2018 Hong Kong Children English Presentation Competition


Brought to you by Monkey Tree 2018

Winners List

2018 香港兒童英語演講大賽得獎名單出爐啦!

恭喜以下優勝者!大會送出獎盃以及冠軍獎品GPS WATCH 乙隻(由Lite Guardian贊助)

K1 1st prize Adela Man2nd prize Mavis Yeung3rd prize Chung Janice
K2 1st prize Huang Ian2nd prize Leung Jacob3rd prize Lai Kacey
K3 1st prize Tse Stephanie2nd prize Ryan Leung3rd prize Fu Ming Yee
PJ 1st prize Alison Wong Sum Yau2nd prize Feng Ashelee3rd prize Tse Elaine
PS 1st prize Leo Lee Ngo2nd prize Hau Hugo3rd prize Aston Siu

More photos at 更多精彩照片:


Competition Recap 比賽精華重溫

About the Competition


This competition aims to encourage young children to present their public speaking skills. The open-for-public platform will directly build up a speaker’s confidence, imagination, and speech ability.

是次比賽目標為推廣兒童英語演講, 為香港幼稚園生及小學生提供一個舞台, 練習公開會話及發揮演講天份, 有助孩子建立自信心, 提昇創意及說話能力。

Competition Video 比賽影片

FREE GIFTS For all applicants


      • Limited stock. Enroll now! 數量有限,送完即止。



      • Individual applicants 個人賽
      • Open to the Hong Kong public 全港公開報名
      • School Year 學年 from K1 - P6

Topic of Presentation


My Dream Occupation 我的夢想職業

A presentation of children on his/her own about his/her dream occupation. You may use any approach in describing your dream job, e.g. How will you dress like? How will you help people? What will do you in your daily work? Any other interesting sharing?

請分享以上題目, 演講內容例子: 你長大後的夢想職業是什麼? 你每天工作範圍包括什麼? 你每天會幫助人嗎? 他們是誰? 你會怎樣服務社會大眾? 你的衣著和打扮是怎樣的呢? 或其他有趣分享。

Prizes, Awards and Certificates


  • All qualified contestants will receive a Presenter Certificate after 31st Oct, all contestants enter the FINAL round will get a distinction certificate. 所有合資格參賽者均可獲頒發演講家証書, 決賽入圍參賽者可獲頒發演講家優異証書。
  • Contestants from Monkey Tree centers will receive a written feedback from Monkey Tree English Teachers. Monkey Tree學生將會收到一份老師簡評。
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will be selected by adjudicators from each group during FINAL round. Trophies and certificates will be given to top three prizes. 決賽時將由評判選出每組首三名優勝者。每組首三名優勝者將會獲得獎杯及証書。
  • 每組比賽組別之冠軍將贏取Lite Guardian GPS Watch 兒童定位手錶乙隻。(由Lite Guardian贊助)

Application Procedure


1. Parents help to upload contestants’ own presentation to YouTube, and get the video code link. 家長上傳參賽者演講影片到 YouTube, 取得連結碼。

2. Submit online application form in following link. 填妥下列網上報名表。

3. Submit application fee to ANY of our 56 Monkey Tree centers. 遞交報名費(現金或支票) 至全港任何一間Monkey Tree分校。


How to upload video on YouTube?

Video Upload Tutorial