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First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride a bike. I do not ride the bus. I like to go to school. It rains. I do not like rain. I eat lunch. I eat a sandwich and an apple. I play outside. I like to play. I read a book. I like to read books. I walk home. I do not like walking home. My mother cooks soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Then, I go to bed. I do not like to go to bed.

2 Sinif Ingilis Dili Testleri

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Every year we go to Florida. We like to go to the beach. My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach. It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees. It is very beautiful. I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by. Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water! Every morning we look for shells in the sand. I found fifteen big shells last year. I put them in a special place in my room. This year I want to learn to surf. It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer. She says that she can teach me. I hope I can do it!

Smith have one son and one daughter. The son's name is John. The daughter's name is Sarah. The Smiths live in a house. They have a living room. They watch TV in the living room. The father cooks food in the kitchen. They eat in the dining room. The house has two bedrooms. They sleep in the bedrooms. They keep their clothes in the closet. There is one bathroom. They brush their teeth in the bathroom. The house has a garden. John and Sarah play in the garden. They have a dog. John and Sarah like to play with the dog.

I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one sister, and I was born last. My father teaches mathematics, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are very smart and work hard in school. My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. My grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when I was two years old. She has grown old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the best food!

My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers and I like to go on long walks in the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my grandmother. On the weekends we all play board games together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my family very much.

I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He is 14 and lives with my parents. They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me sweets and candy when they come. I really miss them, too!

Jack was hungry. He walked to the kitchen. He got out some eggs. He took out some oil. He placed a skillet on the stove. Next, he turned on the heat. He poured the oil into the skillet. He cracked the eggs into a bowl. He stirred the eggs. Then, he poured them into the hot skillet. He waited while the eggs cooked. They cooked for two minutes. He heard them cooking. They popped in the oil.

Next, Jack put the eggs on a plate. He placed the plate on the dining room table. Jack loved looking at his eggs. They looked pretty on the white plate. He sat down in the large wooden chair. He thought about the day ahead. He ate the eggs with a spoon. They were good.

Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has many subjects to go to each school day: English, art, science, mathematics, gym, and history. His mother packs a big backpack full of books and lunch for Lucas. His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very much. His English teacher says that he is a good pupil, which Lucas knows means that she thinks he is a good student. His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons and pencils and sometimes uses a ruler.

Lucas likes art. It is his favorite class. His third class is science. This class is very hard for Lucas to figure out, but he gets to work with his classmates a lot, which he likes to do. His friend, Kyle, works with Lucas in science class, and they have fun. Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle while he eats. The principal, or the headmaster as some call him, likes to walk around and talk to students during lunch to check that they are all behaving.

The next class is mathematics, which most of the students just call math. Kyle has trouble getting a good grade in mathematics, but the teacher is very nice and helpful. His fourth class is gym. It is just exercising. History is his last class of the day Lucas has a hard time staying awake. Many lessons are boring, and he is very tired after doing gym.

First, he sees dogs and cats. Baby dogs are called puppies. Baby cats are called kittens. George likes them because they are easy to take care of and can play a lot, but they will get bigger. George wants a small pet.

Then George sees animals that have to live in a cage. He sees rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice. Mice are what you call more than one mouse. He likes these animals because they are small. Birds live in cages too.

Montie's mother was coming to dinner, so he decided to get out the beautiful dishes she gave him. He looked forward to impressing his mother. He remembered how great he felt when she gave him the dishes. First, he got out his best silverware, cups and plates.

He carefully placed the plates on the table. Then, he laid a cloth napkin next to each plate. On the left side of the plate, he placed a knife making sure that its blade was facing toward the plate. On the right side, Montie placed the fork and spoon. After filling the glasses with ice, he put water in each glass. He placed white flowers in a vase in the middle of the table. They had a beautiful aroma.

Most individuals don't think about numbers, or numerical representations of quantity, but they play a major part in everyday life. To be sure, numbers determine the time individuals will wake up in the morning, how much money employees earn per hour, what day of the year it is, and much, much more.

Additionally, numbers impact everyday living on a much smaller scale. In the grocery store, for instance, numbers determine products' prices, the amount of a product available for purchase, how much money will need to be paid for products, and a whole lot else.

To understand larger (and more intimidating numbers), interested persons first need to understand basic numbers, or numbers from one to ten, as they comprise each and every advanced number, or a multi-digit number that indicates a larger amount/quantity. 152ee80cbc

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