Welcome to the Ultimate source for 3DS Movies and TV.

Have you ever wanted to watch your favorite Movies or TV Shows on your Nintendo 3DS family of systems?

Well look no further than 3DSMovies! The best source for Movies and TV made to play on your 3DS!

Each file has been tested and verified to work on real Nintendo 3DS Hardware, so you can rest assured that you're getting the best possible viewing experience when you use 3DSMovies.

Choose from an ever-growing selection of titles, ranging from Drama, Action, Comedy, Animation, and even fully 3D movies!

Still haven't found a title you're looking for? No worries. Just head over to the Request form and name the Movie or Show you want added.

(SupersonicRainboom's Form)

Having trouble with your movie? Just head over to the Q&A Page. If your question is still not answered, please go to theĀ  #report-channel in the Discord.

News regarding the website is available on the official Discord server.

Newly Added Movies

Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)

Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)

UHF (1989)

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022)

Newly Added TV Shows

Smiling Friends (2020)

(Season Two)

Newly Added YouTube Videos

Melody Nosurname Videos Volume 1 + 2

Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer


I Hate Splatoon - Jaymoji

Newly Added Music Videos

"Weird Al" Yankovic Live!: The Alpocalypse Tour (2011)

"Weird Al" Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collection (2003)

Undertale: The Musical (2021)

Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (2023)

OK Go - White Knuckles
(3D Version)

Newly Added Sporting Events

Super Bowl LVIII (2024)

2022-2024 3DSMovies.

This website is not affiliated in any way with Nintendo. All copyrighted material belongs to their rightful owners.