The landmark anime Evangelion evolves, reaching new heights of intensity in the feature film: Evangelion 2.22. In this explosive new story, brutal action and primal emotion clash as a group of young pilots maneuver their towering cyborg Eva Units into combat against a deadly and disturbing enemy.

With 'Evangelion: 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone,' fans got to revisit the show, with a redub, some very much improved visuals, a more taut construction compared to the episodic series, and a few new twists and surprises, some of which were large, though we didn't quite get to see the changes in action, so much as they were teased. The revamp was quite successful, as it did feel like a coherent film, even if fans lost some of the fun eccentricities and nuances of the characters. The bar was set fairly high for 'Evangelion: 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance.'

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The second installment into the four part 'Evangelion' film revision series is a fan's dream come true: all of the best elements were left intact (for the most part, at least), while new content stole the show quite often. While there were many recycled bits in '1.11,' '2.22' is almost completely new, so jam-packed with new scenes, characters, and animation that the show becomes a good way.

With '2.22,' the larger themes of the Human Instrumentality Project, perhaps the key to the entire anime series, are first mentioned, while some of the more famous bits of imagery (characters, weapons) from the series make their debuts. The entire world is growing more and more troubled as the Angels grow more successful in their attempts to end human existence. At the same time, ironically, the Evangelion pilots and their units slowly lose their humanity, lost in the power at their disposal. The true power of the units are first teased, a surefire fan pleaser, considering the way the changes to the show have been implemented.

'You (Can) Not Advance' isn't just a revision for sake of showing off new technology. This is a mixture of art and true beauty into a world of chaos, as the brutal mindfuck that is 'Evangelion' is made a bit more accessible to newcomers. Fans will get more out of the movies, to be sure, as many items and references aren't fleshed out, just referenced in passing, and a few events that are mentioned involve entire episodes of the previous incarnation of the series. But there's no denying the beautiful artistic merits found in the imagery and storytelling for this second film. A brilliant, riveting reimagining, '2.22' may be one of the best "sequels" I've had the pleasure of watching. A completely different, faster, stronger, and smarter adaptation of a wonderful series, the brutal and unforgiving second chapter will bring fans to their knees begging to see more.

FUNimation's release of 'Evangelion 2.22' comes on a BD50 disc coded for Region A and B playback. There is one pre-menu trailer (for 'Eden of the East: The King of Eden'), which is only skippable through the top menu button. The packaging is similar to the Hong Kong import, but inferior, and beyond fragile. The slipcover has a gatefold, which is nice, but the material seems to be a cheap reproduction of that found on the import release, and most copies you'll find in stores will have a ton of white flaking away at the orange layer.

This release is very different in its presentation qualities to the import released almost a full year before America finally got its official copy. Viewers will have to make some tough decisions, in terms of what matters to them more...unless they don't have a high def audio system. It's a shame we can't just have it both ways in one release.

FUNimation's release of 'Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance' is a step up from the Hong Kong release, with the few technical errors being minimized, if not entirely removed. The 1.78:1 framed 1080p AVC MPEG-4 encode shines beautifully, retaining all the positives of that release. Since the majority of the positives remain the same, here's the good, sampled from the review of the import:

And now, the differences. Banding was an issue with the import disc, as the four audio tracks on a BD25 disc created some compression, whereas this BD50 with only two tracks gives us plenty more room to see the film breathe and be natural. From the opening scenes with Mari, banding proves to be much less prevalent, often times non-existent where it was a slight nuisance before. Skies? Not a single band in sight, whereas before they had a small amount of the effect. Artifacting is gone completely, as well. The lack of a perfect score for this release's video qualities is due to the fact that, while reduced significantly, the banding issue is still present, particularly in moments where skin tones are darker, due to shadows.

The audio? A gem, to be sure, but a tiny step backwards. This release of 'Evangelion 2.22' defaults to the FUNimation authored English dub track, though the traditional and authentic Japanese track is also available, both in blockbuster Dolby TrueHD 6.1 mixes. Personally, I am not a fan of the new English dub, especially with the recasting of Rei being so dramatically different, so this review will focus on the Japanese track.

