Nikki, a shy girl who was small for her age, lived in the east end of Sunderland on an estate called Wear Garth with her three sisters and her mother, Sharon Henderson. Sharon was only 25 years old when Nikki died. The estate was a rundown block of flats, with balconies and a central courtyard where children played while their parents watched over them.

Listening to the aftermath of the verdict was a man called David Boyd. He lived in the flat three doors down from where Nikki Allan went missing. Boyd was living with his girlfriend Caroline Branton \u2013 who had, on a couple of occasions, babysat for Nikki \u2013 and Boyd knew the child. He was tall, clean shaven, and did not wear glasses.

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On the evening of her murder Nikki was with her mother visiting her grandfather\u2019s flat, two floors above theirs. She asked to go back home when the vacuum cleaner was turned on because she was scared of the noise it made. Sharon watched her daughter walk across the veranda and down the stairs, until she disappeared from sight.

They did interview Stephen Grieveson, a serial killer who was in Sunderland at the time of Nikki\u2019s murder and had since been convicted of the murder of four boys, but he wasn't their man. Sharon knew who they should be looking for, and eventually, by moving to the area in Sunderland where Caroline Branton lived, she got the details of the man who had, back in 1992, lived three doors away from Nikki\u2019s grandfather. That man was David Boyd, the 6 foot tall, clean shaven, convicted sex offender who didn't wear glasses. Police had neither scrutinised what turned out to be his false alibi for the time that Nikki was murdered, nor considered relevant the fact that he had previously sexually assaulted and exposed himself to children. In fact, once George Heron had been charged, David Boyd had given a statement to police, saying he\u2019d seen him looking over the veranda on the night that Nikki was murdered.

Man + van? It may be easier to load up at least all the boxed stuff and drive down the road rather than trek one box at a time. My brother moved about 1/2 mile down the road and they hired the biggest van he could drive with an ordinary licence and then loaded up and drive round. I think it was a 7.5 tonne Bedford with a tail lift.

We moved to six doors down on the same road. We packed up as normal. Hired a small van and did lots of shuttle runs with colleagues providing the manpower. We had a brilliant arrangement at the place where dh and I worked whereby as many people as possible would take the day off and muck in to help the person moving. Team building in action.

Hi there, we're moving five doors down in a few weeks! As with you, we are on a terraced street with problem parking so am thinking we will just walk everything down but a trailer is a great idea. I am hoping that lots of neighbours turn out but I think they'll all probably just stand around making helpful comments!! I think our biggest problem will be our super heavy sofa... Can you let us know how you get on?

For that distance a hand trolley/truck would be the best bet. Six doors down a terraced street with limited parking and you could have wheeled the boxes down the street in the time it takes to load a van

We moved 4 doors down the road a couple of years ago. I was heavily pg at the time so kept out of the way but DH did all of the moving himself with help from BIL and FIL. It was snowing at the time with lots of ice/snow on the road so quite dangerous to carry boxes up the road so they did it mostly with a pull along cart on wheels which they stacked with a couple of boxes at a time and pulled it up and down the road. Bigger stuff they carried up the road. They also filled our car with stuff and drove it the few meters distance up the road to the new house to save carrying boxes as much as possible. This also worked with smaller furniture. It took DH a day on his own moving boxes and then DH, BIL and FIL one day to move the bigger bits. They also packed quite alot in that day too (I use the term packed loosely as generally it was things thrown in boxes).

We were moving from a small cottage though so didn't have a huge amount of furniture.

Years ago we moved from a 3 bed rented house to one that was essentially at the end of the garden.

We did it with 4 friends and a couple of hand trucks, and it was a long day! In your case, I'd bring everything possible down to your ground level before moving, and then put all boxes on the other ground floor to unpack from there.

I don't think paying anyone would be a good thing as you'd have liability issues.

We moved from a rented house 4 doors away when we bought our current house. DH initially thought we could do it ourselves but I pointed out that it doesn't matter whether you are moving 100 feet or 100 miles, the effort is in carrying furniture up and downstairs and onto and off the van. The distance you travel in between is immaterial. There was no way I was going to be carrying beds, wardrobes, sofas and white goods along the street, even if it wasn't very far!

