Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Prev12NextPage 1 of 2 Recommended PostsCrownThaLastNam3Posted January 1, 2020CrownThaLastNam3Resident  8Share Posted January 1, 2020 I'm having an issue with connecting my spacemouse to my Firestorm application. I've tried like 4 different methods and still nothing. Its driving me crazy because I've gotten it to work on 3 previous laptops before, even the one I'm currently using, but unfortunately no dice. I make a lot of videos, so having this accessible to me is very important and its sucks that I can't use it at the moment. Does anybody have any updated instructions. I've disabled the joystick and everything else I needed to do per instructions on a few different websites. I've uninstalled and reinstalled like 500 times to no avail. When I finally go inworld with the camera, its like its locked onto my avatar. It tilts smoothly , it turns smoothly (but only partially) and everything is really nice, but its like the camera is locked onto my avatar and won't give me Free Flycam range . Please Please Please help ASAP. THANK YOU!

I'm having an issue with connecting my spacemouse to my Firestorm application. I've tried like 4 different methods and still nothing. Its driving me crazy because I've gotten it to work on 3 previous laptops before, even the one I'm currently using, but unfortunately no dice. I make a lot of videos, so having this accessible to me is very important and its sucks that I can't use it at the moment. Does anybody have any updated instructions. I've disabled the joystick and everything else I needed to do per instructions on a few different websites. I've uninstalled and reinstalled like 500 times to no avail. When I finally go inworld with the camera, its like its locked onto my avatar. It tilts smoothly , it turns smoothly (but only partially) and everything is really nice, but its like the camera is locked onto my avatar and won't give me Free Flycam range . Please Please Please help ASAP. THANK YOU!

3d Connection Spacemouse Download


Which 3DConnexion Mouse are you using? What is the driver version that you have installed for the mouse? When you refer to the manual did you try the registry settings? When installing RGS/Remote Boost using defaults, Remote USB is enabled as local/remote. If a device other than a standard keyboard or mouse in plugged in prior to a connection, it will stay local. After connecting you would need to unplug the mouse and plug it back in for it to remote to the Sender.

Can you tell me what 3DConnexion mouse you are using? Also, if the users unplug the 3DConnexion mouse, after making a Remote Boost connection, and plug it back in, does it remote and work properly? If so, we should be able to get the wireless receiver to remote automatically.

I learned to use this spacemouse "unchecked"- meaning push right and you move right, pull up and you elevate. Then I bought about 10 more for the rest of my office and the out-of-the-box is the opposite? What's the preferred method? I hate to re-learn this thing but I don't want to sit at somebody else's desk and suddenly be unable to navigate the model...

I'm working with the 3dconnexion spacemouse pro and trying to program radial menus with no success. All my hair is almost GONE...

I have tried using the hot keys of W,E for "Walls Exterior" I have a screen capture of the macro and the xml text below.

My 3D Connections configuration file for X15 is attached below if it is of any assistance to you. I think one can use the file to import the radial menus I created and link to buttons on their 3D connections device.

For Chief Architect X15, I only have created 5 radial menus at this point in time. I haven't got around to creating anymore but, will at some point in the future. I have recently starting using the 3D connections keyboard and have been using the 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Compact and their CAD Mouse. I don't have any experience with using the Space Mouse Pro or Space Mouse Enterprise.

When using Creo 3.0 and 3D Connexion spacemouse pro, I set up a shortcut button (the "1", "2", "3" and "4" buttons) to hide/unhide a part in an assembly or a sketch/feature in a part. This used to work well until Creo 4.0, right now I can find a lot of "hide" shortcuts in the 3DConnexion setup dialog but none of them seem to work anymore. I click the shortcut but nothing happens. Any idea?

i've got a few day old 3d connexion spacemouse (navigator, usb) that started drifting today. no matter how many times i calibrate it, although there is no detectable movement on the screen, the device is still drifting and sending a signal and pulling focus away from open dialog boxes. the only way i can stop it to get any work done (because it's impossible to enter, say, toolpath parameters when the window is not focused) is to stop the driver. i wonder if i have a defective device or if there is some sort of solution for this. i'm about ready to send it back and get a refund.

