Psychology Magazine

We have asked our readers about the most popular but also untrue and hurtful stereotypes about young boys and girls. The articles sent to our editorial office proved to be very insightful!

Here we present the winning ones, congratulations to our talented young writers!


There are a lot of slanders about what boys and girls like. Many boomers think that what they witnessed as youngsters is still the same nowadays. They are incorrect because now the times have changed and both genders have hobbies that in the past were classified as inappropriate.

The first slander is that only girls love fashion and shopping. Obviously, that is not true. Everyone knows boys also like premium clothing and shopping but online. For example, males drop and buy limited shoes and clothing on different sites and applications called “drops”.

Many people think that aggression is a stereotype connected straight to boys, but that does not disprove the fact that girls can be also aggressive and mean. It has also changed by the time. For example, girls can be rude to other women for wearing clothes that they do not like. When you think about fights between people the first thing that comes to your mind is that they happen between men. Apparently, fights can also happen between girls. They might fight over a man when he gets stolen by another girl. The media also shows a lot of fights between girls over clothes on sales.

Overall, do not let these stereotypes guide you in the present times. It is normal for people to do certain things that are not reserved just for one gender. It could be harmful to these people.

Miłosz B) i Szymon B)

Are we as stereotyphical as we think we are?

It's an important question to ask. Stereotypes are the thing that most of our society is based on. But are they really true about us? In this article that matter will be exposed.

One of the most common stereotypes is that being a male you are not into kitchen stuff. This stereotypes causes that there are so many classical households with housewives. Young boys from the beginning of their lives are being told that they are not made for kitchen.

However, it's funny that most of best chefs world are males! Furthermore, scienticst have proven, that males have better sense of smell than most of the women, which actually helps in cooking.

Secondly, there is a functioning stereotype about females spending more time in bathroom, taking care of their body, than males. Statistically it is proven, that every human needs almost the same amount of time to nurture the body. Everyone wants to look well-groomed and smell good for example when going on a date.

Despite all the differences between us, as far as I am concerned, most of these stereotypes are false and leading to shaping stereotyphical society. However, sometimes we need them to react to some social phenomena.

Aleksander D. i Michał S.

Are all men stronger than women?

A lot of men think that women are weaker but some of them think diffrently. For example, women’s worlds record at deadlift is 300 kilograms compared to men’s record that totals 501kg. The difference is quite big. One of the most hurtful stereotypes is about sport.

Women are usually built diffrently than men., for example they are smaller. It causes that in sport their records are second-rated. For example, in pole vault men jumped 6,15 m while women jumped only 5,06M. Another example is the height. Average height in Poland for men is 177 cm but, on the other hand, women is only 164 cm.

Based on arguments provided, we can decide that men are built diffrently than women. We think in future women will still be weaker based on their genetics.

Kacper i Michał