Visit the recreated 1880s tenement apartment of the Gumpertz family, whose primary breadwinner disappeared during the Panic of 1873. Then, visit an interactive 1980s Chinatown garment shop that connects you directly to the memories of Mrs. Wong, her children, and her co-workers. How did a 19th century German-Jewish immigrant and a 20th century Chinese immigrant rely on their communities during hard times?

What if you could see yourself in 14 years, would you want to know what you look like?

Urs Recher is a Switzerland based photographer that pursued a personal project that had me fascinated. Back in 2002, he shot beautiful portraits of two models. He shot the same models again this year with the exact same setup! the only thing that separates the shots is time. 

Take a look at the results below:

5 Years Apart Movie Download


Well, you certainly understand, that I cannot give their exact data. They are both Swiss, like me, but never worked too serious as models. Vanessa was only active for a few years, while Caroline was constantly busy shooting. But modelling was never a full time job for her either.

I took both of these photos from exactly the same spot (slightly different focal length 16mm vs 17mm), in the middle of the winter, at the same time of the day, but two years apart. The big difference in the landscape appearance is that two years ago we could hardly see any snow, but this year it was frozen solid from the middle of November until the very end of March.

Unless I'm missing something, the most remarkable factoid here is that the tree and bushes have changed remarkably little over two years; much could have happened. Otherwise, what's the remarkable thing about two photos taken two years apart of the same geographic location? I'm glad the author seems to have learned new techniques in that time period.

The visible difference in this pair is the post processing, not the "2 years apart". The HDR looks ugly and fake. This was "hip" 5 years ago, now it's such a clich that HDR is unwatchable (to my eyes).

100% agree. The only improvement is the cloud cover in the second exposure and that was due to nature. The HDR looks just as fake as always. In two years he'll take another photo and push the tone curve ever so gently this time and do the comparision again.

I stopped using the Photomatix because it gave me weird colors on the Nikon D810, while worked perfectly on the D800, and also the dynamic range on the first camera is insane at ISO 64 so the last HDR photo I made is now 2 years ago..


I'm sure he still gave instructions to the lab about HOW to print them, possibly involving subtle D&B. James Nachtwey, as another example, certainly discusses the print and D&B techniques with his personal lab assistant/printer (as can be seen in "War Photographer".

I know that HCB wanted the edge of film to be seen. Done my reading about 10 years ago, in one of Clment Chroux's books about HCB. If I remember correctly this was something that most (or all?) Magnum photographers from that era did. It was all about in-camera framing, which they wanted to emphasise.

HOWEVER, "visible edge of film" does not mean "no change of grades" or "no dodge & burn".

When DJI announced its extremely innovative Ronin 4D camera and stabilizer combo in 2021, one thing was missing. Maximum quality, 8K/75fps recording, would require the Zenmuse X9-8K module, but only the 6K option was available at launch. Now, two years later, the big boy is here.

I may be overthinking this, but how would I calculate the probability of two people dying on the same days years apart? (This is NOT a homework question, btw. I had two close family members die on the same day, 18 years apart.)

If anyone has a 1/365 chance (0.27%) of dying on any given day in a calendar year (ignoring leap years), I would think that two people dying on the same day would be 0.27%*0.27%=0.00075%. Is that the right way to think about it? Does it matter that it was 18 years apart?

Obviously for us it worked and Penny arrived in April 2021, 2 years and 3 months after Brae BUT technically they were 'made' at exactly the same time, she'd just been chilling the freezer whilst Brae was implanted straight away. This makes them Fraternal twins which explains why they are so alike. Identical twins occur when the egg splits into two but non-identical twins occur when there are two separate eggs hence a lot of IVF babies taken from the same harvest or cycle are twins but born years apart.

If/when Dave and I have another kid they will be at least 6 years younger than Sadie. Sort of planned, sort of not. But it is what it is! And I have cousins 6 years younger than me who are like sisters to me now so I know it can be good.

