30 November 2023

First Scottish Cryo-EM Symposium

University of Dundee


A one day symposium for the Scottish cryo-EM community




The goal of this event is to bring together the cryo-EM community in Scotland.



The Speakers

Prof. Tom Owen-Hughes

University of Dundee

Prof. David Bhella

MRC-CVR University of Glasgow

Prof. Alessio Ciulli

CeTPD University of Dundee

Prof. Laura Spagnolo

University of Glasgow

Prof. Uli Schwarz-Linek

University of St. Andrews

Prof. Yogesh Kulathu

PPU - University of Dundee

Éilís McClay

University of Glasgow

Iona Wallace

PPU - University of Dundee

Éilís McClay

University of Glasgow

Mads Gabrielsen

University of Glasgow

Atieh Aminian

Thermo Fisher

Perla Vega Dominguez


Hannah Wapenaar

University of Edinburgh

Prof. JP Arulanandam

University of Edinburgh


School of Life Sciences - University of Dundee DD1 5EH

School of Life Sciences

1 Dow Street, DD1 5EH

We will be in the MSI Small Lecture Theatre



Let us know if you'll be attending!
