Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie

Synopsis: When the Evil Madame Vadiane kidnaps Chibi-Usa, the senshi rush to her rescue with the aid of Chibi-Usa's new friend, Peruru. After trying to find Chibi-Usa and fight off Vadiane's henchmen to no avail, the three outer senshi (Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto) come to their aid. To rescue Chibi-Usa before she falls into a permanent dream filled sleep, Usagi must enter the Black Dream hole and save her. With some luck and a lot of effort, Sailor Moon saves Chibi-Usa, and she transforms to help Usagi.

Runtime: 1h 15mins

Released: 1995

MPAA Rating: Not Rated

Genres: Kids Anime, Action, Comedy

Size: 766 MB (Dub), 759 MB (Sub)

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