batter by hand, then bend a bit to reach for a flat skillet to cook them on...a deep, sluggish ache from deep in my bowels causes me to gasp aloud, reminding me of the previous day and night's debased activities...I straighten slowly so as not to irritate my poor bottom any further; after I prepare the first batch I squeak loudly in surprise when a pair of arms band about me and immediately go for my bra-less boobs; "Ooooh!" I murmur when her fingers pluck and tug at my thickening nipples; while she fondles my mammaries the blunt tip of the tool she's christened 'The Rectum 'Recker'presses into the deep crevasse between my thick arse cheeks.

Sara!," I gasp. "Y-Y-Your brekkie!"

"LATER!" She pants in return."The living room!"

What choice do I have except to do as I'm told; we go side by side into the parlour, with me adding an extra waggle to my hips I walk; I receive an appreciative slap on the rear in response. "On your knees, Mommy" My Daughter orders, indicating the divan. I quickly kneel where indicated, my hands grasping the top portion of the furniture. She lifts the hem of my robe and folds it over the base of my spine and tucking it under the waistband of my suspender belt.

Her hands cup and squeeze each cheek firmly, separating my flesh, exposing my hungry hole to her gaze. Before I could muster the courage to speak, her hand comes down on my bottom, making the flesh jump and quiver as she began a steady spanking. Again and again, she struck, as my bottom got warm, then hot; a beautiful hurt spread through me like a wave and I began to quiver as my new Mistress took possession of me.

"PLEASE, Baby...this i-is wrong..."

"SOOO...I should take these fingers OUT!" Her question is mocking and full of mirth, her laugh scornful when I gasp and groan sluttily as two of her greasy fingers push easily through my weakened sphincter and into my anus. "Fine...I'll take them out..."

"Ah-AHHH...Nooo!" I cry clamping down on her digits as well as I can with my unstable rectal muscles.

Her wicked giggle shames me to the core. "You want me to fuck you in your ass again, Mommy? You have to say the WORDS. Say them or I'm out!"

Riddled with shame and self-loathing I whimper "My ARSE, Mistress...please fuck me in my arse."

The divan's mattress sags, and a shiver of lust worms through me...her hands roughly prize my pillowy buttocks apart-I wince as my ring-piece stings from the insistent spreading...I take in a breath, releasing it slowly when her massive cockhead probes insistently against my 'pucker' and begins its abhorrent, sinful trek inward. My anal muscles part like the Red Sea, and I pray that no one in heaven is watching me accept this incestuous buggering from my own Daughter...a bit of trapped air escapes me, then a louder sucking sound as she burrows deeper; I gurgle like an infant, lowering my belly toward the seat cushions as her front settles against my gloriously-padded rear. "FUCK, MUM...taking possession of your ass is a joy I will NEVER get tired of!"

"Ahhh-FUCK!" I grunt (needless to say this is a word I have never before used in life); "I-I'm GLAD, Baby...I-I mean MISTRESS!"

"It's fine Mummy; I'm too focused on getting both of us 'off' before you go to the office and I go to school!"

A slight tremor passes through me as she strokes in and out of my loose pooper, "Ahhh, FUCK!" I yelp again; as wicked as she is Sara is also kind and considerate: she dips her fingers into my sweltering quim, the wetness soaking her digits aiding in her quest to seek out and claim my LMITB (Little Man in The Boat)..."Yes!" I sigh contentedly, even though it seems that an entire telephone pole has been embedded in my quaking bowels.

She doesn't hate me; SHE LOVES ME I say to myself when Sara guides my head to one side and kisses my willing lips. She rides me harder, and we kiss again, her lips melting to mine and her tongue pushes deep into my mouth. With each stroke I grunt and break wind; I want nothing more than for Sara to spend the rest of the day inside my arse...

Sara takes hold of my auburn locks and guides my head up and down her huge rubber throat clogger in my mouth and gullet, simultaneously pumping her hips with medium strength thrusts, which produce a series of wet, vulgar, DISGUSTING noises from ME-her once prim and proper Mother! For my part I don't miss a beat: I place both hands on her strong thighs and angle my neck so that she can continue to plunder my throat with her beautiful Queenly Scepter...she feeds it to me as a reward for my loving servitude.

"I wish...I wish that you could cum in my mouth, Mistress Sara," I whisper, kissing the tip of her member.

"Do you now?", Sara giggles. "Keep up the good work and I might just have a nice surprise for you by the weekend!"


Judy Nortonon, my childhood friend and partner in our advert firm seems oddly unsurprised by my confession as to what Sara and I have gotten up to. "Keep me company?" she says and makes for the private washroom in her office. Inside she shocks me into speechlessness when she lowers her trousers, steps out of them, and after folding them carefully bending at the waist and spreading her quite formidable hindquarters with a quiet hiss, displaying her red-rimmed and angry anal sphincter, stretched around an impossibly wide black plug-like device...


"Orders from Marni", she said. "And SARA."

"Oh, GOD...NO!"

"I can barely believe it myself", she offers sheepishly. "Be a Love and give us a tug, would you? It's too slippery to pull off on my own."


"I'll need to apply more LUBE," she says casually as if her request is as innocuous as 'please pass the cream'.

I'm sparking fuses that will surely lead me directly to HELL I muse privately while reaching for the protruding part of the plug and tugging gently.

"A.a bit harder, Maddy", she grunts, and I comply; in the mirrored walls I can see her pretty mouth form a large red 'O' and I understand WHY: the base of the toy is as thick around as my wrist: that must be the shape my OWN mouth adopts when Sara takes me in my most private orifice...

I'm shaken from my musing by the realization that I'm 'turning on' by the sight of her big rotund bum, framed by the frilly red suspender belt and bisected by the enormous ebony rubber stopper; her quite large bosoms, straining her blouse buttons by their weight and her bent-over position and visible to me through the gap in her widespread thighs don't help matters...

"A...ahhh...Ahhh!," she groans from deep within herself somewhere, followed by a lewd suctioning noise and a series of 'buuurp...brrruuup-bupbupbupBUUP!' as fragrant gas burst through her rippling, gape; Judy sighs pleasurably (as one does after relieving what must have been incredible pressure on her intestinal tract)...

"WHEW! Sorry about that, Mads...GOR, that's a relief!"

"Emm..Marni and Sara ordered you to wear this?," I stammer.

'I'm to be prepared for a buggering at any moment-night or day", she explains, dabbing at her forehead with a paper towel.

"F-from MARNI?" I whisper, dreading the answer.

"From EITHER of them: or BOTH" she explains, before raising a delicate red-nailed hand and pushing out another bubble of gas. "Ooooh-I think that's it!"

'Or BOTH!' I mimic her childishly in my mind, and a flash of jealousy burns through me: Sara's MY Daughter!, I rage silently. She's MINE!

"Can you manage...I can put it back on your own?" I ask and she nodded yes.

"Stepping out!" I announce to my assistant Elise."