10 Pound Bag Ch. 76-80
**** Chapter Seventy-Six -- Matrimonial Bliss ****
I was holding court and I was not amused.
Brin was at my side and I had managed to demand to be carried outside and sat in the sunlight. I was sat in the sun just outside of the lodge door. I had my saddle bags brought to me and managed to find my cigarettes. The smoke was good and the sunlight was good.
Petalesharo and Doc Banshee were in front of me and I wanted answers. But I also wanted coffee and Banshee just looked at me like I was babbling when I asked for coffee. I had seen a white woman working at a fire halfway down the camp, I asked Pete to have her come and make me coffee.
"She belongs to another," Pete replied.
"Buy her," I said and held up a pouch each of tobacco and gun powder. He grabbed the tobacco pouch and left to do the trade.
That left me, Brin, and Doc Banshee looking at each other.
Both Brin and Doc sat down on the ground.
Well fuck, that was interesting. So I ignored them and watched Pete's progress dragging the white woman back across the camp. My back hurt and I was starting to feel grumpy. It would be nap time soon. But first some coffee and some answers.
I centered myself and tried to consider that I had just purchased a woman so that I could have a cup of coffee. I could ply myself with do-good moral feelings about that, but the reason I had done so was a cup of coffee. How many other slaves were here in camp that I just couldn't see because of their dress and skin color?
Fuck it. I wanted some coffee and it only cost me a bit of tobacco. My soul might burn in hell for my intentions, but that was gonna happen anyway. Give me my damn coffee.
Pete was back with the woman. She was middle-aged, non-descript, and filthy; her eyes were lifeless. This woman had been destroyed by circumstances and I had just made her my problem. Maybe it's me that keeps shooting myself in the back all the time.
I pointed to my food pack and told her, "There's coffee and a pot in there, make me some." I looked at Doc and said, "Show her where to cook".
Bang! Off they both went leaving Brin, Pete and me alone.
I pointed to the spot next to me on the bench and simply said, "Explain."
Petalesharo took a seat next to me and started in. I knew this was going to be a sob story.
Pete tried to short sheet it, "We made trade, one child of warrior dog for beautiful sister. It's a good trade and sister is very happy."
Well, hell, I should have expected him to run some line like that at me. Fucker was still trying to pull a fast one and pawn his sister off on me.
"Why no husband, Pete?"
"She had. He brave warrior. He die fighting for Army. Three winters now, he dead."
Well that was pretty much what I expected. I knew that the epidemics and the internecine wars had thinned the ranks of all the tribes so much that the US Army had basically walked in with a dust mop and taken over vast swaths of land. Conquering heroes of a scattered remnant of 7,500 where once 350,000 had lived and prospered. Mother Nature was a bitch with her tiny little buggy friends.
"Pete, I was sick."
"Trade was made, she will be good wife."
Fuck, I was stuck. If I tried to unwind the deal no man would ever touch her again. Michelle would not be happy with the problems I was bringing home for her to deal with.
"Where is my magic pistol?"
Pete left to get my M1911, it had disappeared when I collapsed and I definitely needed that back. I tested my left arm while I waited, I could fully use the hand but the arm still needed to stay still. I'd get a full sling around the arm and stash the .45 in there, even if I were going to be a gimp for a few weeks I wanted to have something to fall back on.
My coffee arrived about the same time as my pistol. The coffee wasn't bad, but she'd need some training. Cleaning up first, but some serious training; you have to be able to make coffee. I took a sip of the coffee and grimaced. I pointed to my pack and said, "Sugar," then slave woman immediately dug into the pack looking for sugar. This was kinda fun in a sick and twisted way.
I got my sugar and the coffee became 'decent.' I looked at her and asked, "You didn't want any?"
Bless her frightened heart she looked confused but nodded her head.
"Well go on and get some then. Just leave me enough for another cup or make some more. Should be another cup in the pack."
She was off like flash and I felt a little warm and fuzzy on the inside. But only a little. Sadly, she was still a slave until I got home and handed her over to Michelle. An unfortunate but necessary farce to insure her own safety. There was too much damage that needed to be carefully unwound before she could face the world again.
I had my coffee and I had a new cigarette so I looked at my new wife and said "Speak".
