Sometimes we copy and paste the X.509 certificates from documents and files, and the format is lost. With this tool we can get certificates formated in different ways, which will be ready to be used in the OneLogin SAML Toolkits.

When I look at this certificate in Windows (simply by double clicking the ".crt" file, it shows only a single entry in the certificate path. Is there some defined order to what these certificate sections are?

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The extension .crt indicates that the content of the file is a certificate, but the extension does not tell anything about the file format. The file format may be PEM (Privacy-Enhanced Mail) (RFC 7468), DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) (X.690) or something else. If the file's content is text data and contains -----BEGIN ?????----, the file format is PEM. On the other hand, if the file contains binary data, it is highly likely that the file format is DER.

A X509 certificate *refers to all types of digital certificates, regardless of how they are utilized, and implies the current standardization used to design and create digital certificates. This standardization recognizes that the information, data and other embedded objects within a digital certificate are all placed exactly in the same location and in the same order. As a result, these standards make it possible for digital certificates of all kinds to be shared between individuals and organizations, as well as allow for applications to use a single digital certificate, in place of multiple certificates. For instance, word processing, spreadsheets, data bases, and presentation software suites can be designed to use a single digital certificate in order to authenticate the user and verify they have a valid copy of the software installed on their computer. Without the X509 standards, users would have to have one digital certificate for each application, regardless of whether it was bundled as a suite or purchased separately.

Card verifiable certificates (CVC) are rather important for smart card technologies. In general X509 certificates have a rather complex structure and may take a lot of room compared to the RAM and EEPROM/flash memory that is available in a smart card chip.

It is certainly possible to parse an X509 certificate in a processor card (it's a generic processor, so it's a Turing machine, so given enough memory...), but a flatter, more dense structure with fewer optional features and a fixed order of elements makes more sense.

PEM is a X.509 certificate (whose structure is defined using ASN.1), encoded using the ASN.1 DER (distinguished encoding rules), then run through Base64 encoding and stuck between plain-text anchor lines (BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE).

Retrieving the certificate chain from the ACME server is covered in RFC 8555 section 7.4.2, which says the default format is application/pem-certificate-chain, which section 9 describes as being a sequence of PEM-formatted certificates. While 7.4.2 says that "The ACME client MAY request other formats by including an Accept header field," the ACME Divergences document describing how Let's Encrypt's software diverges from the specification says that "Boulder does not process Accept headers for Content-Type negotiation when retrieving certificates." So I think no matter what you pass you're going to be getting a chain of PEM formatted certificates.

You are also asking about file extensions being .cer, .crt, .pem, but there really isn't a standardized meaning for those extensions or their contents. Certbot uses .pem for files that are for a single certificate, a chain of certificates, or a private key, and much other software integrating with ACME follows that convention as well. Windows tends to use .cer for single certificates and .crt for certificates intended to be used as trust anchors, but doesn't care if they're DER-encoded or PEM-encoded, they just have different default behavior when double-clicking on them (as .crt will default to asking if you want to add it to your trust store and .cer will default to just showing you, at least when I last tried them).

I am trying to configure TLS in Kibana to try out the Alerts beta feature. By following the official documentation, the bin/elasticsearch-certutil csr tool will generate a cert in PEM format, but in the same article (step 2.b) it looks like I could (somehow) generate the cert in PKCS#12 format. Also in the same article you can find the following in the 3rd paragraph:

Hello- We are also seeing this issue when trying to import a GoDaddy cert. It is a wildcard cert that was exported from azure. We have been successful importing it to several other services. When following the instructions here we get the error: certificate is not a valid PEM certificate

bring your own certificate. You generate a CSR and key file, send to a vendor like comodo, they send you a certificate, which you upload. We never see your CSR; just your CA Chain, private key, and the certificate in PEM format.

The code lives on GitHub, built by Netlify and it should then reflect on the Namecheap domain I have (which has the PositiveSSL certificate provided via their 3rd party).

