Q: Where is the portable version?

A: When installing the tweaker, choose the Portable type of install, as shown on the image below.

The portable version will be extracted to the selected folder.

for a question, On windows 7 I was able to group programs that were not the same, like task manager and resource monitor, but on 10 these wont group, is there any setting or way to get programs like that to group? I have several that I like to keep together but they just wont on 10.

7+ Taskbar Tweaker Windows 11 Download

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how to keep open tasks to the right without dragging them. for instance I have pinned google chrome in the middle of other taskbar icons, but want to open to the far right whenever I open google chrome.

I did not see an error message. I downloaded StartAllBack and that is working for now except I cannot get rid of the annoying search magnifying glass on the taskbar next to the start menu. I will probably just keep this until the trial runs out and then hopefully 7+ will work on Explorer Patcher by then.

Since updating my Windows 10 last time (explorer.exe version 10.0.19041.3693, Windows version 19044.9693), explorer.exe has been randomly crashing. I managed to get a stack trace. Do you think this might be caused by incompatibility with 7 taskbar tweaker?

Unfortunately I got the no thumbnail problem back. This happens when using dual monitors, the 2nd taskbar only shows a tooltip when hovering a taskbar button. The taskbar in the primary monitor shows the thumbnails without problem.

This sounds interesting (application is for those who know more than me!): -us/windows/security/application-security/application-control/windows-defender-application-control/applocker/configure-the-application-identity-service

That seems to do it! Thank God and you! So I went to about:config in each browser install at issue, pasted taskbar.grouping.useprofile, and hit + at the end which showed that the toggle option was True, and restarted each one and they alone remained ungroups/separate on the TB. I also restarted File Explorer, as well as 7+TT and the buttons remained ungrouped.

Some of these options include replacing the Jump list with the standard window menu, preventing similar items from being grouped or selecting which action you want Windows to perform when middle clicking or double clicking on the taskbar, among others.

Right-click an empty area in the taskbar. Uncheck "Lock the taskbar". You should now be able to drag the edge of it to make it thinner (it works when I try it). Lock the taskbar again if you want to avoid accidentally changing it.

I prefer taskbar on left/right compared to bottom or up. It saves precious vertical space on 16:9 (and 16:10 too). More space for my work and entertainment. However you can't shrink it any further than this, for me it's still taking too many precious pixels.

My main problem is that I switch a lot between two instances of a single application, and having to hover over combined icon and then choosing the correct one. Alt-Tabbing is not a good alternative when I'm switching between more than three applications; clicking on taskbar only once is what I'm looking for.

I know I can rearrange the applications in my taskbar in Windows 7, but there doesn't seem to be any way to rearrange the previews for each window. For example, I have Firefox open and the Downloads window open, and for some strange reason the Downloads window is now the left-most window, while the Firefox browser window is number 2. I'd like to rearrange those two so the main browser window is first, but I can't drag or drop them. Is there a power tool to enable this?

7+ Taskbar Tweaker enables you to tweak your Windows 7 taskbar. Some of the features let users display the standard window menu on right click instead of jump list, close or focus a window on middle click instead of running a new instance, disable grouping of windows by file path or application id, cycle through windows of a grouped button on left click instead of showing a thumbnails preview, open with while dropping a file on a taskbar button instead of pinning, and disable thumbnail previews.

In an earlier article, we became familiar with how we can make the taskbar in Windows 8.1, Windows 8 and Windows 7 work like the classic XP taskbar using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. It also includes some extra customizations for advanced users which we will look at today.

This is a powerful feature of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. You can customize what happens when you click with various mouse buttons on taskbar buttons or an empty area of the taskbar. You can assign actions to left click, right click, left double click, right double click, middle click and middle double click. If you have a mouse with extra buttons, you can even assign button 4 and 5 single and double click actions. If you want to use mouse clicks in combination with some modifier hotkeys such as Ctrl or Shift, that is also possible.

For example, if you want Ctrl+left click in the empty space of the taskbar to show the desktop, add this value: emptyspace|ctrl+lclick and enter 1 as the value data. If you want Shift+click in the empty space to open Task Manager, add this value: emptyspace|shift+lclick and enter 3 as value data. I recommend you read the Help file to see the full set of actions that are possible and their data codes.

Similar to mouse button control, you can control the taskbar using custom hotkeys to perform various actions. Refer to 7+ Taskbar Tweaker's help file to see how exactly to use this feature because it requires you to know the virtual key code of a shortcut key. I will give just a few examples:


> Q: Where is the portable version?

> A: When installing the tweaker, choose the Portable type of install, as shown on the image... The portable version will be extracted to the selected folder.

This app was worth installing just for the ability to disable the minimum width restriction on vertical taskbars. Now it's nice and narrow.

Right-click the tray icon and select 'Advanced Options', then set the 'no_width_limit' value to '1'.

My two cents. I am not upgrading to Win11 if the usual taskbar behaviour is not restored, cause MS seems like artificially curb productivity by taking out features used by LOTS of people very often when in fact they need to enhance it. So would like to know if Stardock is willing/able to return all the usual features of taskbar back - drag files to open apps to open them in the app, drag icons to taskbar to pin, make it stuck to any part of your screen if you want (a feature not for me, but many are using it) and all other functionality we have right now in Win10 which was taken away in Win11. You can either integrate it in Start 11 or even make a standalone product, like "Taskbar 11", I am sure lots of people will buy it as it was with StartX. So, any reply from the Stardock official would be appreciated, but right now it is hard pass for Win11 upgrade for me

I have migrated to windows 11 yesterday and losing the option to ungroup icons was a HUGE negative. I always have 4-5 VSCode windows open, so it's a huge productivity impact. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker isn't working with the new taskbar either, so yeah, I will pay for the first software that give us back this feature(and is a quality product, of course, and not a quick hack)

I was using WinAreo Tweaker for several weeks to bring back the classic taskbar, but Start 11 v.094 & .095 just broke things. Reverting WinAreo's settings back at least brought back the clock area. Really hoping Start 11 can implement ungrouped taskbar functionality sooner than later as it really is key. I would prefer to keep using Stardock products but need a working Taskbar more. Now where did I put that suggestions tip jar. Will give ExplorerPatcher a whirl in the meantime.... and that looks to be working great thanks OP!

Quoting StickyFrog, reply 21

I was using WinAreo Tweaker for several weeks to bring back the classic taskbar, but Start 11 v.094 & .095 just broke things. Reverting WinAreo's settings back at least brought back the clock area. Really hoping Start 11 can implement ungrouped taskbar functionality sooner than later as it really is key. I would prefer to keep using Stardock products but need a working Taskbar more. Now where did I put that suggestions tip jar. Will give ExplorerPatcher a whirl in the meantime....

If I have more projects opened, is there a way to have them separated in the Windows taskbar? Until recently I was using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to achieve this, but that program stopped working after a Windows update. Does VS Code have such a checkbox somewhere to not group icons in the taskbar but to have them separated? I don't want this for all the applications, only for VS Code.

It seems you are not happy with the overall taskbar grouping feature of modern Windows versions which applies to the majority of windows applications - fine. But is it really a reason for ST to break conventions?

Using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker I can configure it to allow me drag windows how much I want to using my right click mouse button. On the following I am demonstrating my use of the right and left mouse buttons: 2351a5e196

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