So we hired a proper removal firm. They transported some stuff in a small van backwards and forwards but mostly on a large trolley. It still took them pretty much all day. (We have a stupid amount of stuff) No way we could have done it ourselves.

James is now apartner at Two Doors Down with Kelly Blackwell, who opened the store. Two DoorsDown has developed a loyal clientele over the years and is a mainstay ofDowntown Spartanburg, with a front-row seat of the revitalization downtown hasseen over the last several years.

Influenced partly by data from pedestrian traffic countersinstalled by the Downtown Development Partnership, Two Doors Down recentlyexpanded their hours to capitalize on the growth in traffic downtown. The storeis now open from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

When I push my inside of garage button for the door to close, the door attempts to go down, motor light flashes and door goes back up again. I had to keep holding the wall button for the door to actually go down and close.

Both of my sensors were working (green receiver goes out only if beam blocked). I noticed one light bulb blinked when closing door. I decided to remove the bulb and give it a try. Well, the door closes fine now. I don't need the second light so I don't bother to find out if it was the bulb or the connection on the opener that caused the problem on closing.

Brad Arnold stated that the main inspiration for the song was his now ex-wife.[3] He explained the story behind the song: "The song's about being away from someone, or missing them. And it really doesn't matter if you're here without them for all day or all month. It's about the loneliness and missing of somebody. But in a way, people take that as a little bit of a sad song, and I kind of meant it as a happy song, because it's talking about being here without you, but she's still with me in my dreams. And tonight, it's only you and me, so the song was really about that dream. And being in a state of peace, because you've got that person there with you in your sleep. In that way I kind of meant for it to be a little bit of a happy song."[3]

Just did some on my house and you cant cut much more than the 1/2" that you suggested. If you cut anymore than that you will have to do like CAG said and replace the piece of wood that was in there, there is a hole as you know, that has to be in the right location, other than that you can cut them down as much as you need.

The rails on the Masonite doors are getting thinner all the time- only 3/4-1" on the ones I put in my house recently. Also, even if you only take 1/2" off, the pins that sit in the holes will get loose, since there's only a 1/4" for them to rest in. I did that on one of mine, and my daughter slammed the door too hard and ripped the pin right thru the bottom rail (and she's only

The updated answer is that both the top and bottom rails of Masonite bi-fold doors (specifically, I have the 6 panel version from HD) are mdf that are ~1-1/2" deep. You can check yourself by peeking in through the holes for the pivots. I stuck a nail in head first and the nail head catches on the lip of the hole on the inside. Marking the nail with your finger, take the nail out and measure to the bottom of the nail head. Voila.

Food is off the charts good! So cute inside and a really nice vibe. We are only here in Nj for a couple nights but if time allowed we would go back for seconds! I haven't one bad thing to say. They know how to cook!

Those two lines alone have so much emotion and thought into them. This whole song is one of the best on the album, although the whole album is just amazing. I think the lyrics speak for themself as to what the meaning is. Live your life like it's the only one you got.

"You hide behind your wallsOf maybe neversForgetting that there's something moreThan just knowing betterYour mistakes do not define you nowThey tell you who you're notYou've got to live this life you're givenLike it's the only one you've got " Wow this is just so true. I lived with parents constantly afraid of mistakes I may make or the mistakes they have made. But this song to me means yeah we all make mistakes but that's not who u are. And ppl may call you names like "b*" Or "S" and you may not be really. That's not who u are. GREAT song! LOVE THE ALBUM GO BUY IT!!!!

this is my favourite song... and i know a lot of songs! this is the only one that got me thinkin bout life and the future.. im really young so i dont really get the meaning of the song and so i start thinkin bout random stuff during it... but the first time i heard it and actually listened to the lyrics it gave me goosebumps.. no kidding! plus this song has a lot of really good lines... thats another reason its my favourite 0852c4b9a8

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