300W-LPA Database


Database Content



Using the face profiling approach, Zhu et al. offer the 300W-LP (Large-Pose) dataset that contains faces made from the 300W database [1] with each face rotated in yaw at 5◦ each step up to 90◦ [2]. On top of this dataset, we augment it with additional data made with rotation in pitch with the same 5◦ step up to ±25◦. We call this dataset the 300W-LPA (Large-Pose Augmented).

[1] C. Sagonas, G. Tzimiropoulos, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic, “300 faces in-the-wild challenge: The first facial landmark localization challenge,” in CVPRW, 2013.

[2] X. Zhu, Z. Lei, X. Liu, H. Shi, and S. Z. Li, “Face alignment across large poses:A3dsolution,”in Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2016, pp. 146–155.

Database Content

Figure above shows a sample with its 3D meshed face and background model rotated in yaw and pitch, and the rendered 2D images. To show the differences between the original 300W, 300W-LP and our augmented 300W-LPA databases, figure below shows 3 sub-jects from the 300W original dataset, the yaw-augmented samples, and our pitch-augmented samples. As the pitch augmentation is performed for different yaw, we only show one subject instead of all three.

The database contains :

1. images

366,564 photos of 59,439 individuals.

2. Landmark annotations:

136 coordinates for 68 landmark points.

The first 68 digits for x, the latter 68 for y


Please send an e-mail to the database administrator and cc. to Prof. Gee-Sern (Jison) Hsu to receive the passcode to unlock the zipped database.. Your Email MUST be sent from a valid University account and include the following text:

Subject: Application to download the 300W-LPA database

Name: <your first and last name>

Affiliation: <University where you work>

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I have read and agreed to follow the restrictions specified in the 300W-LPA database webpage. This database will only be used for research purposes. I will not make any part of this database available to a third party. I'll not sell any part of this database or make any profit from its use.

<your signature>

In general, a password will take 3~7 workdays to issue. To avoid problems with our spam filter, make sure that your email is sent from an .edu (or similar) address. Failure to follow the instruction may result in no response.

Prof. Hsu's e-mail: jison@mail.ntust.edu.tw

Database administrator: avlabdba@gmail.com