About the Author

My name is Alexander Williams – and I am a writer.


Sometimes I am an A/V engineer who specializes in helping clean up other people's crowdfunding pitch videos.

Sometimes I am a live call-in talk show host raconteur who likes to talk about the latest movies, books, and other geek media.

Sometimes I am a 3D modeler who is fascinated by the newest developments in desktop 3D printing.

Sometimes I am an outspoken member of the online community who advocates for freedom of speech in every venue.

Sometimes I am a graphic designer who is willing to use whatever tool will get the job done.

Today I'm a writer and a curator, and I hope that you are enjoying the things that I am curating for you here. If you are interested in more of my professional work, I've linked it down below.

Thank you for your time and I appreciate the attention you've shared.

I Take Tips

Let's be honest, it's hard to make it on the Internet today without some sort of monetization. I want to make things that you like. You want to give me some sort of token of affection for making things that you like.

I'll tell you what: why don't we agree that money is a great token of affection?

  • If you'd like to donate some of your hard-earned funds to me, you can do so at this link:

  • I also take Flattr! If you've signed up and surf my YouTube videos or other goodies, I'll get some of your monthly allocation. No muss, no fuss.

  • I'm on LBRY, too, if interesting cryptocurrency-driven social media is more your bag. Upvotes there translate into a little extra jingle in my pocket which pays for things like new keyboards, mice, and other tools that let me continue ply my trade.

If you're not ready to send me the dosh, that's fine, too. Leave me a message telling me how much you really enjoyed what you've seen. Link to me from your favorite social media. Tell your friends. In a lot of ways those are all as good as sending money directly or indirectly.

But if you can manage it, if it comes together, if you've got nothing better to do, or if you've just got a few cents jingling around at the bottom of your digital pocket – throw it my way. Maybe it'll buy me a Coca-Cola, maybe I'll get a nice dinner out of it, or maybe you'll buy my next repair for my 3D printer. No matter what it goes toward, ultimately it goes to make me able to create more stuff you like.

And that's what we all want.

The Inevitable Blogs

@lextenebris on LBRY

The migration path out of Steemit; LBRY is another crypto-based hybrid social media/content distribution platform which integrates a micro payment system with the cryptocommodity intended to make secure and pseudonymic communication easier. I've written both articles on cryptocommodity management and narrative construction.

Published Works

The three girls stood together in the center of the darkened hall, their robes blowing about them in the rising wind. The time had come for them, as avatars of the Three Goddesses, to face the demonic storm which threatened Tokyo - and, if not halted, the entire earth. "Ready," said Deirdre. As was appropriate to the avatar of Kali, dark goddess of birth and murder, she was garbed in thin black silks, with a belt of skulls around her waist. Her long hair spun in wild patterns, framing her pale face in a veil of dark crimson. One upraised hand held a set of ofuda charms, each one a spell waiting to be cast. "Concentrate," warned Leonie. Her rainbow robes swirled in a mass of whirling colors, confusing the eyes of any watcher. Half-formed creatures of mist lurked around her feet and rose above her head. "Under the guidance of Maya, Goddess of Illusion, let the enemy be confounded!" "Wai wai!" cheered Rebecca, bouncing up and down. Her sparkly pink and green robes glowed in the torchlight. "Go gettem! Yatta!" Dragonflies and butterflies wheeled around her in dizzying pinwheels, and flowers sprang around her feet as she drew on the power of Eos, the Goddess of the Dawn. The darkness pooled and puddled in the corners of the hall, and a figure rose to take shape, mantled in furs and velvets blacker than any of Deirdre's shadows. A great panther rubbed against his legs, baring teeth in a vicious hiss. The man's predatory eyes fixed on the three teenagers, and he smiled, a tiny movement of sensuous lips. "At last," he whispered. "I, Barucco, shall be reborn upon this earth . . ."

-- Triple Goddess Jeopardy, episode 15

Hearts, Swords, and Flowers is the definitive sourcebook for Shoujo gaming in the Big Eyes, Small Mouth universe. Chock full of useful advice, analysis, and examples of incorperating popular shoujo concepts into any campaign!


Iteration X represents the cutting edge of artifice, material science and man-machine technology. The Clockwork Conventioneers may be considered killer cyborgs or emotionless drones by their peers, but in truth they're pioneers as well as warriors. The Iterators' tools and computers empower humans , overcome defects and enable people to do things that would be impossible without the aid of machines. But with directives from machine intelligences and humans who give up flesh for metal, who's the master and who's the servant?


A new direction for the Conventions for Mage: The Ascension. Completely new material covering history, practices, beliefs, special chacters, rules and more. Finaly, books that build upon the Guide to the Technocracy and bring forth the secrets for your Technocracy characters.

Youtube Content


LBRY Foundation Community Podcast

Every Friday at 2 PM Eastern on the LBRY Foundation Discord server, I act as second voice for the LBRY Foundation Community Podcast, a live community outreach show in which we cover news about and involving the LBRY protocol ecosystem and issues of particular concern to the LBRY community. Every show is recorded and the entire thing put up on the show Channel in both video (where you can attend both the preshow and of the after party while watching my screen for notes) and edited podcast (audio only).

3d Modeling