By generating the view, Looker converts my numeric column (the certain value) into a dimension. As I understand, to view this as a value into a visualisation, I have to write a LookML measure of this value.

i have talked with @mary recently about this. hopefully this will be in v8. there are many examples of easy and intelligent dimensioning from other softwares. i think it should automatically detect direction and orientation similar to how gumball detects planes when you orbit model.

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In the first picture is my drawing now. The second picture (simplified case) shows the standardized way of drawing dimension lines in half sections in Finland. So I would only want the upper part of the dimension line and no arrow in the bottom end

Dear Philip,

I know!!! Right??? Thank you!!!

I was going crazy. I thought, could I be the only dumb-ass that cannot figure out how to use the dimension tool properly on a simple edge???

Now, how is it possible that a sophisticated and seasoned software that has been around for over a decade, used by lots of smart fellows has trouble with something so simple?

Thanks you so much for your help.


Now, Sketchup crew, if you are listening, it would be a very nice feature if you could press some key (like shift, alt, ctrl, or any key) while simultaneously dragging out the dimension arrow, and have Sketchup plot a dimension arrow parallel to the edge you are trying to measure.

Now, Sketchup crew, if you are listening, it would be a very nice feature if you could press some key (like shift, alt, ctrl, or any key) while simultaneously dragging out the dimension arrow, and have Sketchup plot a dimension arrow parallel to the edge you are trying to measure.

Or optionally holding down the mouse key after selecting the second point could let you select a custom vector to measure in, and after that you could click a third time as usual to place the dimension, similarly to how the protractor works.

This goes to the heart of my long-standing issues with SU and dimensioning. There is nothing that makes dimensioning, tolerancing, and annotating a model inherently a 2D operation or that makes a 2D piece of paper the best medium for presenting dimensional information. This represents an archaic mindset and prevents 3D modeling from eclipsing 2D drawings altogether, which ultimately, it will do. I guess the current generation has to die off first.

Also called alternate dimension [awl-ter-nit di-men-shuhn, dahy-] /l tr nt dmn n, da-/ . (in science fiction, fantasy, etc.) a hypothetical universe or world that is different from our known universe and reachable by traveling in directions that are not the perceptible axes of space and time, as with the use of futuristic technology or magic: Your enemies are villains, cultists, terrible monsters, and unfathomable entities from alternate dimensions or the cosmos beyond.: Compare parallel universe (def. 3).

the product or the quotient of the fundamental physical quantities (such as mass, length, or time) raised to the appropriate power in a derived physical quantity: the dimensions of velocity are length divided by time

Any one of the three physical or spatial properties of length, area, and volume. In geometry, a point is said to have zero dimension; a figure having only length, such as a line, has one dimension; a plane or surface, two dimensions; and a figure having volume, three dimensions. The fourth dimension is often said to be time, as in the theory of General Relativity. Higher dimensions can be dealt with mathematically but cannot be represented visually.

You could also be interested in the Dimension Detail Line node (from truevis package), at least this one works correctly on my side . I also used DetailCurve.ByCurve+ (from Clockwork) for this since it can handle the circles of my columns and I got no issues from that, just null values for non-created dimensions.


I am trying to achieve the same thing here by dimensioning every room. I have followed your script from post 11 of this thread, and It only creates 1 dimension. I am curious why an integer slider is in this. Surely that is why it is only creating one dimension. I tried using all indexes, but it duplicates every dimension and also dimensions the wall thicknesses, etc.

I also created the script from the last post of this thread, and I recreated the multi dimension code and I get a null value. How is this applied to the previous script, or is it?

Did you manage to create a script to dimension every room?

This may be embarrassingly simple, but I can't find a way of changing the z height of the print in PrusaSlicer independently, while leaving x and y as they were. I can easily enter a change of size for x, y, or z, but this changes all three dimensions to keep the same scaling.

