When the severe pain subsides, gradually begin daily, gentle exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the lumbar spine. Stronger and more flexible muscles may be less prone to injury.

Daily stretching and strengthening exercises can help to prevent flare-ups of back pain related to muscle strains and sprains. Perform these three exercises daily after a back pain flare-up subsides and your doctor says it's safe. Take it slow, and stop if it hurts.

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Your legs are straight. Begin with 5-6 on each side. Work up to 10 on each side. This is so nice for your lower back and buttock muscles that you may find a week without windmills means an achy back or sciatica by the end of that week. So keep this on your daily to-do list! See this on the Daily Essentials video download.

I am just getting started in my sheep adventure and this is great information. I live in Kansas and the summer sun can be brutal along with the wind. What do you use for shade in the paddocks? And how much protection from the winter cold do sheep need? I had thought to graze the sheep in our peafowl pens to help keep the grass mowed off. The pens are 1225, and this worked well by rotating them daily. But there were problems of keeping the sheep out of the bird feed and spooking the birds! So my husband thinks they need their own space.

Thanks, Candy

This page shows how to convert implied volatility (typically annual standard deviation of returns) to daily volatility and how to interpret it in terms of expected daily price changes with given probabilities.

Converting volatility (standard deviation) from annual to daily is quite simple. The only thing to keep in mind is that volatility is proportional to the square root of time, and not to time itself. This is because volatility, and more generally standard deviation, is the square root of variance and because variance is proportional to time. Therefore volatility is proportional to square root of time (more detailed explanation here).

Knowing this, you can easily convert annual volatility to daily volatility by dividing it by the square root of the number of trading days per year. Assuming 252 trading days per year, which has been the average for US stock and option markets in the last years, you can convert annual implied volatility to daily volatility by dividing it by the square root of 252, or approximately 15.87. In Excel, you can use the function SQRT to calculate square root.

For example, is you find that implied volatility of a particular option is 25% (either by observing it in a trading platform or calculating it from the option's price), the daily implied volatility is:

This does not mean that every day the stock will move by 1.57%. Even if the actual realized volatility turns out matching the market's expectations (which is rarely the case), some moves will be smaller, some bigger, some positive, and some negative.

What if you want to know the probabilities for some period other than daily? For example, your options expire 3 weeks from now and you want to know how likely different price moves are from now to expiration.

The Move ring shows how many active calories you've burned so far. Complete your daily Move goal by burning active calories every day. Active calories, unlike resting, are ones that you burn by standing or moving around. Get help earning Move and Exercise credit.

The Stand ring shows hours in which you've stood and moved for at least a minute. Complete your daily Stand goal by standing up and moving around for at least 1 minute during 12 different hours in the day. Even if you stand all day, you still need to move around to earn credit for standing.

Calm says it aims to give users a way to form daily habits around physical activity that can be done in a few minutes. It notes that Daily Move is meant to give users a different kind of movement that focuses on a mind-body connection in a consistent and accessible way. Calm sees the new feature as an entry point into mindful content for people who find traditional meditation a difficult place to start.

A daily yoga routine can go a long way toward improving your overallflexibility and muscle strength. You can do yoga at home with the help of aYouTube video, or you can take a yoga class at the Y or a private studio.

Daily stretching will go a long way toward improving your flexibility.Ideally, you should do these first thing in the morning to get your bloodmoving and warm up your muscles to prepare them for the daily activities ahead.

Options traders understand that volatility is equal to the square root of time (SQOT). So, if we want to know the daily expected move, we first need to understand the number of trading days in a year and calculate the square root of that number. If we want a weekly move, we compute the square root of the number of trading weeks in a year and so on.

So, if the S&P 500 is trading at 3300 and the VIX index commands a 20 (annualised) volatility, the daily implied move would be 1.25%. Subsequently, we then know the market is expecting a 41.3 point move lower or higher (3300/1.25%), giving the index an implied 82.6-point range (with a 68.2% level of confidence or one standard deviation).

The market can often be incorrect in their assumptions of expected movement, which is the essence of why traders buy and sell volatility. However, being able to quantify how the market (and market makers) feel about moves in price, can be incredibly powerful. Even for those not trading S&P 500 options per se and perhaps trading the underlying S&P 500, or another US equity index (such as the US30 or NAS100), or even another asset class altogether.

Moving cattle daily also improves the pasture quality by distributing the animal impact more evenly. Many people think that animal impact is negative. However, properly managed herds of animals are critical to improve pasture health. By moving animals daily manure is distributed more evenly providing a natural fertilizer to the pasture. Daily moves also help animals to trample uneaten, less desirable plants. This trampling of plant material into the soil helps to feed soil life improving overall soil and pasture health. Without daily moves cattle tend to favor certain spots which become overgrazed and over fertilized to the detriment of that area as well as the other areas of the pasture.

Daily moves mimic the natural behavior of large grazing herds in the wild. One reason this leads to better health outcomes, is that the animals have a large diversity of plants to choose from when grazing as discussed above. Daily moves lead to increased species diversity in the pasture allowing animals to easily meet their nutrition needs.

Because I move my cattle daily, it is easy to check in on my animals each day and make sure there are no health problems developing. This makes it more likely that animals will stay healthy than if the cattle are seen infrequently.

Moving cattle daily leads to improved weight gain over the long run. It would be easy to obtain high short term weight gains by turning cattle out onto a large piece of land and not moving them. Cattle could select the plants that they most preferred leading to good initial weight gains. However, as pasture quality declines due to not moving cattle, weight gains will start to become poor. Parasite and pest pressure can quickly rise without daily moves causing a significant negative impact on weight gains.

One of the biggest myths is that cattle are always damaging to the environment. When cattle are fed their natural diet of pasture and managed properly with daily moves, they are one of the most important tools for healing land, building soil, and restoring habitat for wildlife.

When cattle are allowed to roam over one entire area wildlife have no place to hide. In contrast, when cattle are moved daily there is always some area of the pasture with taller grass and other areas with shorter grass. This allows a wide variety of habitat for wildlife.

The daily update from Prabhudas Lilladher team to keep you updated on the daily moves in the market by :Vaishali Parekh . VP :- Technical ResearchK V Shiju : - Research AnalystMahesh Gokarankar: - Research Analyst ff782bc1db

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