The 2000 rupee note was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India on 8 November 2016. The introduction of this denomination of the Indian rupee was part of the government's demonetization exercise aimed at curbing corruption, black money and counterfeit currency. On the same day, the Indian government announced the demonetization of the existing 500 rupee and 1000 rupee notes. The intention behind demonetization was to invalidate the old notes to disrupt illegal activities and promote a shift towards digital transactions.

Initially, the circulation of the 2000 rupee note was limited due to the demonetization exercise and the subsequent re-calibration of ATMs and cash distribution systems. However, as the process unfolded, the note became more widely available for circulation.

2000 Note Image Download Pdf


In addition, banks were instructed not to issue 2,000-rupee notes and to increase their staff and counters to handle the expected surge in transactions. The government clarified that this measure is not a "demonetisation" effort. However, the announcement caused some concern among the public, with comparisons being made to the previous demonetisation initiative. While certain BJP lawmakers praised the move as a "second surgical strike on black money," opposition leaders argue that the decision to withdraw notes in 2016 was flawed and that this recent action is an acknowledgment of that mistake. Following the government's announcement, there were reports of individuals using 2,000-rupee notes to make payments at petrol stations and shops in an attempt to dispose of them.[15][16]

On 1 September 2023, Reserve Bank of India informed that 93% of Rs 2,000 notes, worth Rs 3.32 lakh crore have been returned to the banking system, and therefore Rs 2,000 notes in circulation stood at Rs 0.24 lakh crore, at the close of business on 31 August 2023.[17][18][19]

On 30 September 2023, Reserve Bank of India informed that 96% of Rs 2,000 notes, worth Rs 3.42 lakh crore have been returned to the banking system, and therefore Rs 2,000 notes in circulation stood at Rs 0.14 lakh crore.[20][21] Reserve Bank of India extended the deposit/exchange deadline to 7 October 2023, and thereafter can be exchanged by individuals at the 19 RBI Issue Offices only.

On 1 November 2023, Reserve Bank of India informed that 97% of Rs 2,000 notes have been returned to the banking system, however Rs 2,000 notes worth Rs 10,000 crore are still in circulation with public, at the close of business on 31 October 2023.[22][23][24][25]

On 1 December 2023, Reserve Bank of India informed that 97.26% of Rs 2,000 notes have been returned to the banking system, however Rs 2,000 notes worth Rs 9,760 crore are still in circulation with public, at the close of business on 30 November 2023.[26][27] RBI said that 2,000 bank notes continue to be legal tender.[28]

On 1 March 2024, Reserve Bank of India informed that 97.62% of Rs 2,000 notes have been returned to the banking system, however Rs 2,000 notes worth Rs 8,470 crore are still in circulation with public, at the close of business on 29 February 2024.[29][30] RBI said that 2,000 bank notes continue to be legal tender.[31]

On 1 April 2024, Reserve Bank of India informed that 97.69% of Rs 2,000 notes have been returned to the banking system, however Rs 2,000 notes worth Rs 8,202 crore are still in circulation with public, at the close of business on 29 March 2024.[32][33]

This document describes techniques for authoring accessible Hypertext MarkupLanguage (HTML) content(refer to HTML 4.01 [HTML4]). This document is intended to help authors of Web contentwho wish to claim conformance to "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"([WCAG10]). While the techniques inthis document should help people author HTML that conforms to "Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines 1.0", these techniques are neither guarantees ofconformance nor the only way an author might produce conforming content.

This document is part of a series of documents about techniques forauthoring accessible Web content. For information about the other documents inthe series, please refer to "Techniques for Web Content AccessibilityGuidelines 1.0" [WCAG10-TECHS].

Note: This document contains a number of examples thatillustrate accessible solutions in CSS but also deprecated examples thatillustrate what content developers should not do. The deprecated examples arehighlighted and readers should approach them with caution -- they are meant forillustrative purposes only.

