Aloha and welcome...  

Soul here.  With gratitude and excitement I present a unique  series to reduce chaos and increase clarity.

Details . . . 

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Instant access to 13 newsletters, recorded panel discussions, transcript files and more.

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From chaos to clarity.

Each newsletter we'll  explore concrete, doable steps to tame chaos; gain and maintain clarity.

Folks who know me KNOW I'm all about hosting hearty Socratic discussions.  I LOVE to rapidly deep-dive into whatever topic we decide on.  How?  Entertain insightful questions to explore (versus analyze), learn, laugh and grow.

Backstory ...

I'm known to mix my masters in social work, with my training as a monk and shaman into thought-provoking:

With hundreds of hours of professionally edited audios (keep it clear and concise - right?) freely available to download any time - you're welcome to sample how I teach, consult as well learn.

Mahalo nui loa