The 1953 Mayoral election pitted Republican Walter Lenz against Democrat Earl Zimmerman.  Zimmerman would win this race garnering 60% of the vote, and would become Washington's final Mayor representing the Democratic Party.

Mel Moehle opened his general practice law office at 139 ½ Commercial Square. 

William "Ray" Abernathy of Cuba was employed as principal of WCHS. 

As fall moved into December, the Junior Chamber of Commerce mounted a new 48-inch stainless steel star atop the square band stand. On Dec. 18 the square’s Christmas décor was completed with CILCO putting up “Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeers” on the light poles.

The fire department moved into their new station at 101 West Jefferson Street.

The American Legion brought famous wrestlers in for a fundraiser, held in the high school gymnasium.