The 6 November 2000 version of this document is a Note in a series of Notesproduced and endorsed by the Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG). This Note has not beenreviewed or endorsed by W3C Members. The series of documents supersedes thesingle document 5 May 1999 W3CNote Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. The topicsfrom the earlier document have been separated into technology-specificdocuments that may evolve independently. Smaller technology-specific documentsallow authors to focus on a particular technology.

While the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" Recommendation [WCAG10] is astable document, this series of companion documents is expected to evolve astechnologies change and content developers discover more effective techniquesfor designing accessible Web content.

The history of changes to the series of documents as well as the list of open and closedissues are available. Readers are encouraged to comment on the document andpropose resolutions to current issues. Please send detailed comments on thisdocument to the Working Group at; public archives areavailable.

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide WebConsortium (W3C) makes available a variety of resources onWeb accessibility. WAI Accessibility Guidelines are produced as part of the WAI Technical Activity. Thegoals of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group are describedin thecharter.

Content developers should use structural markup and use it according tospecification. Structural elements and attribute (refer to the index of HTML elements and attributes to identify them)promote consistency in documents and supply information to other tools (e.g.,indexing tools, search engines, programs that extract tables to databases,navigation tools that use heading elements, and automatic translation softwarethat translates text from one language into another.

Some structural elements provide information about the document itself. Thisis called "metadata" about the document -- metadata is information about data.Well-crafted metadata can provide important orientation information to users.HTML elements that provide useful information about a document include:

Note that the (mandatory) TITLE element, which only appears once in adocument, is different from the "title" attribute,which applies to almost every HTML 4.01 element. Content developers should usethe "title" attribute in accordance with the HTML 4.01 specification. Forexample, "title" should be used with links to provide information about thetarget of the link.

This element can specify metadata for a document including keywords, andinformation about the author. Please refer to the section on automatic pagerefresh for information on why META should not be used toredirect or auto-refresh pages.

The following are deprecated HTML examples. The firstchanges the user's page at page at regular intervals. Content developers shouldnot use this technique to simulate "push" technology.Developers cannot predict how much time a user will require to read a page;premature refresh can disorient users. Content developers should avoid periodicrefresh and allow users to choose when they want the latest information.

The following HTML example (using the META element) forwards the user fromone page to another after a timeout. However, users should notredirect users with this markup since is non-standard, it disorients users, andit can disrupt a browser's history of visited pages.

Validating to a published formal grammar and declaring that validation atthe beginning of a document lets the user know that the structure of thedocument is sound. It also lets the user agent know where to look for semanticsif it needs to. The W3C ValidationService validates documents against a whole list of publishedgrammars.

Content developers should use the LINK element andlink types (refer to [HTML4], section 6.12) to describedocument navigation mechanisms and organization. Some user agents maysynthesize navigation tools or allow ordered printing of a set of documentsbased on such markup.

The LINK element may also be used to designate alternative documents.Browsers should load the alternative page automatically based on the user'sbrowser type and preferences. For example, use the LINK element as follows:

All of these grouping mechanisms should be used when appropriate andnatural, i.e., when the information lends itself to logical groups. Contentdevelopers should not create groups randomly, as this will confuse all users.

Long documents are often divided into a variety of chapters, chapters havesubtopics and subtopics are divided into various sections, sections intoparagraphs, etc. These semantic chunks of information make up the structure ofthe document.

Sections should be introduced with the HTML heading elements (H1-H6). Other markup may complement these elements toimprove presentation (e.g., the HR element to create ahorizontal dividing line), but visual presentation is not sufficient toidentify document sections.

Since some users skim through a document by navigating its headings, it isimportant to use them appropriately to convey document structure. Users shouldorder heading elements properly. For example, in HTML, H2 elements shouldfollow H1 elements, H3 elements should follow H2 elements, etc. Contentdevelopers should not "skip" levels (e.g., H1 directly to H3). Do not useheadings to create font effects; use style sheets tochange font styles for example. 152ee80cbc

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