5G Networks


We invite you to jump on board a collaborative learning journey to 5G Networks. Our open educational resource begins with an overview of what 5G is. The focus then narrows to the applications for 5G in K-12 education through the lens of the 4th Industrial Revolution. We then embark on an in-depth market analysis of 5G networks. There are collections of videos throughout, along with written information and questions to help you contemplate and engage with the content.


Who We Are

kendal benesh

Kendal is a freelance project consultant working in wildlife ecology, conservation, and natural resources. Kendal has primarily been involved in education in a workplace context – from training field technicians for data collection to delivering outdoor environmental education to youth. A large part of her work now is providing technical support for online workshops and developing remote learning opportunities geared toward educating environmental professionals and stewardship practitioners. Kendal is particularly interested in 5G technologies as a way to bring learners to faraway places (e.g., using AR/VR/MR to teach about unique environments and climate issues), and to connect rural areas with technologies and learning environments they otherwise would not have access to.

scott hladun

Scott is a software developer and swimming and first aid instructor. He has been particularly interested in how new and emerging technologies can aid learners with differing abilities, such as ASD. During his undergrad he worked with local schools to develop a companion robot for students with autism to assist in their communication and self-regulation skills. Moving forward, he's passionate about developing learning experiences that are more accessible to all students. Some fun facts about Scott; he enjoys competing in Spartan races, he's a coach for the Special Olympics swim team, and has trained over 300 swimming instructors in Ontario.

Greg Patton

Greg is an Administrator in a Lower Mainland School District. He has taken on a lead role at his school in regards to Technology. Greg has worked with his staff on Technology advancements such as MS Teams implementation, Bring Your Own Device, hybrid classrooms, and website maintenance. He sees 5G as a stepping stone in improving both the level of Technology infrastructure in the school and the level of trust Teachers will ultimately put into Technology in their classroom. When not working, Greg enjoys disc golf with his son, Owen, and mountain biking with his daughter Abby. And making faces on Whistler chairlifts...