Windsong Sisters 03: Promises Kept

This story and the entire series was inspired by jayaurysmut and his Lost Lands series. I highly recommend his fun stories as well worth reading.

All participants in this work of fiction are over the human equivalent age of 21.

Trudy awakens with a start, blinks sleep from her eyes and rolls over. The fire has burned low and seated on the other side, watching her, is a golden haired Goblin. Salindri's bedroll is gone and the Elf wizard is no where to be seen.

"I'm so glad Daddy kept his promise." Says the little Goblin. "It wasn't easy you know, convincing Daddy, but in the end he smiled and promised. Daddy always keeps his promises. Mom will be furious when she finds out, but, but Daddy understands. And, and, well, I , uh, I... just gotta know... You know?" But Trudy doesn't know, although she is greatly concerned with the disappearance of her friend and adventuring partner. Goblins have a certain reputation when it comes to males after all.

"Where is Salindri?" Trudy demands, throwing off her blanket. "What have you done with him!" She shivers in the cold night air, regretting removing her armour now.

"Oh! S,sorry, I sh, should have thought of that! Daddy's fine, he says he'll meet you at the cave. In the morning, if... if you still, w, want to work with him." The little Goblin has jumped up and pleads, almost in a panic. "Please, don't be mad at him! It's my fault! I, I made him promise! And, and Daddy always keeps his promises!" Trudy' surprise at the Goblin's distress is over ridden by the shocking revelation!

"Wait, what! Daddy?" The rogue's eyes go wide. "Salindri is your Dad!" The little Goblin can't stop staring at her feet as she stands trembling, almost in tears. Slowly she shakes her head. "Well. Shit." is all Trudy can say until she shivers with against the cold again. Shaking out her blanket, she wraps it around herself and sits on her bedroll. Eyeing the little Goblin, Trudy can't help but check out her rather large bust barely contained in her thin lacy top.

"Okay then. So Daddy kept his promise and I'm guessing that promise is me. So, why am I here?" After a second of silence, "Oh, and I'm Trudy, pleased to meet you. I guess."

"Petunia." comes the shy response. "And Daddy only promised to bring s,someone he um, I , I could... um t, talk to..." The girl wraps her arms around herself and shivers. "He said the, the rest was up to me."

"Talk? Ookaaay? Aw geez, your cold, come over he... Wait, you're an Alchemist! Where's your pack?" just a little suspicion creeping into Trudy's voice. Petunia has a flash of guilt cross her face before pointing. A dozen feet away from both of them sits a brown leather satchel. Trudy wonders why it sits so far away.

"Okay then, lets talk." Trudy holds one side of her blanket open in invitation. The shivering Goblin hesitates for barely a second before dashing over and snuggling under Trudy's arm, tight against her. The two women sit in silence watching the last flames slowly die. Trudy looks over at the Goblin's satchel.

"So. What else did your Dad say?" Trudy feels shifting under her arm, the Goblin's head now resting against the side of her boob.

"Um... He uh, he said he knew someone, a good friend. Smart. And understanding. Someone he likes working with and, and... um, he said, ah he said... um." Petunia flags and falls silent.

"Well, I like working with your Dad too." Trudy looks back over to Petunia's satchel way over there and her eyes narrow. The bag sitting so far out of temptation's reach. "Petunia, why didn't you douse me?" She feels the Goblin snuggled against her stiffen and gasp. "Petunia?"

"I, I... Daddy made me promise I wouldn't! He, he didn't want to lose you as a friend! And, and he'd be so mad! I, I promised!" Trudy pulls the shaking goblin back under her arm when she tries to flee.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm not upset. It actually says a lot about you that you kept your promise."

"Really? You're not mad?" Trudy gives her a squeezing one armed hug. Slowly Petunia relaxes back against her.

"No, I'm not mad Petunia. Although I will be having a word with your father when I see him."

"Mom says that a lot." Petunia giggles. They sit in silence for a few minutes, staring into the fire's embers.

"You did brew something though, didn't you?" Trudy feels Petunia's nod and senses her guilt. "So tell me, what would it have done?" Petunia fidgets, eyes down, picking at a loose thread, her guilt so obvious to Trudy. So to break the tension, she sniggers, "Would I have turned into a, a giant bug eyed zombie monster with bad breath and claws?"

