2024 Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Colloid and Interface Society &
International Symposium on Nanomaterials and Colloidal Science
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Colloid and Interface Society (2024 TWCIS) will focus on core topics such as 'Interfacial Science, Colloidal Dispersion, Nanotechnology, Devices and Applications, Biomaterials and Drug Delivery, Biointerfaces and Molecular Assemblies, Thin Film Applications and Surface Phenomena, and Environment, Carbon Reduction and Energy Applications.' The conference aims to provide a platform for students to engage in academic exchange, presentations, and competitions. The event will feature distinguished experts from industry and academia in the fields of chemical engineering, nanotechnology, colloids, and interfacial science, who will deliver inspiring talks. Through the rich research content and experience shared by the speakers, the conference will bring diverse perspectives and inspiration, promoting multi-faceted development in education, industry, and research.
2024/07/01 學生海報/口頭報告競賽得獎名單已公佈!! Student Award Announced
2024/07/01 獲獎獎勵金若當日無領取者,放寬期限7/3(三) 17:00前自行至成大化工系93C20室簽領!! Prize money can be collected by July 3 (Wednesday) before 5:00 PM at Room 93C20, Department of Chemical Engineering, NCKU.
重要日期 / Important Date
論文摘要投稿截止日期/ Abstract Deadline:2024年05月31日 2024年6月7日 中午12:00PM
會議註冊截止日期 / Online Registration Deadling:2024年06月14日
公布競賽次序日期 / Presentation Agenda Announcement:2024年06月21日前公告
會議日期 / Conference Date:2024年06月28-29日
主辦單位 / Organizer
中華民國界面科學學會 / The Taiwanese Colloid and Interface Society
承辦單位 / Host
國立成功大學化學工程學系 / Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
協辦單位 / Co-Host
國立成功大學高教深耕計畫 / Higher Education SPROUT Project, NCKU
工程科技推展中心 / The Engineering and Technology Promotion Center
國立成功大學防火安全研究中心 / Fire Protection and Safety Research Center, NCKU