I should have known that was going to be a mistake. I got a brief respite until Pete translated and Mt. Doc Banshee exploded in a non-stop torrent of words. It was impressive even to me and I'd been around the world a bit.
She went on and she even got her hands involved. We had a world class thespian on our hands here; she started to pace back and forth as she pontificated and I simply looked at Pete. He just shrugged his shoulders with a baleful grin on his face.
I look at white slave lady and pointed to my bag and said "whiskey." I'll be damned if she didn't scramble over again and find one of the bottles in my pack. I popped the cork, took a swig, and poured a measure into my coffee. I handed the bottle over to Pete who had a swig of his own and handed the bottle back, as we sat and watched his sister go on. On a whim, I offered the bottle to slave lady and she took it and poured a healthy measure into her coffee before handing it back. We all just sat back to watch and listen.
Now I couldn't understand a single word she was saying, but I'm sure she was holding discourse on the micro-economics of the lower Missouri River valley until I finished my cigarette and had enough. One last swig from my bourbon bottle, before I had slave lady put it away and then I said "Stop."
"Pete, please translate for her."
Pete nodded in assent.
"Is she happy to be my wife?"
Pete asked a short question and of course Doc went off on a running spiel. Pete gave me the quick translation while she talked.
"She is very proud to have been made the wife of such a powerful warrior. She says all the women are jealous that you paid such a big bride price."
"Big bride price? I traded a dog for her while I was sick."
"She says that Brin is a famous warrior dog now. Everybody knows him and he has his own coup stick."
"Brin has a coup stick?"
Pete pointed at the entrance to the lodge which was adorned by two sticks with notches cut in them and red lines painted on each notch. Brin and I each had coup sticks.
"She made them herself. She also made a coup belt you can wear to celebration. She is very happy, so she talks."
"Pete, does she ever stop talking?"
He just shook his head and gave me a woeful smile.
**** Chapter Seventy-Seven -- The Taming of the Shrew ****
Banshee was still babbling on. Of course, she was babbling on. That seems to be what she did best.
"Petalesharo, I must ask a favor of you. Please teach me how to shut her up." Well, that earned me a laugh, and a quick word from Pete brought an end to the noise.
"Pete, please tell your sister that she cannot not be my proper wife until she learns English. This one," I pointed at our new slave, "will teach her."
Banshee wasn't happy to hear that but she nodded in assent.
"Thanks, Pete. I think I need to rest soon." Recovery was never as fast and as fun as they made it look in the movies. I turned to the white lady and asked her name. Just a simple name was all I wanted, but I forgot I was talking to a woman and she just started in.
"My name is Mary and I don't think the way you are treating me is right,. I'm a good Christian lady here to bring the salvation of Jesus to these heathens and..."
"Quiet!" I boomed bringing silence and a startled look from 'my name is Mary.' "What makes you think you are anything more than still a slave? Behave or you'll be right back down in that lodge you just left eating scraps with the dogs and being fucked by whomever wants to fuck you.
"This one", I pointed at Banshee, "is now my wife and you work for her. If you don't keep her happy, she will beat you. If you try to run, Brin will catch you and then I will beat you.
"You belong to me!"
There, that should shut her up for a few days.
"Pete, I need to go rest now. Please ask your sister to take Mary and clean her up before she brings her back to me."
With that, I limped back into the lodge and laid down to rest.
**** ****
Banshee brought back a different woman about an hour later. Clad in a blanket with brown curls of hair cascading down her back, the grime had been cleaned away to reveal a decently attractive woman. She was paraded up to me and then Banshee stepped away and started working on something on the other side of the lodge.
I considered my options for a moment and then, pulling myself to a sitting position, decided to start taming my newest acquisition. This was going to suck at a moral level, but had to be done at a survival level. I was going to break her now and have Michelle rebuild her when and if we got home. I had found a length of switch to help me with the job; 'Spare the rod' as the idiom goes. To rescue her from slavery, I needed her to act like a slave until we got home. So a slave she would become.
"Place the blanket on the floor and kneel on it."
"Mister, that ain't right. I don't.."
Thwack!! Switch on a pretty bare calf leaving a bright red mark behind.
Her eyes were suddenly wide open and I could see the fear run through her body. I wondered if she would make a break for it, and Banshee moved towards the lodge door.