One time I was trying to use my laptop to look at a file. Couldn't figure out why every time I opened a file it would just drift out of view. Finally I realized I didn't turn off my wireless spacemouse when I put it in the storage bag.

As for the space mouse, I still really really want to try one, the Pro has been on my Amazon wish list for longer than I care to admit. Have you spent much time with it in Inventor? I use Creo and it's usually known for not playing nicely with third party plugins, but 3Dconnection claims it does, I'm mildly skeptical.

For anyone looking to purchase the 3D connexion, I'd strongly recommend the wired version if you dont need the wireless. For the year or so I've had issues with the buttons not working and sometimes the joystick not responding at all despite the app signaling a connection and reading a battery status. I've now plugged it in hard wire to my computer and (so far) the issue has completely fixed itself. Granted, I have a lot of items between the back of my computer tower and the mouse itself, but the items have not changed since I bought this mouse so this decaying signal strength is frustrating.

The main issue is that the recent official driver "steals" the connection to the device and thus nothing is left for other apps such as xplane.

One may think you just need to stop the driver and this is indeed a step towards the solution. Your 3d mouse will be seen as joystick and will be available in xplane. The only issue is that it will ALSO be considered by the OS (I am using MacOS btw) as a standard mouse. As a result, using your 3d mouse will BOTH control your plane and also mess up with the views while having a cursor moving around. That makes it definitely NOT an option.

Hi @DivingDuck, thinking more about what you have said above, I don't believe you are actually using my plugin if you haven't disabled the 3Dconnexion driver. If the cursor moves when using the spacemouse, you are not using the RawMouse.

I also have this 3d connexion spacemouse that I just recently bought but I can't get it work to interact with LDD. I thought I would be plug & play. Is there somebody that could help me. Thanks in advance..

The original support in PS doesnt use any of the settings from the spacemouse software as they didnt have access to the driver. You had to bring up the spacemouse settings panel in Slicer where they had their own control sliders, Cntrl+M for that panel.

mouse = vrspacemouse(id) creates a space mouse object capable of interfacing with a space mouse input device. The id parameter is a string that specifies the space mouse connection: COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, USB1, USB2, USB3, or USB4.

The vrspacemouse object has several properties that influence the behavior of the space mouse input device. The properties can be read or modified using dot notation (e.g., mouse.DominantMode = true;).

The vrspacemouse function will be removed in a future release. Instead, use sim3d classes and Simulation 3D blocks in Unreal Engine Scenario Applications to interface MATLAB and Simulink with the Unreal Engine 3D simulation environment. To get started, see Get Started Creating Virtual World with Actors.

The best solution is to knock down that fence and create a connection between the ECAD and MCAD design domains. A connection that allows the loaded board to be easily transferred back and forth between the ECAD and MCAD design spaces.

Pilote: Using the Virtual Reality (VR) headset, a spacemouse and a haptic device, the crew performed a Pilote science session. Although the VR headset image was still drifting to some extent, the Pilote science session was still able to be at least partially performed. The Pilote investigation tests the effectiveness of novel control schemes for the remote operation of robotic arms and space vehicles, using virtual reality and a new class of user-machine interfaces based on haptics. Performing the test on Earth would lead to a design of a workstation using terrestrial ergonomic principles that do not correspond to conditions experienced on a spacecraft in orbit.

: We give thanks today to the artists at Code 3 Collectibles for their attention to detail while sculpting their statue of Alan Shepard, "The Moon Shot". Not only did they faithfully recreate the fifth moonwalker's lunar golf swing, but they also cast a replica of his A7L spacesuit deserving of its connection to the Smithsonian.

: Artist Robert McCall is planning his own Museum of Art in Peoria, Arizona, with 400 of his works on display, reports the Times-Dispatch. Opening in 2005-2006, the gallery will also include McCall's library as well as photographs he has taken over a 50-year period. The Times-Dispatch spoke with McCall in connection with his solo show in the Marsh Art Gallery at the University of Richmond, VA. "Robert McCall: Celebrating 100 Years of Powered Flight" is open through December 14. 17dc91bb1f

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