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We've expanded our Tools and resources sections initially published on our homepage as a "frequently accessed tools and resources" drop down. This new format is now accessible from anywhere on the site

These Web-based tools are designed to assistscientists in their proposal and general data analysis efforts. TheHEASARC provides these tools as a service to the scientific community.(HEASoft/FTOOLS, a generallibrary ofFITS file utility programs andmission-specific data analysis tools can be found on ourSoftware page.)

The Alternative Fuels Data Center offers a large collection of helpful tools. These calculators, interactive maps, and data searches can assist fleets, fuel providers, and other transportation decision makers in their efforts to advance alternative fuels and energy-efficient vehicle technologies.

Since April 2020, the ACT-Accelerator partnership, launched by WHO and partners, has supported the fastest, most coordinated, and successful global effort in history to develop tools to fight a disease. With significant advances in research and developmentby academia, private sector and government initiatives, the ACT-Accelerator is on the cusp of securing a way to end the acute phase of the pandemic by deploying the tests, treatments and vaccines the world needs.

Anyone who wants to become more familiar with design thinking can use these activities, tools, and how-tos. Whether you're a college student, business owner, freelance artist, or corporate executive, or simply a curious person, this collection of resources will help you unlock creative thinking in whatever challenge you're tackling.

*Adapted from Lloyd-Jones DM, Braun LT, Ndumele CE, Smith SC Jr, Sperling LS, Virani SS, Blumenthal RS. Use of risk assessment tools to guide decision-making in the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a special report from the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology; JACC Nov 2018, 25711; DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2018.11.005

Mermaid lets you generate diagrams from a Markdown-like markup language. Since we last featured it in the Radar, Mermaid has added support for many more diagrams and integrations with source code repositories, IDEs and knowledge management tools. Notably, it's supported natively in popular source code repositories such as GitHub and GitLab, enabling the embedding of and easy updates to Mermaid diagrams in the middle of Markdown documentation. Many of our teams gravitate toward Mermaid as their diagram-as-code tool due to its ease of use, multitude of integrations and wide variety of supported diagram types that keep growing.

Chromatic is a visual regression testing tool to help catch UI regression in web applications. It works by taking snapshots of UI components and comparing them against previous snapshots when they change. It's a hosted service that integrates with popular cloud code hosting services. Built on top of Storybook, it does component-level visual regression testing. It can render the components in different viewport widths for responsive testing and integrates with CI workflows, generating the UI changeset for every commit, which makes it easy to review. Our teams find the visual difference between Chromatic and other tools in this space much better; the ability to highlight changes visually makes it particularly useful.

Devbox is a terminal-based tool that provides an approachable interface for creating reproducible, per-project development environments, leveraging the Nix package manager without using virtual machines or containers. Our teams use it to eliminate version and configuration mismatches of CLI tools and custom scripts in their per-project development environments, on top of the standardization that per-language package managers provide. They found that it notably streamlines their onboarding workflow because once it has been configured for a codebase, it takes one CLI command (devbox shell) to stand it up in a new machine. Devbox supports shell hooks, custom scripts and devcontainer.json generation for integration with VSCode.

Terratest continues to be an interesting option for infrastructure testing. It is a Golang library that makes it easier to write automated tests. Using infrastructure-as-code tools such as Terraform, you can create real infrastructure components (such as servers, firewalls or load balancers) to deploy applications on them and then validate the expected behavior using Terratest. At the end of the test, Terratest can undeploy the apps and clean up resources. Our teams report that this approach of testing deployed infrastructure components fosters confidence in the infrastructure as code. We see our teams writing a variety of infra security tests for application components and their integrations. These include detecting misconfigurations, verifying access control (e.g., to check whether certain IAM roles or permissions are correctly configured or to ensure only authorized users have access to specific resources) and network security tests to verify prevention of unauthorized traffic to sensitive resources to name a few. This allows security testing to be shifted left and provides feedback during development itself.

Although Prometheus continues to be a solid option for a self-managed observability stack, many teams managing modern cloud-native distributed systems bump into its single-node limitations as their metrics grow in cardinality and sheer volume, and when they start needing high-availability setup. Thanos extends Prometheus by adding features that make it suitable for large-scale, long-term and highly available monitoring. It does this, for example, by introducing components that will read data from Prometheus instances and store it in object stores, manage retention and compaction in the object stores and federate querying across multiple Prometheus instances. Our teams have found the migration from Prometheus seamless, as Thanos maintains compatibility with the Prometheus query API. This means they can continue to use their existing dashboards, alerting tools and other tools that integrate with the Prometheus API. Although our teams have been successful with Thanos, we also recommend keeping an eye on Cortex, as another way to extend Prometheus.

ChatGPT continues to attract attention. Imaginative use cases and innovative approaches to prompting mean it's gaining expanding utility over time. GPT4, the large language model (LLM) that powers ChatGPT, now also has the ability to integrate with external tools such as a knowledge management repository, sandboxed coding environment or web search. The recent introduction of ChatGPT Enterprise may help ease intellectual property concerns, while providing "enterprise" features such as usage tracking and better user management through SSO.

OpenCost is an open-source project for monitoring infrastructure cost that surfaces cost at the granularity of Kubernetes objects (pods, containers, clusters, etc.), covering various in-cluster resources (CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, network). It has integrations with multiple cloud provider APIs to obtain billing data and can be configured with pricing for on-premise Kubernetes clusters. OpenCost is the cost allocation engine originally built and still used by Kubecost, but it can also be used on its own. Cost allocation data from OpenCost can be exported into CSV files or to Prometheus for further analysis and visualization. Our teams are keenly watching the developments of tools like OpenCost and Kubecost that enable cost visibility for product and platform teams in organizations that have adopted Kubernetes. In these early stages, they find that OpenCost doesn't work well yet with certain workloads such as short-lived spot instances often used in data pipelines.

We've seen several use cases for code intelligence tools: moving to a new API version of a widely used library, understanding the impact of a just discovered vulnerability in such a library across an enterprise or applying updates to many services that were created from the same template. Sourcegraph is still a popular tool in this space, and OpenRewrite is another tool we want to highlight. While our teams have mostly used it in Java for narrow problems, like updating services created through a starter kit, it continues to broaden its coverage of languages and use cases. We like that it comes bundled with a catalog of recipes, which describe the changes to be made, for example for migrating commonly used frameworks across versions. The refactoring engine, bundled recipes and build tool plugins are open-source software, which makes it easier for teams to reach for OpenRewrite just when they need it. It remains to be seen how the maturing space of code intelligence tools, which are all based on parsing the source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), will be impacted by the rapid developments in the space of LLMs.

Where do you want this tool to work? Choosing more than one region will result in a larger number of returns, and will include tools that may not be useful in all of the selected geographies. If a tool must work for a given geography, only that geography should be selected. 2351a5e196

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