The Hong Kong release had dual 6.1 mixes, too, but they were both Japanese, with dueling DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD versions. While I was absolutely blown away by the clarity of the DTS track, and preferred it, we're given a lossless mix here that is on par with the Dolby track from before. The problem is, powerful as it may be, it just isn't as jaw dropping or sharp. Bass levels are significantly reduced, while the range of the release doesn't hit the same blistering, ear shattering highs as before. All of the channels are still utilized constantly and brilliantly, with superb editing effects making the disc fill the room completely, with superb prioritization making not a single element get drowned out, not even when the soundtrack goes soft to contrast the extreme blood and guts and screams and moans in the more dramatic moments.

I absolutely love this second film in the rebuild of 'Evangelion' film series. It's a drastic departure from the original television series at almost every turn, yet it maintains that magic that made the show so jaw-droppingly awesome. Even in my fourth and fifth viewings of the film, now, it still holds up and gets me every damn time. This FUNimation Blu-ray release features better video, but not as good audio, when compared to the Hong Kong import. It also features the English dub, as well as a pile of extras not present anywhere else. Tough choice, fans, what do you want? Excellent video, or excellent audio? You can't have it both ways on this one, but either way, you have to have it!

Both the annual academic plan and each individual program proposal submitted after approval of the plan will undergo rigorous review by Regents staff and will be circulated to Chief Academic Officers statewide for review and comment.

Distance Education is the formal education process in which the majority of the instruction occurs when student and instructor are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. Distance Education technology is generally synonymous with mediated instruction (such as compressed video, videotape, CD-ROM, Internet, audio, audiographics, satellite, microwave, or ITFS). This policy does not regulate computer and electronically augmented traditional campus instruction or print media.

Regents approval is required to electronically extend existing campus-based academic programs if 1) courses are offered in such a manner or at a location that an individual student can take 50 percent or more of the courses for the degree, or 2) the program is advertised as available in distance education technologies.

Accordingly, the Regents shall annually issue Guidelines for Teacher Preparation Programs that mandate/recommend specific actions at state colleges and universities designed to assure that teacher preparation remains at the forefront of institutional concerns. Since teacher preparation is the responsibility of the entire college/university, not just the education program unit, these Guidelines shall consider issues which pertain to the college/university at large. As such, the degree to which individual colleges and universities respond appropriately to these Guidelines shall become a relevant factor in decisions of the Regents to maintain existing programs and/or approve proposed new programs in teacher preparation and closely related discipline areas.

Student Mix. Courses offered via dual enrollment may be comprised of all secondary students or a mix of both secondary and postsecondary students. Both the secondary and postsecondary institutions shall jointly agree upon the appropriate student mix.

Faculty. The faculty assigned to teach the dual enrollment course may be an employee either of the secondary or postsecondary institution. Both the secondary and postsecondary institutions shall jointly agree upon faculty appointment. Postsecondary institutions shall ensure that secondary faculty possess necessary qualifications and meet appropriate regional and program accreditation requirements for instruction. It is assumed that secondary institutions shall also ensure that postsecondary faculty possess necessary qualifications and meet appropriate accreditation requirements for instruction.

State Oversight. Postsecondary institutions shall annually report to the Board of Regents dual enrollment courses offered, where offered, the numbers of students enrolled in each, and the course credit awarded in each. It is assumed that similar requirements shall be set by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for secondary institutions.

Student Mix. Courses offered via dual enrollment may be comprised of all secondary students or a mix of both secondary and postsecondary students. The postsecondary institution shall make this decision.

Faculty. The faculty assigned to teach the dual enrollment course may be an employee either of the secondary or postsecondary institution. The postsecondary institution shall decide upon faculty appointment. Postsecondary institutions shall ensure that faculty possess necessary qualifications and meet appropriate regional and program accreditation requirements for instruction. 2351a5e196

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