The number 24 is very important in number theory (independent on which base (or radix) is used, many serious mathematicians dislike base-dependent things), because: (see and and for some examples)

Also, since 24 is 4! (the factorial of 4), and 24+1 is 5^2 (the square of 5), note that 24 = 4! is 1*2*3*4, the product of 4 consecutive numbers, and 4 is the only number n such that the product of n consecutive numbers + 1 is always a square, and many properties in mathematics are true for numbers <= 4 but false for numbers >=5, thus 24 is the product of the numbers such that these properties are true:

Also, outside number theory, the number 24 is also very important in other mathematics subjects, because:

Also, outside mathematics, the number 24 is also very important, because: