3rd Training School

Empirical and Ab Initio Thermodynamic Models of Minerals and Melts

This is the home page for the five day MELTS/FPMD training school to be held in the exciting city of Athens, Greece, the capital of Democracy

Title: “Empirical and ab initio thermodynamic models of minerals and melts

Instructors: Paul Asimow (California Institute of Technology), Razvan Caracas (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Organizer: Ioannis Baziotis (Agricultural University of Athens)

The training school will be held at the Agricultural University of Athens, in Athens Greece, from 5th - 9th August 2024, sponsored by the European Geosciences Union. The school will consist of four days of lectures and practical exercises followed by a short field expedition to the geological and historical sites in the Lavrion area. So, this is a HUGE chance for the participants to combine learning (participation to the workshop) with vacations in Greece. There is no registration fee, however, the participants will have to manage hotel accommodation for five nights - arrival on Sunday 4th Aug 2024, and checking out on Friday 9th Aug 2024 (optional: if participating on the short tour, will need to check out on Saturday 10th Aug 2024). Participants will need to pay for the accommodation and then submit a claim to the organizer. Once final enrollment estimates are available, more details will be announced about the maximum amount to be reimbursed and the procedure for reimbursement. The training school is open to up to 40 undergraduate or postgraduate students, scientists who have received their highest degree within the past seven years (with allowance for parental leave where appropriate) or more mature scientists

Using MELTS code the participants will be able to do the following:

All workshop participants will leave with practical hands-on experience in use of the software and with membership in the alphaMELTS Discord server for ongoing communication among users and developers of the software.

Using the UMD package the participants will be able to do the following:

The invited experimental lectures will illustrate modern methods for determining liquid properties at elevated temperature and pressure in the lab, including

Supported by the European Geosciences Union