Background:  Evidence about trends in adolescent emotional problems (depression and anxiety) is inconclusive, because few studies have used comparable measures and samples at different points in time. We compared rates of adolescent emotional problems in two nationally representative English samples of youth 20 years apart using identical symptom screens in each survey.

DEAR ABBY: I've been married for 34 years. During most of them, I was unfaithful. I never felt like I was truly married because my husband never gave me the time of day, but I liked my marital status because, I guess, we were companions. As soon as my kids married and the nest was empty, I left. I didn't feel I needed to stay and be unhappy, so I moved out. Why I didn't divorce him during those eight years is beyond me.

DEAR ABBY: I'm a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for more than 12 years. My road to sobriety has been long and dark, but I am proud of turning my life around and staying sober. My problem is how my mother treats me about it. She keeps reminding me of all the mistakes I made and the people I hurt when I was still drinking.

DEAR ABBY: I'm 26 and not currently in a relationship. I don't have many friends. I'd like to have more, and I try. I wasn't popular in middle and high school, either. I have been in and out of college, so I haven't been able to make friends there. I have worked at my job for three years and it's the same story.

DEAR ABBY: I am a man who has been married to my husband for two years. My problem is his brother. He tries to sabotage our marriage every chance he gets -- from making rude comments to propositioning me and sending me nude pics of himself. The other problem is, my husband always takes his brother's side. He knows his brother is dysfunctional but insists I should keep giving him another chance even though, when I have, it never turns out well. What should I do? -- BUGGED IN ARIZONA

Although two years was on the maximum end of what my husband and I were hoping for, fate stepped in and had other ideas. Ultimately, my daughter was born when my son was two years and three months old. In hindsight, the 27-month difference has turned out to be great. However, in the early years, at times, things were definitely tough.

Fast forward several years. My son is now six and my daughter is four. These past four years have had many ups and downs and special challenges. In that time, both of my children have been diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder. Those early days and months were faced with both challenging times, and times that would instantly warm my heart. Seeing the two of them play together, give each other random hugs and kisses, and look out for each other assures me that for us, the age difference is perfect.

With 4,474 residence hall rooms on campus, the odds against being placed in the same room 33 years later is 1,099 to one, he said, basing it on the 1,100 dorm rooms allocated to first-year female students. One is more likely to be audited by the IRS than to be placed in the same room as a parent.

Emerson, one of 46 residence halls, was dedicated in 1970. Over the past 53 years, Emerson has received many updates to keep the building modern and inviting to students. Originally built to house women, Emerson, along with all university residential facilities, is considered coed, a big change from the all-female housing Laura experienced in 1990.

I thought I would want mine 2-3 years apart and mine will be closer to 3 I hope. I know some people like having them close together to get the hard baby stuff out of the way but I actually really enjoy the baby stage so I want to be able to really focus and enjoy it with each child instead of getting them all out quickly.

Sunshine09: So not a huge deal. My brother and I are 4 years apart. I am the oldest. My SIL/BIL have bigger gap for their kids. The first one from a differ relationship so Brother-In-Law is not bio father is almost 20. The next two are bio to my Brother-In-Law are almost 7 and 4.

Yet 10 years later, a single trader with a much smaller portfolio presented a CCP with a much greater challenge. That tribulation came on 10 September 2018, when Einar Aas, a Norwegian trader, failed to pay a margin call to the commodities arm of Nasdaq Clearing AB in Sweden. Aas had bet that Nordic and German electricity prices would converge, by trading in futures on the Norwegian commodity derivatives exchange, Nasdaq Oslo ASA, which clears all trades with the Swedish CCP. Weather forecasts and a change in German carbon emission policies pushed the two prices apart, driving the value of Aas's position down sharply (Graph A1, left-hand panel). Correlation strategies of this kind were once described, in the case of Long-Term Capital Management, as "picking up nickels in front of a steamroller" (Lowenstein (2000)). When Nasdaq made a margin call that Aas failed to pay in full, he was put into default the next morning. e24fc04721

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