Dimensions are attributes of your data. For example, the dimension City indicates the city, for example, "Paris" or "New York", from which a session originates. The dimension Page indicates the URL of a page that is viewed.

Not every metric can be combined with every dimension. Each dimension and metric has a scope: user-level, session-level, or hit-level. In most cases, it only makes sense to combine dimensions and metrics that share the same scope. For example, Sessions is a session-based metric so it can only be used with session-level dimensions like Source or City. It would not be logical to combine Sessions with a hit-level dimension like Page.

The following diagram illustrates these two types of calculations with a simple example. On the left side, user data is calculated as an overview metric, while the same data is calculated via the New User dimension on the right side.

In the New vs Returning Report example, averages are not computed for all sessions, but rather via the User Type dimension. By pairing the Time On Site metric with a dimension, you can analyze this metric via returning vs new users, where the calculations are modified by the requested dimension. The use of the dimension offers an insight into user behavior not provided in the overview report: it's clear that new users are spending more time on your site than returning users.

Metrics calculation is also affected by stacking more than one dimension with a given metric. In both the preformatted and custom reports, you can use multiple dimensions together. For example, suppose you use both the User Type dimension and the Language dimension to analyze time on site for your website. In this case, the calculation for new versus returning users is the same, but when you drill down to view new users using the Language dimension, the calculation is further modified by the additional dimension. So, for example, your user breakdown might look like this, where the top site times are listed in order:

These numbers are based on an actual Analytics report. In this case, you can determine whether new or returning users stayed the longest, and by using an additional dimension, which languages in each of these categories resulted in the longest time on site.

This attribution gives aggregate values for a single metric or for a metric/dimension pairing. This is the most common and simplest type of Analytics attribution, since values are determined from individual user GIF requests. Thus, for any given request, it is possible to look up a particular dimension and/or metric.

Most dimension values are available at the request level and remain persistent either via the HTTP/GET request itself, or in the GIF request, for every page or event request made to your site. Some common dimensions available at the request level are:

However, 'Customer' will be a conformed dimension, as pretty much every fact table will be linked to it. And I know that one common way that people want to slice and dice their data is by current balance (e.g. Show me how many X where the customers balance is over 500 in arrears). So that suggests that the balance should be stored in the dimension. But that 'feels' wrong to me.

So, in summary, we believe Project Dimension will provide a huge opportunity for customers to significantly enhance their ability to deliver at the edge and on-premises datacenter. Please reach out to us at to learn more!

Or you could make two extremes of a replacement value, such as (max-min tensor value ever) x dimensions so that dot products are classified into almost two different callable database embedding vector math product spaces.

Thanks for your reply.

But I think you are misunderstanding my question.

I want to know if I can customize the dimension of text-embedding-ada-002 model, for example from 1536 to 1024.

Because I have created index with 1024 dimension in Pinecone Vector database.

In this spatial vector case, you should look into dimensional reduction techniques. Such as PCA, t-SNE, etc. This would apply the correct filtering prior to decimation (in this case, dimension reduction).

But beware, OpenAI probably has decided that 1536 is some critical number of dimensions for the model to perform well. However, you can test this theory by reducing the dimensions, and see for yourself.

I find that the two 3 dimensional vectors of this pancake (major/semi-major vectors) describe 95% of the information. In the code I have, you can see how much information each dimension has, and can decide how much information you want to retain.

The DIMENSION family unites all the technological achievements PULS has made in the past 35 years. For our customers this means the highest efficiency, longest service life and - of course - the smallest dimensions in the market.

Dimensions are variables in Adobe Analytics that typically contain string values. Common dimensions include Page, Referring domain, or an eVar. In contrast, metrics contain numeric values that tie to a dimension. A basic report shows rows of string values (dimension), against a column of numeric values (metric).

Analytics administrators can add descriptions for dimensions and other components either within the Report Suite or directly within Analysis Workspace. For information about how to add descriptions to dimensions, see Add component descriptions. 006ab0faaa

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