"You talk too much. I didn't ask you to discuss this; I told you what to do. So place the blanket on the floor and kneel on it. I want to get a good look at you and see what I just bought."
The disrobing was interesting to say the least. Blushing improved her looks immediately and my estimation of her age changed with the body reveal. Of course, she was naked under the blanket. Her filthy garments were probably still soaking in the water to get them clean. The blanket finally came off. As she dropped it, she immediately tried to cover her private parts with her hands.
She was starting to cry. Something about disrobing in front of me was worse than the times she had been raped and humiliated by her former captors. It was probably because I was white.
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
She screeched, jumped and grabbed her buttock where I had delivered the strokes.
"Mister, how dare you.."
Thwack! Thwack! On the thigh. She was crying and babbling now. Each time she jumped her breasts bounced nicely, bringing a surprise hard-on to my groin. I could see Banshee grinning in the background.
"I told you to put the blanket on the floor and kneel on it."
The tears were real now, not just embarrassment. She started worrying more about following the instructions than covering her nipples. Once she got the blanket laid out she knelt on it, trying to cover herself again. She was about six feet away from me.
"No, put the blanket next to me."
She paused not wanting to be closer.
Thwack! Thwack! That ass cheek was bright red and had to be getting sore.
She quickly scrambled and moved closer. She was starting to understand. The humiliation and fear burned bright on her face. She knelt there, next to me, trembling trying to cover her private bits.
Time for the final shredding and then the talking could begin.
"Put your hands behind your head."
Wild with panic, she actually looked around for help.
Thwack! Thwack!
She jumped and her breasts bounced free as her arms went up and her hands went behind her head.
Damn those were some nice breasts! Well hell, almost all breasts are nice in my opinion, but these were medium sized, firm, and pointy. Not quite my idea of the perfect breast but close enough to be fun to look at.
Mary was actually sobbing now.
"Knees apart!"
Another pause.
Thwack! The knees came apart about four inches.
"All of the way!"
I think she was waiting on purpose now.
Thwack! Thwack! And the knees became fully spread.
I'd never seen a full body blush before.
Now we could talk.
**** Chapter Seventy-Seven Point Five -- The Cumming of the Shrew ****
I took a minute to enjoy the lush body kneeling next to me. She wasn't centerfold material by any stretch of the imagination. Really, she could use a few sandwiches before she even attempted to wear a bikini. But she was youngish and firm with nicely wide hips and medium sized breasts.
Mary's eyes were downcast and she was still blushing and crying. Her ass cheek was flaming red by this point and had several noticeable stripes on it from my switch. I'm not a big S&M guy, but still, this was pretty hot at this point.
The hotness factor may have been coming from Mary. On closer examination she appeared to be in full bloom and her nipples looked to be rock hard. She was panting slightly and had a thin sheen of sweat starting on her and her eyes were only half open. She appeared to be consumed with lust. Her odor was simply everywhere..
I reached out and touched one of the swollen nipples. Her eyes flew open and she immediately jerked back and away from me.
"Ahh!" was the new sound she made. The shrieks and cries were gone.
Banshee was halfway across the room, watching with a curious look on her face.
"Close your eyes, Mary, and keep them closed." I instructed.
Her breath was coming faster now and she was almost panting.
I reached out again and caressed a nipple. It was rock hard and hot. A soft moan escaped from Mary's mouth.
I looked down at her pussy and could see her swollen pussy lips hanging out and glistening. Her clit was actually visible standing proudly out of the pubic hair. A line of juice was running down her thigh and there was actually a wet spot forming on the blanket between her knees.
Holy shit, this woman was a true submissive! I'd never seen anything like before.
"Stay still." I said and then I reached out and pinched both of her nipples hard.
She managed to stay still, but let out a moan, and a quiver ran through her entire body. I think she had a mini orgasm. She was openly panting now and the juices were running down both legs. I could see her clit physically quivering.
Banshee was immediately behind her watching with wide eyes. Public sex was commonplace in lodge houses; communal living made that part of reality. But Mary's was an entirely different level of on-display eroticism.
"How do you feel, Mary?" I asked.
"I want. I want so bad it hurts." She softly moaned, "Oh my God, please help me..."
"Help you what, Mary?"
"I need. Please help me with what I need." This girl was actually pleading for it. I'd never seen the like.
