「十八有藝」元朗區社區演藝計劃 2023-24

18dART Yuen Long District Community Arts Scheme 2023-24
'Holistic Performing Arts Training 2.0 - Unleash Internal Strength to
Pave the Path in Performing Arts' Theatre Project

門票登記須知 Notice to Applicants 

1. 此表格用作登記預留本節目門票。門票數量有限,每人限取 2 張。先到先得,額滿即止。每個電郵地址只限登記一次。This form serves for the registration of admission ticket of the captioned programme. Free tickets are distributed on first-come-first-served basis, with a maximum of 2 tickets for each patron. Single registration for each eligible email account.

2. 成功登記人士將會收到確認電郵。如有疑問,請於辦公時間內致電2591 1340 或電郵 cpo_enquiry@lcsd.gov.hk 查詢。 Confirmation email will be issued upon successful registration. For enquiries, please call 2591 1340 during office hours or email to cpo_enquiry@lcsd.gov.hk  

參與機構 Participating Organizations 

主辦 Presented by:

康樂及文化事務署  Leisure and Cultural Services Department

演出 Produced by:

Arts' Options

支持機構 Supported by:

香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

洪水橋青年空間 Hung Shui Kiu Youth S.P.O.T.