Hi all -- I am at the verge of submitting my video for Trinity Grade 1 and wanted to start on Grade 2. However, I do not know how the syllabus works. The current book I'm using for Grade 1 is 2021-2023, and the books available for Grade 2 has the same year specified. Assuming I go ahead and buy, and I'm unable to complete it before the end of 2023, would there be a syllabus revamp? If yes, would all the pieces change in the new syllabus, or only some of them? Will I have to buy a new book for if the syllabus changes before I give my Grade 2

The transfer institution determines acceptance of courses for credit. Students should check with the college or university they plan to attend. Most colleges require passing the course with at least a C grade. Typically, more than 80 percent of our enrolled students pass the course, receiving a C or higher grade. Your grade for college credit will appear on your JCCC transcript in June.

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We offer an overlap period in the first year of a new syllabus. During the overlap period, you can follow specific requirements from the preceding syllabus. Overlap periods only apply to the syllabuses and requirements listed on this page. We will add information for other syllabuses during the final year of their validity period.

Processing fluency is known to affect a variety of cognitive assessments, but most research has not examined such effects in the context of a real-life experience. In the first experiment, college students, enrolled in either a statistics or cognitive psychology course, read a course syllabus which varied in the clarity of its font and frequency of its vocabulary. Based on the syllabus, students then forecasted their final course grade and the course's difficulty. Despite methodological similarity to other fluency experiments and adequate statistical power, there were no significant differences in forecasts across fluency conditions. Fluency may be discounted in a task which provides information that affects people's lives. This interpretation was bolstered by a second experiment whose participants were students in a statistics course. These students read the cognitive course's syllabus and forecasted better grades and less difficulty in the cognitive course when the font of the syllabus was more clear than unclear.

In one of my courses, our syllabus outlined the course material and its contribution to our total grade. Daily homework constituted 10% of the grade, with other major group assignments constituting the majority of the rest.

Recently, due to time constraints, one of the major assignments was dropped; this resulted in the homework being worth 20% of our grade, rather than 10%. Unfortunately, this had a negative impact on my grade, given that my homework performance has been worse than on projects and other major assignments.

The change was sudden, and there was no discussion of the change with us (the students). As I understand the concept of the syllabus, it is supposed to be a contract between instructors and students, an agreement made about how the course material is outlined and how students will be assessed. We discussed the syllabus on the first day of class and agreed on the "terms and conditions". Thus this seems a bit unfair, as it is the last week of classes before finals and the change suddenly worsened my grade.

Because of student mobility, Texas has adopted curriculum standards that are to be used in all the state's public schools. The current standards, which outline what students are to learn in each course or grade, are called Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The standards are adopted by the State Board of Education, after extensive input from educators and other stakeholders.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) for any written or spoken graded content is strictly prohibited unless explicitly permitted in writing by the instructor. Students must demonstrate knowledge, understanding, independence, and integrity in their academic work.

If it is proven that you have been academically dishonest, the instructor will impose the appropriate penalty as indicated on the course syllabus, up to a zero grade for the test/assignment. For more severe infractions, the instructor, in consultation with the dean, may assign a failing grade for the course. 

In addition, academic dishonesty violates the PPSC Student Standards of Conduct, and a report will be made to the Dean of Students for possible disciplinary action under the Colorado Community College System Student Disciplinary Procedure (SP 4-30).

Students are responsible for evaluating their course and instructor. Evaluations for all classes are completed online at The evaluation will become available shortly after the midterm point; look for announcements in the campus email and on D2L homepage. Faculty and administrators use the responses to improve classes and programs, and individual instructors use them to improve their teaching. Evaluations are anonymous. Instructors will not see the responses until they have submitted grades, and they will not be able to match responses with individual students.

A change of grade (other than from an Incomplete) is permitted only as a result of faculty/instructor or administrative error in calculating, posting, or recording a grade. A student has one full year from the time in which the grade was issued to submit a written request for a grade reevaluation to the faculty member. Any student who wishes to pursue a change of grade must exhaust the following options in sequence:

Educational Accessibility and Accommodations

Old Dominion University is committed to ensuring equal access to all qualified students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations. The OEA also offers two options for syllabus statements that you can use on your syllabus.

It is recommended that the syllabus include a statement about how student email will be answered. Faculty are only required to respond to student email coming from the official ODU system. It is generally assumed that faculty will answer student email within twenty-four hours of receiving it. You may explain other schedules for answering email on weekends, for example, or when you are away from the university in your email statement. For more on student email please visit: Information Technology Services Student Email Standards.

The Center for Faculty Development highly recommends that the syllabus also include a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement. The CFD also suggests that you include an AI usage statement on your syllabus, but is is not required.

Use digital citizenship lesson plans to address timely topics and prepare students to take ownership of their digital lives. Browse lessons by grade and topic below, or see an overview of the curriculum.

There shall be a reasonable number of graded assessments or progress reports to permit evaluation of student performance throughout the course. These assessments shall be returned to the students in a timely manner.

The Buckley Amendment of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act protects a student from the disclosure of personal and academic information to anyone other than the student, except under special circumstances. Posting student grades with either student names or social security numbers - in whole or in part - is strictly prohibited and exposes the University and the responsible faculty member to civil litigation. Other protected information includes, but is not limited to: special requests, current and past course registrations, enrollment status, financial aid disbursements, billing history and any disciplinary actions. For more information, please refer to the University's Policy on Confidentiality and Disclosure of Student Records. The Office of the Registrar has produced a brief (approximately 10 minutes) tutorial on FERPA. Take the tutorial.

Faculty are required to submit mMid-term grades for undergraduate students enrolled in their first year, enrolled in 100 and 200 level courses, and all student athletes. Mid-term grades are used to inform students of their performance in a course during roughly the first half of the semester; they are used for advising purposes and are not recorded on a student's academic transcript. III-6.00(B) University of Maryland Policy and Procedures Concerning Mid-Term Grades for Undergraduate Students

Incomplete grades may be used in two circumstances. They may be granted to students who are making satisfactory progress but, for circumstances beyond their control, are unable to complete a small portion of the course work. In addition, for graduate courses 799 and 899, incompletes must be assigned until the student has completed the thesis/dissertation. Excluding 799 and 899, the Incomplete Contract must be completed, signed and submitted. Procedures and regulations for incomplete grades can be found in the undergraduate and graduate catalogue.

The University's marking system defines the standards for letter grades. Attendance should not be used in the computation of grades; instructors can, however, grade students on class participation. Assignment of a course grade on some basis other than performance in the course is prohibited by University policy. Students have the option to grieve a final course grade if they have evidence that the final course grade was assigned on some basis other than performance, or that the grade was assigned according to standards different from those applied to other students in the course, or that the grade was assigned in a manner that was a substantial, unreasonable, or unannounced departure from the instructor's previously articulated standards.

Faculty are required to include in the course syllabus the basis for determining final grades, including if plus/minus grading will be used and the relationship between in-class participation and the final course grade. 2351a5e196

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