Quantum Materials Theory

Group Leader: Alejandro Molina-Sánchez

Institute of Materials Science at the University of Valencia

Our research is at the interface of materials science and theoretical condensed-matter physics. We focus on ab initio methods applied to the study of optics, magnetism and electronics in 2D materials. The physics of excitons, phonons, magnons in 2D materials are at the center of our research


Time-dependent screening explains the ultrafast excitonic signals rise in 2D semiconductors, ACS Nano 15, 1179 (2021)

Out-of-plane trion emission in monolayer WSe2 revealed by whispering gallery modes of dielectric microresonators, Communications Materials 2 (2021)

This heterobilayer systems combines antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic orders. Interlayer exchange should lead both to exchange bias and to the emergence of hybrid collective modes that combine FM and AF magnons.

Funded by the Ministry of Science of the Kingdom of Spain and by the Generalitat Valenciana

Proyecto PID2020-112507-GB-I00 financiado por