"No!" Petunia laughs. "Nothing horrible like that. Although... I think I could brew..."

"Petunia!" Both laugh. After a few heart beats, Petunia continues,

"One potion, it, um, it would... calm you. In, in case you... It wouldn't completely charm you or melt your mind or anything. Just m, make you... calmer."

"I get it. A sensible precaution, you wouldn't know if I would attack or something."

"Um, yea I, I... Yea." Suddenly Petunia sit up straight. "Oh! I have a bigger blanket in my pack, and, and we could... I mean, I could s,show you the potions too. If , if you would like to see them. That is, I mean. Um."

"Okay. But quickly, it's cold."

"Aaiiieeee!" squeals Petunia at the cold as she dashes over, snagging her pack. Quickly she throws some wood on the campfire embers. Hurrying back she wipes out a huge blanket and throws it over Trudy then burrows under. Quickly she snuggles up again and leans shivering against the amused adventurer.

"Wow you weren't kidding. We could use this as a tent." Trudy spends a minute rearranging the bigger blanket like a poncho so they can sit together and watch the fire. Petunia shifts against her, then shifts again, snuggling under so Trudy's arm is around her waist. Petunia's head is resting against her boob once more.

As the little Goblin opens her satchel and rummages around inside, something clicks in Trudy's head. At the speed of a released arrow, it all comes together and Trudy's blinks at her own surprise. Petunia's shyness, her stammering, the snuggling. Why Mom will be furious. And why Salindri picked her, of all his friends, to talk with his daughter then didn't stick around for the conversation. This has nothing to do with Adventuring and everything to do with another kind of adventure all together.

"Oh I am such an idiot." she whispers to herself. Petunia looks up at her, a blueish potion in hand.

"What'd you say?"

"I said your father must love you very much. Now Petunia, I have to ask; how old are you?" But Trudy already knows the answer. Salindri is far too good of a person to arrange this meeting if it were otherwise.

"Um, I'm six." the little Goblin answers thoughtfully. "In Elf years, Daddy says I'd be forty, something. I guess I'd be twenty as a Human. Give or take." She looks up at Trudy. "Why? How old are you?"

"I've got a couple years on you as a Human..." Trudy says as she gently places a hand on the back of Petunia's head and leans down, giving her a long slow kiss. She pulls back, looking into Petunia's surprised green eyes and smiles. "Is this what you really wanted to talk about, my mad little alchemist? We can just talk, if that is what you want." Petunia, frozen in place, stares wide eyed into Trudy's hazel eyes for all of two pounding heart beats, then her arms snake around the taller woman's neck and half reaching, half pulling she kisses Trudy back with sudden passion. The blue potion is all but forgotten as it rolls away. Trudy smiles into their kiss and pulls the surprisingly heavy goblin up into her lap. Gently she probes and Petunia opens her mouth to let Trudy's tongue in. With a moan, Petunia hugs tightly, crushing their boobs together. Trudy can feel the woman's wildly beating heart. And her hard nipples.

Trudy breaks their kiss, takes the hem of her light undershirt and pulls it up over her head, losing the blanket in the process. Petunia stares in wonder at her bare chest. Smiling gently she takes the Goblin's trembling hands and places them on her breasts. Shaking, Petunia gives them an experimental squeeze.

"Their, their beautiful!" she whispers in awe. Trudy quickly hauls the blanket back up, rewrapping the pair of them. While Petunia plays under the blanket, Trudy does a little exploring herself, sliding a hand up the Goblin's taught stomach and slowly caresses her way to a rock hard nipple. Pulling Petunia up into another passionate kiss, she gives the nipple a slow twisting roll between her finger and thumb making Petunia moan and push her chest out. Trudy kisses her neck and nibbles on an earlobe as she slowly pulls the bow holding Petunia's lace shirt closed. The tight top almost explodes open and Trudy caresses and explores every inch of the big smooth green breasts and almost black nipples.

"Lay back." she whispers as she pulls Petunia's top over her head, losing the blanket once again. Trudy takes a second, checking out the little green skinned woman with the long golden hair in the fire light. Laying there, biting her lip in nervousness and excitement, hints of her Elvish heritage show through. And Trudy sees just how beautiful the short woman is. Even without her very large breasts. "Your really very pretty, you know that." Petunia blushes then sighs when Trudy lays down beside her and pulls the blanket back up and over .

