The Secret Life of Canada

CBC Podcast Usability

What is a PODCAST?

How could a digital audio file, uploaded to the online world, and then either downloaded or played be received or conceived by users? It's absolutely fascinating. Podcasts are now the next best thing to books and music! Podcasts are your best friend as they provide ample amount of information, casually or formally. From storytelling, to gossip monger shows, and financial guru experts. Podcasts are there for our multi-tasking, informative, DIY (do-it-yourself) culture that we live in today. 

In fact, podcasts are available on:

Podcasts vary in medium:

The Secret Life of Canada: PODCAST

The Secret Life of Canada IS A GEM! I first found this resource when I was starting my practicum about 5 years ago. As I was teaching social studies 10, I wanted to find REAL Canadian resources that were focused on Canadian perspectives. This is a rich social studies content and when I discovered how vast and creative CBC was, I was mind-blown. 

Pedagogical & Cultural Significance

This podcast series is brilliant in its authenticity. 


BIPOC voices!

The team consists of a strong female presence and of diverse Canadian identities and voices.  The team is rich in production, writing, and experience in showcasing Canada's history. 

Casual, fun auditory experence

The podcast series is targeted towards high-school level audience, touching upon specific stories and topics throughout Canada establishment.


Study Guides

The podcast series offers teaching guides when following along episodes. 


The podcast series offers transcripts for students to follow along or need support with their literacy/comprehension. 

Volumous series and edisodes for curricular connections!

There are a total of 6 seasons and each episode is at least 30 minutes or more. 

Present on Social Media

The Podcast series is socially and digitally present on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok. There is an attempt of the podcast product to be regularly posted about, updated, and/or announced.