Think Chicago Will Always Be Violent?

Guess what. You're buying into the very mindset that keeps Chicago violent.  

A mindset CREATED by decades of broken mayoral campaign promises to reduce Chicago's violence. 

A mindset MAINTAINED by decades of "if it bleeds it leads" headlines in Chicago's violence-obsessed news media. 

And a mindset ENFORCED by decades of Chicago's failure to give 2.6 million Chicagoans an informed,

advisory VOICE in addressing the violence that INCREASINGLY threatens their lives today. 

Will things ever change?

It's the Digital Age. 

And it has been for decades. Chicago has long had ALL the digital tools it needs to give

ALL Chicagoans an informed, advisory voice in the public safety decisions that affect their lives. 

To stop its violence, Chicago needs only to put these tools to GOOD USES. 

To uses that earn the citywide respect, trust and participation

that Chicago needs to MAKE ITSELF SELF

Not just less violent. SAFE.


 under development, is a step in this direction.  As soon as it pilots

successfully on  Chicago community TV (e.g. CAN TV), it

will be ready to air on network TV: on one or more

of Chicago's six  network TV stations.


is a scaled down version of  CHICAGO FIXIT

our full scale, 16 TEAM anti-violence Reality TV show.

To see how FOUR STEPS works, see how 

Chicago FIXIT works HERE.  

And to see even more

see how both these formats derive from

our 2006  national civic-purposed TV program:

"Reality TV For Real"

And the granddaddy of all these formats, 

launched in Chicago's Austin neighborhood in the 1990's, was the successful

that we conducted with THE AUSTIN VOICE newspaper and advanced on WVON radio

with the energetic participation of Austin residents, churches, businesses,

community groups and 15th District police.

Want to get involved? Email Steve Sewall at 

Here's Steve's combined CV and Chicago Civic Media Archive