I looked at Banshee and gave her the hand signals to reach around and pinch Mary's nipples. I simulated pinching them hard. She smiled and nodded.
I reached down and placed a finger gently on Mary's clit. Mary started to shake so I nodded at my new wife and she clamped onto those swollen nipples and clamped down on them hard. She pulled and twisted as soon as Mary reacted.
Mary shrieked and started to shake. I started to harshly strum her clit back and forth while I stuffed two fingers from my other hand deep into her red hot pussy.
Mary went from shaking to a full out convulsion. Her eyes flew open and she started calling out to and thanking the Lord. Ten seconds later, her eyes rolled up in her head and she collapsed. She simply laid out across my lap and lay there twitching and moaning as the aftershocks rolled through her body. I swear, she came for close to five minutes.
Banshee and I simply looked at each other in wonder. I'd never seen the like in all of my travels. I would have paid a half-pound of fucking gold just to watch it happen, let alone the tidbit actually I paid to actually own it.
I still didn't have my pants back and Banshee noticed my hard cock sticking out of the blanket. The race was on as she leapt to try and straddle it. I managed to block her. "English first," I scolded her. She simply frowned at me and then flipped around to give me a clumsy but energetic blow job. It wasn't a great blow job, but she was working hard.
Out of curiosity, I whacked her ass with the switch, she responded by smiling up at me and then getting back to work with even more enthusiasm. Jeez, I had two of them! This was almost beyond bizarre. I decided to play along and pulled up her dress and began to work her ass as she sucked. She was moaning enthusiastically as we went along. My incredulity at the situation was giving me a level of control I'd never had before.
Her breasts were what set me off. They were small, yet firm, with bullet point nipples, and the moment I pinched one, she moaned deeply and throatily on my cock and my control was gone. With a grunt, I grabbed her hair and forced my cock down her throat while I started to cum. When I saw that she had taken over pinching and pulling her own nipples, I dumped my load in three mighty surges as waves of pleasure rolled through me.
Banshee lay with her head in my lap and we were both shaking. I think she had come also. Mary's eyes were open again and Banshee looked her, then kissed her. Mary wasn't ready for that and jerked away. "Kiss her," I said, and reached out slapped her ass.
There was a moment there that I thought Mary was going to fight me, but she leaned in and shared a gentle kiss with Banshee. I lit a cigarette and watched my new wife and my new slave gently make out on my lap. This road trip was turning out far different than I envisioned.
**** Chapter Seventy-Eight -- Party Prep ****
Coffee, I wanted coffee. There was some talking to do if these women were going to work out in my world and I wanted some coffee.
"Coffee," I said gently.
Neither of them moved.
Thwack! Thwack!
Both of them chirped and were moving now. It was Keystone Kops in action, as neither knew what the other was doing but both were hurrying. Great, now all I needed was a wife-beater and a PBR, and I would be set for life. Holy Fuck, where the hell was this going? That's right, 'Spare the Rod...'
Minutes later, I had two women back in front of me, one nude and kneeling and the other still clothed. Time to level the table.
Thwack! A beautiful light brown calf grew a red mark. Banshee looked at me like I was insane. I ignored her pride.
Thwack! Thwack! Suddenly the buckskin dress was in a pile on the blanket and Banshee was kneeling naked next to Mary. Tables leveled.
I took the time to ogle each of them, both bodies were new to me but Banshee's had just been uncovered and she was spread wide open for examination. This was the first time I'd seen her blush, I admit I was quite full of myself right then. It was a great moment in my life.
Fucking Pete walked in. I ignored him for a moment as he gazed in amazement at the scene in front of him.
"Sit," I said, and quietly added "Blankets, quickly."
Mary looked up, saw Pete and quickly threw Banshee's dress into her lap before grabbing a blanket to cover herself. Pete was standing opened-mouthed, staring at his subdued sister while she quickly dressed.
I looked at Mary and simply said, "Coffee, small sugar please." Mary smiled at me and scuttled over to make my coffee; Stockholm Syndrome indeed.
"Petalesharo, please come and sit with us," I opened and patted a seat on the bench next to me. He was still a little bit shook by what he had just stumbled upon. He glanced at his sister, who was sitting demurely waiting, and his eyes filled with wonder. Apparently, I had tamed the mighty Minotaur of his world and his firecracker sister was already docile and domesticated.r"