Celestial Bears


Celestial Bear Lore

Throughout history, sightings and encounters with these enigmatic beings were sporadic, akin to glimpses of shooting stars streaking across the night sky. Wise sages, mystics, and shamans revered the Rare Bears, believing them to be cosmic custodians, guardians of the universal balance.

 Rumors abound that the Bears, in their timeless wisdom, had chosen certain individuals to be their emissaries, gifting them with a fraction of their cosmic essence. These chosen few bore marks of the Bears' influence, carrying within them a spark of magic that manifested in unique abilities, tying them inexorably to the destiny of the Rare Bears.

Yet, despite these whispers and conjectures, the Celestial Bears remained elusive, their true motives and intentions veiled behind the shroud of cosmic mystery. Whether they sought to guide, observe, or simply exist as cosmic custodians in the grand tapestry of existence, their true purpose remained an enigma, leaving humanity to marvel at the wondrous and unknowable nature of these ancient, celestial beings.

  Their influence extended beyond mere observation. Some claimed the Bears had bestowed gifts of insight and inspiration upon artists, scholars, and leaders, catalyzing great advancements and enlightenment in societies across the ages. From whispered tales of ancient civilizations to the annals of medieval lore and beyond, the Celestial Bears remained an enigmatic constant, their presence whispered in hushed tones across generations.

I am an anon artist, i want no fame, if you need a Discord build your own