Netlify is then used as the CD platform (where Identity receives the forms).

If your server/device requires a different certificate format other than Base64 encoded X.509, a third party tool such as OpenSSL can be used to convert the certificates into the appropriate format.

For information on OpenSSL please visit:

A file extension is the designation at the end of a file. For example, a certificate named "certificate.cer" has a certificate extension of ".cer" and we put a "*" in front to designate that in front of the letters could be anything, it is only what is after the period that matters for identification of extension type.

Common Valid Windows Certificate Extensions:

In One Application,We have created a Tizen Author Certificate over Samsung Certificate and that we used for submission on Samsung TV Seller. In below 17 models TVs we got the Approve and above 16 TV models still in testing.

Author Certificates tell the store who the author is so you need a Samsung Store author certificate to distribute on the Samsung Store. You need a Tizen Store author certificate to sell on the Tizen Store.

You will need the same Author certificate if you ever want to update the app so keep the certificate in more than one place and safe. You can use the same Author certificate for more than one App and that is what is recommended.

Whether for recognition or appreciation, awarding certificates is a great way to acknowledge a person's hard work and contribution. It can boost their morale and help convey your appreciation and gratitude, while signifying completion of courswork to advance their careers. To make professional-quality certificates, look no further. Adobe Express online editor has everything you need to create impressive certificants that'll leave a lasting impact on the awardant in mind.

Browse our ever-growing collection of free, customizable certificate templates to help you get started today. After you've browsed certificate template options, choose one that best resonates with your vision. Or, search by genre, niche, style, and so much more to find exactly what you need. Create a stunning design with tons of unique color palettes, icons, and more to choose from for total customization options. When you're done, send your new certificate to others for feedback or download and share wherever you like.

I'm browsing the SSL certificate list which I got from Comodo, and there are different types of Contents with the below mentioned extentions. I have experience in uploading certificates to F5 which is in .pfx format that contains both certificate and key in a single file but the newly received CA certificates giving me a hard time understanding which one is a cert file and which one is key file. Can someone help.

AWS does not provide utilities for manipulating PEM files or other certificate formats. The following examples rely on a generic text editor for simple operations. If you need to perform more complex tasks (such as converting file formats or extracting keys), free and open-source tools such as OpenSSL are readily available.

The following examples illustrate the format of the files to be imported. If the components come to you in a single file, use a text editor (carefully) to separate them into three files. Note that if you edit any of the characters in a PEM file incorrectly or if you add one or more spaces to the end of any line, the certificate, certificate chain, or private key will be invalid.

A certificate chain contains one or more certificates. You can use a text editor, the copy command in Windows, or the Linux cat command to concatenate your certificate files into a chain. The certificates must be concatenated in order so that each directly certifies the one preceding. If importing a private certificate, copy the root certificate last. The following example contains three certificates, but your certificate chain might contain more or fewer.

Click on the certificate activity and it lets me view all the certificates that have been generated. At the bottom of the screen is the option to export the information to Excel, or txt format. I output the information from that screen and then attempt to convert it into a sortable format in the spreadsheet and that is where it is giving that date format I can't work with.

I have a number of AP961x management cards (around a dozen) in various pieces of equipment. I also have a valid multi-host wildcard SSL certificate for my domain. The private key and CSR for the wildcard certificate were generated on a Unix system, and I have had no problems installing it on any systems or devices other than the APC management cards.

I have tried to use the APC Security Wizard (version 1.03) to import the certificate, but it insists on the private key being a .p15 file.

I have never encountered the PKCS 15 format elsewhere, and have been unable to locate any utility that would convert a "normal" private key (that begins with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----") into the .p15 format.

Even if I was willing to spend the large sum of money for a second multi-host wildcard SSL certificate for the same domain as the one I already have, the APC Security Wizard won't accept * in the Common Name field when trying to generate a Certificate Signing Request - it pops up an error box saying "Do not use special charactures (sic) such as !, @, #, &, space etc..." 

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to proceed? 152ee80cbc

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