According to history, the practices of alchemy originated in Mesopotamia and Greco-Roman Egypt in the first centuries AD. They were subsequently practiced across Europe, Africa, and Asia. In truth, the primary goal of alchemy was to purify, mature, and perfect different materials and substances.

There are some questions I do have such as do pieces of a parent's soul pass to their offspring? I mean I can see the argument that powers are passed down from generation to generation as it has been implied that powers and genetics are linked. However it would seem much more difficult to believe the notion that a parent's soul is passed to their offspring. The Hong Sisters really should provide more clarification on this idea. Otherwise it may cause many viewers to become confuse and lose interest in the show.

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The second piece of evidence is Naksu's ability to quickly learn mage skills/steps which was evident when she bragged to Jang Uk that she had mastered Jipsu in 5 years. It is implied in AOS that if one is from a great mage family, one tends to master mage skills faster than others. If Naksu is indeed from the Jin family, it would explain how she managed to master jipsu so quickly. Side note this is a strong piece of evidence against the argument that Mu Deok is the lost daughter from the Jin family. I mean you don't see Mu Deok having any mage powers or anything. Then again who knows... maybe Jin Mu closed Mu Deok's gate of energy somehow (don't know if you have to be a great mage to be able to do this or not).

The reason Jang Gang had needed this device was because he needed to switch back to his body. Some might ask well why couldn't he do that without this device? Well it is because he was in the body of the King which did not have any mage powers. Therefore, he would need such a device. Along with his device, he would also need someone who is able to perform the Alchemy of Souls spell.

Thin-blood Alchemy is a unique Discipline for Thin-bloods, created through ingredients composed of random items, Resonances, and their own vitae. Alchemy is a young Discipline, thought to be born through the street drug scene or of alchemists of the past. Certain thin-bloods have managed to utilize their weak blood to awaken powers unique to them and even create counterfeit versions of the other Disciplines. Rumors spread through kindred about these powers, speculation spreading as much truth as it does misinformation. However, the alchemists do their best to stay out of the way when plenty of elders view this new Discipline as nothing but watered-down diablerie.

All formulae require a cost to distill and then a separate cost to activate which is the same as using other Disciplines (Free or additional Rouse Checks). The cost when creating represents the vitae of the Alchemist being used. Once the power is activated they then roll their distillation pool, defined by which method they use to determine how effective their alchemy is. Some powers might require additional rolls to use, and in cases where a power calls for a Discipline rating, they use their Alchemy Rating instead. Learning further formulae has the Alchemist's pouring through old libraries or going on tasting expeditions to learn more. A character receives one formulae for free for each dot in Thin-Blood Alchemy and more can be purchased with experience and experimentation. [1]

Athanor Corporis is the name for alchemy created through their own body by consuming the ingredients they make a distillation roll of Stamina + Alchemy together with a Rouse Check. Only one power can be activated at a time and a new power must be distilled before being activated. Distillation takes around three turns of concentrations where the Alchemist can do nothing else. [2]

Calcinatio is the method where a human body is used to host the alchemy by introductions of incantations and their own blood. The alchemist feeds their vitae to the mortal and makes a Rouse Check, then a distillation roll of Manipulation + Alchemy. The entire host distills the formula and the blood of the mortal can be drunk to use the power, where the hunger slaked is equal to the power level minus 1. However, they can only distill one power per victim and the current power remains as long as they are kept in the same emotional state. Each power takes as long to activate as it takes to slake the amount of blood required. [2]

Fixatio is the final method, in a style similar to what most think of when they think of Alchemy. In a kiln, a meth lab, or a repurposed propane tank, the alchemist uses a conventional athanor to brew. They pour their vitae with a Rouse Check into the system with the other ingredients, then makes the distillation roll with Intelligence + Alchemy (Make the distillation roll upon use rather than upon production). The resulting formula is then able to be carried with the amount carried equal to their Wits or Dexterity. They can store a number of formulae equal to Alchemy rating * 2 plus the haven rating. Creating their alchemy requires a lab and without one they at best can only create a level 3 or less formula, and using unsuitable equipment reduces their distillation dice pool by 2. They can activate one power per turn. [2]

Dragonbonded Alchemy is a fascinating field that merges the powers of dragons and humans. It is a complex and intricate practice that requires extensive knowledge, skill, and patience. In this section, we will introduce you to the world of Dragonbonded Alchemy and explore its many facets.

Dragonbonded Alchemy is the study and practice of combining the magical powers of dragons with the science of alchemy. It involves understanding the unique properties of dragon magic and using them to enhance the effectiveness of alchemical processes. Dragonbonded Alchemists strive to create powerful elixirs, potions, and other magical items that can be used for a variety of purposes, from healing to combat.

Dragonbonded Alchemists play a vital role in their communities, providing essential services such as healing, protection, and magical enhancement. They are highly respected and often sought after for their skills and knowledge. Dragonbonded Alchemists can also serve as advisors to rulers and other important figures, providing valuable insights into matters of magic and alchemy.

Dragonbonded Alchemy is not without its challenges. It requires a deep understanding of both alchemy and dragon magic, which can take years of study and practice to master. Additionally, working with dragon magic can be dangerous, as dragons are powerful and unpredictable creatures. Dragonbonded Alchemists must be careful not to anger or offend dragons, as this could have dire consequences.

As the world continues to change and evolve, so too does the field of Dragonbonded Alchemy. New discoveries and advancements are being made all the time, and the possibilities for this field are endless. Some experts predict that Dragonbonded Alchemy could one day become the most important field of magic and alchemy, revolutionizing the way we think about these practices.

Dragonbonding is a practice that has been around for centuries. It involves forming a special bond between a dragon and a human, allowing them to work together and share their powers. The history of dragonbonding is a fascinating one, filled with legends, myths, and real-life stories. In this section, we will explore the origins of dragonbonding and how it has evolved over time.

Over time, dragonbonding evolved into a more formalized practice. It became a way for humans to control and manipulate dragons, using their powers for everything from transportation to warfare. However, this also led to a darker side of dragonbonding, where dragons were mistreated and abused for the benefit of their human handlers.

Today, dragonbonding is a much more regulated practice. There are strict rules and guidelines in place to ensure that dragons are treated with respect and dignity. Many dragonbonded individuals work together to protect their communities and the environment, using their combined powers to fight against threats like natural disasters and environmental destruction.

The process of Dragonbonded Alchemy is a complex and intricate one, involving the merging of the powers of dragons and humans to create powerful, magical elixirs. At its core, this process is rooted in the science of alchemy, which seeks to transform base materials into more valuable ones. However, Dragonbonded Alchemy takes this process to a new level, as it involves not just the transformation of materials, but the blending of two different types of magic.

1. The Science of Alchemy: Alchemy is an ancient practice that seeks to transform base materials into more valuable ones, such as turning lead into gold. At its core, alchemy is about transmutation, or the process of changing one substance into another. In Dragonbonded Alchemy, this process is used to transform the raw materials of dragon and human magic into a potent elixir that can be used to enhance a variety of abilities.

5. The Benefits of Dragonbonded Alchemy: The benefits of Dragonbonded Alchemy are many and varied. Depending on the specific ingredients used, the elixir can enhance strength, speed, agility, healing, and even magical abilities. For example, an elixir made with dragon scales and herbs that enhance magical abilities could be used to boost a wizard's powers, while an elixir made with dragon scales and ingredients that enhance strength and agility could be used to create a powerful warrior.

Dragonbonded Alchemy is a fascinating and complex process that blends the powers of dragons and humans to create powerful elixirs. By understanding the science behind this process, and carefully selecting the right ingredients, it is possible to create elixirs that can enhance a wide range of abilities and create powerful warriors, wizards, and other magical beings.

Dragonbonding has been a topic of interest for centuries. It is the process of creating a magical bond between a dragon and a human. This bond allows the two to share their powers and abilities, creating a unique and powerful partnership. The benefits of dragonbonding are numerous, and they range from increased strength and agility to enhanced magical abilities. ff782bc1db

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