
eTwinning έργο "e-waste around us" 2018-2019

Etwinning Day 2019 - Our eTwinning galaxy

Ο δικός μας γαλαξίας βασισμένος στους 17 στόχους βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης (SDG) για τη μετατροπή του κόσμου μας

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequality
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life on Land
  16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal