The portfolio vision sets a longer-term context for near-term decisions in a practical and inspirational way, clearly articulating why the future state of enhanced products and services is worth achieving. Understanding the longer-term view helps Agile Teams, Agile Release Trains, and Solution Trains make more informed choices about the development of functionality in both the short and long run.

The SAFe portfolio canvas (Figure 2) is based on the Business Model Canvas (see this topic in the Enterprise article) developed by Alexander Osterwalder [3]. The portfolio canvas defines the Development Value Streams included in a SAFe portfolio, the value propositions and the Solutions they deliver, the customers they serve, the budgets allocated to each value stream, and other vital activities and events required to achieve the portfolio vision.

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The next step is to envision the future state, which helps define the vision for the portfolio. The difference between the current and future state represents the gap, translated into the vision to attain the future state.

Speakers and Sessions: Learn from the best and listen to over 100 expert speakers who actively work in the industry present on the latest applications, techniques, technologies and opportunities in computer vision and visual AI.

Sponsoring or exhibiting is an amazing opportunity to engage with a uniquely qualified audience. Your company can be an integral part of the only global event dedicated to enabling product creators to harness computer vision and visual AI for practical applications.

The Summit brings together the most influential members of the global computer vision industry, including 1,000+ product and application developers, engineers, business leaders, top-level executives, industry visionaries, start-up innovators and more.

visionOS is designed with accessibility in mind for people who want to interact with their device entirely with their eyes, voice, or a combination of both. And for people who prefer a different way to navigate content, Pointer Control lets them select their index finger, wrist, or head as an alternative pointer. You can create accessible apps for visionOS using the same techniques and tools you already use on other Apple platforms and help make Apple Vision Pro a great experience for everyone.

Development for visionOS starts with Xcode, which supports the visionOS SDK. Add a visionOS target to your existing project or build an entirely new app. Iterate on your app in Xcode Previews. Interact with your app in the all-new visionOS simulator and explore various room layouts and lighting conditions. Create tests and visualizations to explore collisions, occlusions, and scene understanding for your spatial content.

Discover the all-new Reality Composer Pro, designed to make it easy to preview and prepare 3D content for your visionOS apps. Available with Xcode, Reality Composer Pro can help you import and organize assets, such as 3D models, materials, and sounds. Best of all, it integrates tightly with the Xcode build process to preview and optimize your visionOS assets.

Get direct support from Apple as you develop your apps and games for visionOS. Learn about upcoming events, testing opportunities, and other programs to support you as you create incredible experiences for this platform.

The name of the groundbreaking concept vehicle stands not only for the close collaboration in developing the show car together with the AVATAR team but also for ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. This concept vehicle embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, engineers and trend researchers for mobility in the distant future.

At Maersk, our vision is to transform the flow of the foods, goods, data and materials that sustain people, businesses and economies the world over. To enable the exchange of ideas, culture and trust for a truly integrated world where value is created for everyone.

A documented vision helps teams articulate their UX goals and identify and prioritize UX efforts. Without a strong, shared vision, team members may not be able to articulate the purpose of their work or the value that work provides to the greater organization.

This article provides a practical, step-by-step, collaborative process for creating a vision. It involves understanding the current state of UX, aligning on an ideal future vision, and determining an action plan for bringing the vision to life.

In other words, a mission statement captures who we are and how we provide value now; a vision statement captures what we want to become. Both should inform the overall UX or design strategy (the steps for achieving our vision) and be checked against our goals and objectives (metrics or indicators of how well we are achieving that vision).

Deciding which type of vision is important for a team depends on the current state of UX at the organization. Perhaps there are severe usability issues with a product or there is disagreement from stakeholders about product direction. In that case, a product vision could help visualize what's next. On the other hand, maybe other departments throughout the organization are unsure of the value provided by the UX team and don't know how to engage with it. In that case, a team vision could be a powerful tool for increasing understanding of UX.

Both vision statements and mission statements should be created as part of a collaborative process so that the entire team is rallied around and believes in the final output. Because of the group activities and discussions involved, a strong facilitator is necessary to drive the process. (The facilitator can be a member of the team if they can display objectivity in leading discussions and if team members have an appropriate level of trust with this facilitator and each other.)

The second stage is about defining what the team or product should provide in comparison to what it currently provides. This step is typically a collaborative workshop session where key stakeholders and team members align on a shared future-state vision that they create together.

One method of dot voting for future-state attributes is to allow people to vote for both must-have attributes and nice-to-have attributes. Give people 5 red dots and 5 green dots. Instruct them to put their red dots on the attribute clusters they feel the future-state vision must have and the green dots on the things that are nice to have. (Red dots are worth 2 points, and green dots are worth 1 point.) The votes can then be tallied and compared in order to understand where the team collectively places the most importance.

Finally, the group uses the top attributes as inputs to create potential vision statements. During a timed activity, each team member drafts vision statements individually and then shares them with the group. If being democratic is important to your team, you might follow group sharing with another round of dot voting, where team members identify strong elements or phrases from each draft statement. Then the vision lead takes these as inputs to create a final vision statement.

At this point in the process, the team has a solid understanding of the current state, as well as a documented vision statement describing the ideal future state. This stage is about closing the gap between those 2 states. Collaborative methods are used to identify resources and activities required to bring the vision to life and then prioritize and roadmap those items into an action plan.

In order for the vision to gain momentum and spread throughout the organization, there has to be some way to communicate it. Create some sort of artifact to help others imagine the future state the team has envisioned. The artifact could be just about anything (e.g., a formal document, a video, a vision board, a prototype) based on the culture of the organization.

The document below is an example vision artifact used by a team to share and communicate the future-state vision of its digital presence. It captures the vision statement as well as prioritized objectives and tactics the team identified for realizing the vision.

This is a crucial step to hold the team accountable and engaging others with the vision. Even when created within a strategic and collaborative process such as the one outlined in this article, visions will fail if they are not shared and visible.

I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.

And the Lord said to me: The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.

Now a word was brought to me stealthily; my ear received the whisper of it. Amid thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, dread came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake. A spirit glided past my face; the hair of my flesh stood up. It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance. A form was before my eyes; there was silence, then I heard a voice:

Creating your organization's vision and mission statements are the first two steps in the VMOSA action planning process. Developing a vision and mission statement is crucial to the success of community initiatives. These statements explain your group's aspirations in a concise manner, help your organization focus on what is really important, and provide a basis for developing other aspects of your strategic plan. This section provides a guide for developing and implementing your organization's vision and mission statements.

Your vision is your dream. It's what your organization believes are the ideal conditions for your community; that is, how things would look if the issue important to you were completely, perfectly addressed. It might be a world without war, or a community in which all people are treated as equals, regardless of gender or racial background. be457b7860

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