There were local effects artists, and there were a lot of them in Vancouver where I worked. Some guys and girls drafted it up, other people made the molds, other people did the designs on the arm, and then we did a group that did the cast of this thing. I loved working with the Vancouver crew. It was all done in a flash, really fast like a TV episode. I went up there, we quickly did prep, put a few things together, and then shot and came home and cut it together in a very short amount of time. One of my requests, as strange as a request as it might be, "Could it be an appealing thing?" Could the designer make it something that was desirable and not off-putting. Together the team that designed and casted it did a very nice job. I think part of what helped them achieve their goal was that we had in contrast the first artificial limb that Rachel's character wore, and we were able to make that a little more cold and unappealing, so that in comparison, the golden arm seemed more welcoming.

What also what helped the appeal was our director of photography put a beautiful golden-hued light on it, and he made sure the sun was streaming in that barn, and most of it is just sold through Rachel's performance. That made her happy, and I think that's what left the impression on the audience that it was a pretty thing.

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Heather is unhappy and wants a prosthetic arm. She asks David to get a gold one for her and he procures it. For a while, she's quite content with its glamour and feel. Unfortunately, the gold corrupts her body and soon, she dies. Before doing so, she asks David to bury it with her. He fulfills her wish. However, he is run over by debts, and decides to take the golden arm back from his wife's grave. A vengeful Heather returns as a ghost and comes back for her arm, killing David in the process.

In the English fairy tale written by Joseph Jacob, a man falls in love with a woman, whose arm is made of gold. However, townsfolk believed that he loved her golden arm more than her. Nevertheless, they lived a long and happy life, and then she died. While looking sorrowful at her funeral, the man went to dig up her body and cut off the golden arm.

The story ends on this note. In another adaptation of the tale written by Karen Sneider, the man's greed grows by leaps and bounds, and he kills his wife for the golden arm. The wife comes back to haunt him, and he flings the arm at her. The story ends with her shoving a scrap of paper and pencil into his hand and the wife saying, "Show your work!"

When you ship goods to different locations throughout the United States, you may notice freight rates fluctuate depending on the origin and destination. 

While there is a pretty widely used formula for generating freight rates, each state is unique and a number of state-specific factors can affect freight costs throughout the year. Here is a state-by-state list of shipping facts that explain how rates are impacted when shipping to or from any of the 50 states.

If you, like me, saw this tweet from writer Zach Raffio and thought "this buckwild show wherein Rachel Brosnahan, Mrs. Maisel her very self, is deeply attached (physically obv but also EMOTIONALLY) to her golden C-3PO arm simply must be a very bizarre comedy in the vein of a Children's Hospital or other Adult Swim bizarro fare."

"The Golden Arm" is a two-part episode from the new Quibi show 50 States of Fright brought to us by none other than Sam Raimi himself. It features Rachel Brosnahan as a Michigan woman who loses her arm in a tree accident and gets a golden one instead. She becomes obsessed with her golden arm even as it kills her (literally of pulmonary gold disease). The doctor is all "Bish, lose your arm," and she's all, "NOT WITHOUT MY ARM-DAUGHTER." She coughs, goldly, into her golden arm. She lays weak but goldylike in her hospital bed. She dies of goldiness. But she wants, nay, NEEDS to be buried with her golden arm.

Quibi tried and failed to create much of a buzz last year with its mobile video streaming service. But there was at least one thing from the ill-fated platform that went viral: a scene from a show where Rachel Brosnahan, of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel fame, plays a woman with a golden arm. You'll soon be able to relive that moment of pop culture history thanks to Roku.

SEPT. 29-OCT. 31: Riverside County SCARE & Pumpkin Festival: Fairgrounds. "For those brave enough to dare, the Carnival Carnivore haunted house offers frights untold."


The STATE THEATRE ACTING COMPANY (STAC), which is the performance arm of our beloved Auburn State Theatre (AST), presents a special selection of suspenseful Halloween programing with three shows to give you laughs, goose bumps, and maybe a fright.

On the Fourth of July, many animals become so frightened by the noise and commotion of fireworks that they run from otherwise familiar environments and people, and sadly become lost. They may also suffer devastating or even fatal health effects from the stress. The sudden bright flashes and sounds can cause wild animals to run into roadways, resulting in more car accidents than normal. Wildlife rehabilitation centers are often flooded with traumatized, injured and orphaned wild animals after the holiday.

Predatory birds, like bald eagles, see the harsh sounds and lights from fireworks as a threat, and may abandon their nests or habitats entirely. The explosions may cause other birds to take off en masse for prolonged periods of time and to use up vital energy reserves needed for survival. Fireworks have even frightened birds into flying so far out to sea that they did not have the energy to make the return flight. Wild birds frightened by the noise of fireworks will also fly higher and for longer, which exposes them to the harmful cocktail of ingredients in fireworks like ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide that have caused cardiovascular and respiratory damage, and even death, in humans.

All pets, even those kept indoors full-time, should always wear collars with ID tags. Indoor-only pets can become so frightened during fireworks displays that they may take desperate measures to escape the noise, including breaking through windows or door screens. You should also ensure that your pet is microchipped and that the chip is properly registered with your current contact information.

Full disclosure: I hate Halloween and always have. I hate being scared, chased, or frightened, so Halloween is my least favorite holiday. I hate how some people make Halloween even scarier than it already is.

To further channel your inner ghoul, five scare zones are stationed throughout the park and are included with park admission. These are high-traffic pedestrian areas: each offers a different theme, complete with its own monsters, ghouls, zombies, and other scary creatures that are impossible to avoid as you walk through. Because they are frightening additions to Fright Fest, Six Flags recommends that parents accompany kids through the scare zones. They open nightly at 7:30 P.M., so avoid these areas if you plan on leaving the park early. Every scare zone is marked on the Fright Guide. You can probably avoid them if you take alternate routes, but in the name of journalistic research, we walked through every scare zone as we roamed the park. They were definitely scary and well-themed, but due to the high foot traffic in those areas and the amount of creatures per guests, we were able to walk through the zones without having creatures follow us or get too close. Confession: This also could have been due to my borderline gallop through each scare zone. 2351a5e196

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