Trudy kisses Petunia deeply then spends some time caressing, squeezing, nibbling those wonderfully large firm breasts. Slowly she trails fingers down Petunia's flat stomach to the top of her leather pants and traces circles on her hips and thighs. Whimpering, Petunia reaches down and tries to undo her pants while grabbing Trudy's hand and pulling it between her legs.

"Oh no you don't." Trudy whispers with a chuckle as she captures Petunia's hands and places them on the woman's own breasts. Trudy shifts and kneeling, she pulls Petunia's boots and socks off, then sucks three toes into her mouth. Petunia squeals and laughs, quickly jerking her feet from Trudy's grasp. Giving the horny girl a wicked grin, Trudy begins kissing her way slowly down Petunia's flat stomach. She pauses and tongues the tiny belly button as she deftly unbuttons Petunia's pants. Slowly, bit by bit Trudy pulls the pants lower, kissing each inch of slowly exposed skin.

"Please. Oh please, I, I can't take it. Touch me!" Pleads Petunia as she lifts her hips while pushing Trudy's head down. With one quick motion, Trudy pulls the Golbin's pants and panties off her wide hips and one leg. Laying down between the splayed legs, she kisses her way up her thighs, alternating left and right. Smiling at Petunia's whimpers, she wraps her arms under the tight little ass, over her hips and places her hands on those ample breasts, pulling Petunia in close. Trudy is rewarded with a long shuddering gasp as she slowly runs her tongue up the dark green outer folds of her pussy. Teasing, she explores all around before slowly gently probing and wriggling her tongue in and around the moaning woman's wet inner folds. Exploring, teasing never quite reaching the tiny clit peaking out, Trudy's tongue circles in then wriggles it way as deep as she can inside her. Slowly she tongue fucks Petunia making her moan ever more loudly. Then Trudy switches tactics and traces circles around Petunia's tiny love button. Circling, circling, slowly spiralling in, until using the full length of her tongue, Trudy gives the clit one long slow lick.

"Oooooh! Trudy!" Trudy pulls the soaking wet pussy tight against her face and quickly sucks Petunia's clit between her lips, rapidly flicking her tongue across it mercilessly. Within seconds, Petunia screams in ecstasy as she arcs her back off the bedroll, spasms one, twice, her hands crushing Trudy's on her breasts..

Trudy slows and releases the little nub but doesn't quiet stop when Petunia collapses panting. Gently, slowly she licks her, up and down, up and down, up and down. She pauses to to wet a finger then continues her ministrations as she slowly slides her finger inside her lover. Discovering Petunia is still a virgin, Trudy feels delightfully wicked as she slowly pleasures the squirming Goblin.

"Ooo, ooo, ooh!" Shudders Petunia. "Oh Trudy! So good! Mmm please ooh please! Don't stop!" Trudy pauses her slow gentle licking to wet a second finger then slowly works both inside the tight soaked pussy. Petunia is gasping and works her hips against Trudy's hand as they pick up the pace. Trudy moves up and takes a nipple in her mouth as she wiggles and twists her plunging fingers, making Petunia quiver. Picking up the pace again, her fingers are making wet squishy sounds as she pumps Petunia hard and fast.

Petunia half sits up, grabbing Trudy's head tight against her breast. Eyes wide, mouth open in a silent O!, a slight quiver starts in Petunia's legs, quickly becoming tremors. All muscles lock and Petunia's whole body is vibrating until with a sudden strangled, teeth gritting 'Nnnugggghhhhh!' she is bucking violently, eyes rolled back in her head. It's seconds, it's an eternity until her body turns to jelly and she flops back, sweating and gasping. Trudy kisses her chest and neck as she wraps the shorter woman in her arms. Petunia curls up, head against her chest, panting hard.

"So, did you like our little talk?" Trudy feels more than hears Petunia's giggle.

"Well," Petunia says, breathing hard, "I still have some questions." And with surprising speed and strength the little Goblin flips Trudy onto her back, almost losing the blanket again as she straddles her stomach. Trudy gasps when Petunia pinches her hard nipples.

"Can you take your pants off while I catch my breath?""